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  1. #1
    mathew stouffer's Avatar
    mathew stouffer Guest

    Default Any suggestions on this!

    I came across this on an inspection today. It seems a little "make shift". The house was huge, 9000 sp feet, so it was difficult to tell what was above the area once I got turned around in the crawl space. However, it appeared to be a stone fireplace. Despite the apparent failure of the 2x6, what was going on here.

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  2. #2
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: Any suggestions on this!

    Thats a good one. a bit of overload for a 2x6 plate.

    Ron was hear.

  3. #3
    Richard Moore's Avatar
    Richard Moore Guest

    Default Re: Any suggestions on this!

    Mathew, without knowing what is above it seems we have two choices.

    A: It's a purely decorative lump of wood meant to beautify the crawl.

    B: It's a necessary structural support post that lacks an appropriate footing because someone didn't read the plans, and is in need of repair.

    My money would be on B.

  4. #4
    Aaron Miller's Avatar
    Aaron Miller Guest

    Default Re: Any suggestions on this!


    I've seen similar things and usually suggest that they have an engineer specify the addition of a steel angle or the like at the edge of the concrete to support this mess.


  5. #5
    Patrick Norton's Avatar
    Patrick Norton Guest

    Default Re: Any suggestions on this!

    I'd say it needs fixin!

  6. #6
    mathew stouffer's Avatar
    mathew stouffer Guest

    Default Re: Any suggestions on this!

    Thanks guys. Have a great day.


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