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Thread: Just registered

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Just registered

    Hello everyone. I just now registered with this forum. My name is John and I'm looking forward to participating in the discussions. I hope you all have been hanging in there with this supressed market. I sure hope it comes back sooner than later.

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    Last edited by John Dirks Jr; 06-28-2008 at 02:04 PM.
    Crawl Space Creeper

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Memphis TN.

    Default Re: Just registered

    Hi John,

    We can use a man like you.

    Jump in when you can.

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  3. #3
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: Just registered

    I hope they come of the price boom in Maryland for your sake and all inspectors. I once lived in the Boston Mass area, I just do not understand where the service folks live up there anymore. My daughter bought a 1500 square foot home that was 70 years old for 450. Sold it a year later for 485.

    Like I said where do the simpler folk live in those kind of prices.

    I think the slow down is shorter lived. Gas will drop some and things will pick up. The oil companies will not let the world market crash with what they are doing. I think we should line them all up and hook them up to a faulty electric cord on a faulty GFCI

    Just me



  4. #4
    Brandon Chew's Avatar
    Brandon Chew Guest

    Default Re: Just registered

    Welcome, AHI.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Just registered

    AHI, Dirks.... who is this guy..... just kiddin..... welcome aboard to another great site.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Just registered

    John -

    Typo on your website you might want to fix:

    "Since you are reading this, I suppose you need hire a home inspector."

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Just registered

    Hello Brandon and Brandon. It's a small world huh? I'm branching out, yeah..that's the ticket.

    John, where is the typo? My foggy brain can't find it.

  8. #8
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    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: Just registered

    Hi John and Welcome.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Just registered

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Patterson View Post
    Hi John and Welcome.

    Hey, I recognize your mug too.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Just registered

    Quote Originally Posted by John Dirks Jr View Post
    ...John, where is the typo? My foggy brain can't find it.
    "Since you are reading this, I suppose you need to hire a home inspector."

    I added the word "to" above.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Healdsburg, CA

    Cool Re: Just registered

    Welcome John
    I read your sample inspection report and respectfully advise you to get some professional help on report writing. I saw enough glitches in it to cause you more than a few potential legal problems. Please accept my opinion in the light it is given, that is with well meaning and an attempt to be helpful.

    Jerry McCarthy
    Building Code/ Construction Consultant

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Just registered

    Quote Originally Posted by John Arnold View Post
    "Since you are reading this, I suppose you need to hire a home inspector."

    I added the word "to" above.
    I fixed it. Thanks a bunch for catching that for me.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Just registered

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry McCarthy View Post
    Welcome John
    I read your sample inspection report and respectfully advise you to get some professional help on report writing. I saw enough glitches in it to cause you more than a few potential legal problems. Please accept my opinion in the light it is given, that is with well meaning and an attempt to be helpful.

    Jerry, I accept you opinion as well meaning. Thanks.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Just registered

    BTW Jerry, I respectfully disagree with you about the quality of my sample report. I have put it to the scrutiny of some well seasoned inspectors in another forum. Some of them also work as expert witnesses in cases involving home inspection issues. They never said it was perfect but they surely didn't react like you have. Maybe it's a matter of my style not appealing to you? I don't know.

    It's tricky figuring out who to trust sometimes. Also, many people in the housing industry including builders, real estate agents and even home inspectors have no clue what a home inspectors job actually is and where their responsibilities lie.

    I have been using this reporting style for 8 months. I have had a few realtors not happy with my reports but that is expected since I put the buyers interests first. I have never had a complaint from a buyer. Only one time so far have I had a client call back and ask for further explanation.

    I stand by this style in general and the sample report in specific.

    Last edited by John Dirks Jr; 06-28-2008 at 04:30 PM. Reason: spelling

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Fletcher, NC

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry McCarthy View Post
    I read your sample inspection report and respectfully advise you to get some professional help on report writing. I saw enough glitches in it to cause you more than a few potential legal problems.

    I skimmed through your sample report, only getting to page 10 of 17 before stopping, and I agree with Jerry Mc. (known as West Coast Jerry to us here).

    In the same spirit as WC Jerry, I recommend you do some re-wording on your report, to help keep you as far from those potential legal problems as possible.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  16. #16
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: Just registered

    I do not post sample reports. No, I don't care about it being scrutinized by other home inspectors. A sample report has absolutely nothing to do with the next home I inspect.

    Every home and every inspection and every finding is different than the last home I inspected. I write out every finding to what it pertains to on that inspection.

    The only thing that is going to be the same is disclaimers. I use almost no disclaimers at all.

    If someone can't figure out that I cannot see thru walls, or a shingle is going to blow off, or a drain is going to back up someday or the HVAC system might stop working the moment I leave the home then I do not want to inspect their home.

    I look every home buyer in the eye and tell them exactly that. "When I leave this inspection that water heater could stop working and may just do that but as you can see it is just ducky right now. You do understand that, right"

    I posted what the new TREC front page is going to look like and what it includes. Almost to the T of what the front page says is what I have been adding to my report for ever. "We are generalist". "We are here to "reduce" your risk of home buying". "Another inspector may find or write the report differently" "We address safety concerns but it is impossible to find and note all safety hazards (asbestos in a multitude of products in the past) (just an example) (Rats biting into wires)

    I do not know if your home is going to be swallowed by a sink hole tomorrow, period.

    I took a picture of a cable running thru a hole in brick on a home. A week later the realtor and buyer walked around the home and saw a crack running straight up the brick right thru the hole. The listing agent said it was there and noted in the past by another inspector (liar). (remember the picture I took) . Anyway, did I know that crack was going to take place. Man, the house just dropped on one corner. No, and I am not going to give them a disclaimer for it either.

    Shut up Ted. Get back to work. Everyone is scared to death about getting sued.

    I did not read your report. Specifics will kill you. Find it, report it. Pass it on to someone else such as an electrician. A more thorough evaluation is needed for this concern by the appropriate tradesmen. If you write a more thorough evaluation is needed and they find other items, you are covered, period.

    Suggest a particular repair?????? Only for the simple things. I mean simple, real simple. Leave it open for further more exhaustive, evaluation. You are not copping out.

    going back to work now


  17. #17
    Brian Thomas's Avatar
    Brian Thomas Guest

    Default Re: Just registered

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry McCarthy View Post
    Welcome John
    I read your sample inspection report and respectfully advise you to get some professional help on report writing. I saw enough glitches in it to cause you more than a few potential legal problems. Please accept my opinion in the light it is given, that is with well meaning and an attempt to be helpful.
    Hey Jerry, I am very new to the business so I am especially interested in some examples of what you are talking about. I understand that liability can be very huge in our industry and obviously want to reduce the number of mistakes I make and any insight would be much appreciated. Thanks

  18. #18
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    Default Re: Just registered

    Here is one of them:

    The vents for the upstairs bathrooms terminate in the attic space just below the ridge vent. Although this arrangement does not appear to have caused a moisture problem yet, it is still an incorrect installation. All mechanical venting devices should terminate to the outside of the structure. If you are concerned that this arrangement might cause a moisture problem in the attic in the future, hire a contractor to correct it.

    That states it is not correct, states where they should terminate, then does not call for correction.

    The only call for correction is "If you are concerned ... " - huh? The home inspector is there to tell them what is not right, then tell them what to do (correct it), not put the decision off onto the client. Has the client been trained in what is right, not right, and what happens when things are not right (there are reasons why things are required to be as required in the code, and those reasons are not "If you are concerned", the reasons are real, thus the advice should be real.

    Such as:

    The exhaust fan ducts discharge to the attic, they are required to discharge to the outdoors as they remove moisture from the bathroom and discharge it. Discharging moisture into the attic *is a bad thing* and *needs to be corrected*.

    No mamby-pamby "if you are concerned" - what is your client supposed to do with that information? If they knew, why hire you?

    Act like the professional we say we are. Don't be afraid to "write something up and call for it to be corrected" - THAT IS OUR JOB.

    Last edited by Jerry Peck; 06-29-2008 at 07:50 AM. Reason: to correct font size / style
    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Just registered

    Is anything bullit proof when subjected to the vast number of differing opinions?

    Every one of the hundreds of townhomes in that community are vented that way. The the place was 12 years old and showed absolutely no signs of ill affects from being vented that way. I stated the facts as they were and made my recommendation. I stand by it.

  20. #20
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: Just registered

    Tell them what is wrong (the concern) Tell them why it is wrong. Tell them what it should be. Then then put it off to the appropriate professional for further evaluation and repair.

    When repairs are being made and further damage/concerns are found beyond what you noted or could see, the words "further evaluation and repair" by the appropriate trade will cover your bottom line (arse) If you do not add the words "further evaluation" (more technically exhaustive) and some more concerns are found that are possibly causing this concern, you will be paying for it one way or another.

    If I find an HVAC concern, lets say just (just??) filthy sucked in filter (just an example) I write to have the "entire" HVAC system "cleaned, evaluated and serviced/repaired" even if all else is working wonderfully. They are coming anyway to clean the filthy unit/coil/squirrel cage/motor anyway. If they find a component about to go out, they fix it, not you, and you get an atta boy for recommending such.

    Just me


  21. #21
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    I see your point and I will admit that the comment would be stronger without the "if you are concerned part" I went a little soft on that one.

    Thanks for the input.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Welcome to the board John.

    Looks like they are being hard on the new guy huh?


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  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Hurst View Post

    Looks like they are being hard on the new guy huh?

    Better Here than The Court Room.

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    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  24. #24
    James Jackson's Avatar
    James Jackson Guest

    Default Re: Just registered

    Welcome John,

    You'll experience a lot of cynics and critics here - have a good laywer, insurance, and continue with a much education. Do what's morrally and ethically right and if you want to know something there is numerous opinions. Like seasoning in food, savor it all and use the best.

    Jerry is probably one of the toughest and most opinionated aboard, but value his advice- he's one of the top in the nation.

  25. #25
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: Just registered

    Look out for the 2 Jerry's John. Shorts in a bunch. Walk funny. Ouch!!!

    but they are very wise and we all get alot from them.

    Good to have you.

    Are you into Infrared ?

    That will start something



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  26. #26
    James Jackson's Avatar
    James Jackson Guest

    Default Re: Just registered

    Good call - thank - but I was referring to Jerry Peck - Jerry McCarthy comes in a close 2nd on the strong opinions.

    Both mean well & strong advice is pretty much right on or pretty close when it comes to the technical.

    Procedural is where you can REALLY get them going (your report style & verbiage).

    If you truly want to know who has the most opinions - look up the number of posts on the profiles. Jerry Peck = 5,730 (12.45 posts per day) /Jerry McCarthy 777 (1.69 posts per day)

    If you want lots of comments / opinions - post something controversial (like re-inspections).

  27. #27
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    Thanks for the warm welcomes everyone. I understand good intentions of opinions. Rarely do I take offense.

    Ron, no infrared, yet.

  28. #28
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    As noted before, many posters tend to take a firm stand on issues.

    I noticed when reveiwing your report that you seldom called out for defects to be repaired. You recommended defects be reviewed for change if the client was concerned and had the money and it was not too much bother.

    You should consider simiplifing your writing style. Limit your recommendations to only those items that are recommendations. Recommend that smoke detectors be replaced every 7-10 years per NFPA. For defects, declare it is broken or installed incorrectly and state it must be repaired.

    Repair Item:The smoke detector in the first floor hallway to the office did not alarm when the other smoke detectors were tested. Furthermore, it did not force the other detectors to alarm when it was tested. Current building practices require that all smoke detectors are interconnected so when one alarms, they all alarm. The smoke detector is not functioning properly. Repair or replace by a licensed electrician.

    You clients need to be told in no uncertain terms that things are wrong and should be fixed. This strengthens their position during negoiation with the seller. You are the expert, make sure your report reflects that knowledge.

    "The Code is not a peak to reach but a foundation to build from."

  29. #29
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    Cool Re: Just registered

    Speaking for my-self only it seems there’s a few participants on this BB who resent some of my posts and/or perceive them as undo criticism of their own posted opinions. Nothing could be further from the truth as my opinions are only that, opinions garnered through years of education and experience in the world of real estate inspection.

    Am I always right? Hell no - and I’ve had my share of “egg on face,” but I have never resented being corrected and whenever I heard what I thought was a better argument, I would accept such in a heartbeat. Brian has maintained this BB as one of the best educational venues on the internet and the practice on performing quality home inspections and issuing informative clearly written reports is the same throughout the country even when local conditions vary in that we are finally all basically operating under the same basic building codes.

    I’m not whining about a handful of negative comments directed my way, but when I offer my own personal opinion about a subject, which does not agree with somebody else’s, so be it. The sky will not fall and the world will not end as other folks will have the opportunity to choose whose opinion they are willing to accept, if any? We are still a young profession and one of the very best ways for one to learn how to improve the quality of their product is by the guidance of those who have sailed the same legally treacherous waters before us and survived to tell the tale.

    Jerry McCarthy
    Building Code/ Construction Consultant

  30. #30
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    Now don't ya'll get in a tither over me.

    I will make a suggestion, respectfully of course.

    If I posted a sample report to a forum like this and asked in public for opinions on it, I should expect the opinions (good or bad) to be posted to the public. I didn't ask for a public opinion in this case but got a few anyway. No biggie really, but my point is, now I feel forced to respond, in public, to something I didn't ask for. In my first thread in this forum, I was basically told by a trusted voice, "yur gonna get sued".

    Here's another approach for everyone to consider.

    You see a way to help a person with your opinion. It's a situation where you choose to take the liberty to open the specific issue. I respectfully suggest that you approach them in private message or email, at least initially.

    I'm not whining either, but that is the way I would do it. I've done it that way and others have done it for me.

    I appreciate you opinion Jerry, as well as the others. However, in this specific case, had you PM'd or emailed me, I would have recognized your your efforts to reach out as being on the highest level of respect.

    Again, the purpose of this response is not to complain. It's just a suggestion about a way to approach things.

    Now I gotta go download the spell checker.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by John Dirks Jr View Post
    If I posted a sample report to a forum like this and asked in public for opinions on it, I should expect the opinions (good or bad) to be posted to the public. I didn't ask for a public opinion in this case but got a few anyway.

    You sort of did ask.

    Quote Originally Posted by John Dirks Jr View Post
    I'm looking forward to participating in the discussions.
    You are now a full fledged participant.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  32. #32
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    In all due respect, if you didn't post your report for others to see what is that address under your name?

    Jerry McCarthy
    Building Code/ Construction Consultant

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post

    You sort of did ask.


    You are now a full fledged participant.
    Got that right!!

  34. #34
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    I know this is a public forum and my link was posted. However, If I ever want to come out (unsolicited) like that, I'll do it in private. That's just me.

  35. #35
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    BTW, people speak highly of you on here Jerry. I'll always be looking forward to what you have to say.

  36. #36
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: Just registered

    Hey John is this fun or what?

    Dont get any of this wrong. its all about each trying to help in his own way. Just say thanks and move on.

    Then we can get into Infrared Thermal Imaging.



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  37. #37
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    Ron, I'm not getting it wrong, trust me.

    I'm just stating my opinion.

    Thanks everyone.

  38. #38
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: Just registered

    Good to hear that. stand your ground around this place. I have had my ups and downs. But you known all n all this is a great board with some of the best inspectors in the country. I have the most respect for every one on this board. I can post something and get some great info/help back and ive been inspecting building for some 30 years.

    So John are you going to get into infrared some time soon or just kicking it around ?


    rOn DaNg ShiFt kEy. l.o.L

  39. #39
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    I'm still in my first year of business. I need to hit the profit margin before I start thinking about that kind of gadgetry. In this market, by the time I hit the profit margin, those IR cameras should be down around $10.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by John Dirks Jr View Post
    , I was basically told by a trusted voice, "yur gonna get sued".

    Now I gotta go download the spell checker.

    Yep, Part of being in business. The way I heard it 2 Kinds of Inspectors, Those Who have
    been sued, will be sued.

    Right click on the underlined words & select the correct spelling.

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  41. #41
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

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    Quote Originally Posted by Billy Stephens View Post
    Yep, Part of being in business. The way I heard it 2 Kinds of Inspectors, Those Who have
    been sued, will be sued.

    Right click on the underlined words & select the correct spelling.

    30 plus years for me and no Issue yet. maybe I should get out now!

    Just an old Dog doing the same old thing. over and over and over.

    GOD I love being a kid.



  42. #42
    James Jackson's Avatar
    James Jackson Guest

    Default Re: Just registered

    For what it's worth you may wish to have a business coach. I've had one since 1st year & still do.

    Many coaches are good but not industry specific. Mike Crow is the best in the HI industry. You can "test drive" his coaching for free for a spell & see if it's what you want.

    You'll learn that there's a lot more than just Home Inspections available out there to earn $$ with.

    Run your business like a business with projected plans, goals and keep re-adjusting youself as the industry evolves, but most importantly continue your ongoing education.


  43. #43
    Brian Thomas's Avatar
    Brian Thomas Guest

    Default Re: Just registered

    Wow, hows this for your first thread eh john?

    Oh well, I am a newbie to this industry too so Im sure I will get tons of advice from the experienced folks. Whether its solicited or unsolicited ha ha.


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