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  1. #1
    Alan C Grubb's Avatar
    Alan C Grubb Guest

    Default Wow, how would you call this one?

    This is a picture of the roof structure which was added on to a attached garage. They appeared to be 2X8 cut down on both ends to about 2 inches. Because of the insulation could not be sure. they were also on 4 foot center. The other pic is what was used to support them where the two structures came together. So how would you call it?

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Chicago, IL

    Default Re: Wow, how would you call this one?


    Michael Thomas
    Paragon Property Services Inc., Chicago IL

  3. #3
    Alan C Grubb's Avatar
    Alan C Grubb Guest

    Default Re: Wow, how would you call this one?

    You got that right! This house was sold once prior to this and this was not called out to new owner. So he says.

  4. #4
    Philip's Avatar
    Philip Guest

    Thumbs down Re: Wow, how would you call this one?

    It appears to be modified pole barn construction.

  5. #5
    chris mcintyre's Avatar
    chris mcintyre Guest

    Default Re: Wow, how would you call this one?

    In this area polystyrene board can not be exposed because it burns readily and emits toxic fumes. This may just be a local code but it might be something worth checking into.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Western Massachusetts

    Default Re: Wow, how would you call this one?

    Quote Originally Posted by chris mcintyre View Post
    In this area polystyrene board can not be exposed because it burns readily and emits toxic fumes. This may just be a local code but it might be something worth checking into.
    That's not polystyrene, it's foil faced polyisocyanurate manufactured by Dow.

  7. #7
    chris mcintyre's Avatar
    chris mcintyre Guest

    Default Re: Wow, how would you call this one?

    Quote Originally Posted by Corn Walker View Post
    That's not polystyrene, it's foil faced polyisocyanurate manufactured by Dow.
    I stand corrected. I seen the blue board and assumed.....
    I have never seen the blue foil, it has always been silver or white. I want to say that the toxic fumes still apply, but I will not, I try and limit my misinformation to one post per thread.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Western Massachusetts

    Default Re: Wow, how would you call this one?

    Quote Originally Posted by chris mcintyre View Post
    I stand corrected. I seen the blue board and assumed.....
    I have never seen the blue foil, it has always been silver or white. I want to say that the toxic fumes still apply, but I will not, I try and limit my misinformation to one post per thread.
    Dow makes a number of polyiso boards, including the TUFF-R and Super TUFF-R foil faced polyiso sheets. The Super TUFF-R has one side silver, one side blue. It is reinforced (compared to the standard TUFF-R) and vapor impermeable. I still wouldn't burn it.

  9. #9
    Philip's Avatar
    Philip Guest

    Default Re: Wow, how would you call this one?

    Back in early 80's I was installing a flat plate collector that was insulated with an inch of double foil faced polyisocyaurate. I do not know the manufacturer.


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