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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Nampa, Idaho

    Smile Vermiculite insulation

    I have always mentioned the presence of vermiculite insulation and that it may contain asbestos. I am wondering how many of you just list it as a type of material and don't mention the possible asbestos concern. Here is what I usually put in my reports.

    What appears to be vermiculite insulation was found in the attic, this type of insulation is common in older homes. This material may contain asbestos, which is a known carcinogen. However even if this material does contain asbestos, it may not pose a health hazard since it's not in a living space. The client(s) may wish to have this material tested for asbestos by a qualified lab, and should definitely do so if they plan to remove it or disturb it through remodeling.

    Is there a kinder way of describing this?

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  2. #2

    Smile Re: Vermiculite insulation


    I typically will refer my client to the EPA for authoritative information to let them determine the significance of it. This is something that I may say in my report.

    Refer to the following web site for information regarding Vermiculite insulation found in the attic floor:

    This type of insulation has been known to contain asbestos. Based on information contained in the web site, further investigation and remedial actions may be warranted.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Tampa, Fl

    Default Re: Vermiculite insulation

    Yeah, I try not to give the illusion that I can tell the whole story of asbestos in my little report. I always direct them to EPA. I generally try to direct to a source for more information on high liability/complex issues/items.


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