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  1. #1
    imported_John Smith's Avatar
    imported_John Smith Guest

    Default TREC Proposed new SOP and Standard Form

    Anyone in the circle of knowledge at TREC know if this is going to happen and when?

    From TRECs Website
    New Standards of Practice and Standard Form Proposed – At its meeting on April 28, 2008, the Commission proposed new standards of practice and a revised standard report form, as recommended by the Inspector Advisory Committee. Please review the Standards of Practice, Section 535.227-.233 and the form rules, Sections 535.222 and 535.223, and the proposed new pdf iconstandard inspection report form, REI 7A-1. The Inspector Committee will meet on June 16, 2008, to discuss comments received regarding these proposed rules before the Commission considers adoption on June 30, 2008.

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  2. #2
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: TREC Proposed new SOP and Standard Form

    Well the beginning of this month is when it was suppose to be final but as Jim said it will take a while before the new for has to be used so people can get use to it and software updated and such. I suspect the beginning of the year or after.

    I like the new contract page. It actually spells out to the clients things I have been telling them forever.

    It is good they added all that because contracts from home inspectors actually do next to nothing to protect you from idiots. They also go on that there may be added info the home inspector might add and they should take heed.

    I just went and checked software on the market and no one has added updated their software yet.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Plano, Texas

    Default Re: TREC Proposed new SOP and Standard Form

    I will pass this along since it was forwarded to me.

    Here is an update from Brian Murphy regarding the status of the TREC SOP:
    The Inspector Committee (IC) met June 16, 2008 to review the changes submitted during the SoP posting period to the Texas Register. There were approximately 74 pages of comments to review during the June 16th meeting. The IC made it through approximately 42 pages of the comments during that 8-hour meeting. Do to the lack of time, the IC decided to schedule a 2-day meeting on July 21 & 22, 2008 to complete the review of the comment and make any changes necessary to clean up the SoP’s.
    There have been enough changes made to date to require the SoP’s to be returned to the Texas Register for another round of Public Comment. The IC will meet on July 21 & 22, after this meeting new proposed SoP’s will be presented to the Commissioner in August and be be required to be posted to the Texas Register. They will be posted for 30-day and returned back to the IC for review again at that time.
    As to a adoption date, there is no good estimated time to say when we will have the new SoP’s to work from, but best guess is somewhere around January 1, 2009.
    Brian Murphy

    Jim Luttrall
    Plano, Texas

  4. #4
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: TREC Proposed new SOP and Standard Form

    Thanks again for the update Mr Jim


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