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01-28-2009, 04:09 AM #1
Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
Here to try and help inform homeowners/others who may be searching for honest-factual information on leaky basements,cracks in basement walls,bowed walls,mold,efflorescence,radon,termites in basement/crawl.
Some may wonder/ask so,a tad about J Bubber, am a licensed/ins`d foundation-waterproofing contractor in MI,have never had one BBB/other customer complaint throughout 3 decades,unlike many..... 'inside-system' companies.
One thing many need to know is the exterior of all basement and crawl
walls were NOT waterproofed when built.Only those who stipulated/asked
and paid for exterior waterproofing and correct backfilling were done which
again,are very few.
Damproofing and parging is not.....waterproofing, and backfilling with
the same excavated soil is never a good idea unless that soil is all
sand. For those w/poured walls,the rod holes were not plugged/packed
with what they should have been, mortar/hydraulic cement but rather
in most cases had a cork placed in rod holes,not a good idea either.
Corks dissolve in time and allow water to beging to enter and any
thin damproofing that might have been applied breaks down,wears off
onto backfilled soil, it sure does.Parging the exterior of block walls often
cracks or wasn`t applied thick enough to begin with which allows water-
moisture to penetrate.
The 'outside' of MANY block walls crack and/or the parging cracks BUT....
you fairly often will NOT see any cracks on the inside of wall,in basement
and of course will never see/know if the parging on outside has cracked.
Most of these exterior cracks and open joints are not visible inside....
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It`s through these kinds of cracks,open joints etc that water FIRST enters hollow block walls and most homeowners will often only see the water enter onto their floor at,along the wall-floor joint. Termites and other insects,radon gas can also easily enter here.
-Foundation Cracks Provide Hidden Entry Points for Termites
Termite Tips Number 8
Inside systems, drain tile or baseboard systems installed with or without
a sump pump does not, cannot repair/waterproof these exterior cracks and other openings.Water,insects will still enter. Mold,efflorescence can begin to grow on parts of interior walls because water/moisture is still allowed to enter.Some have cracks that widen or a wall that is bowing inward and most of the CAUSES of the widening of the crack or bowed wall is on the outside,against the wall.
Inside systems do NOT remove,relieve exterior pressures....they do not
remove lateral soil pressure,expanding-contracting soil that causes many problems,cracks etc. They do NOT remove tree roots or porch-footings or concrete slabs etc that also cause some cracks,wall to bow in etc
Underground root that caused corner cracks and other exterior hairline
cracks in block walls which then obviously caused subsequent seepage in
basement,along wall-floor joint,also called the cold joint,some refer to it
as the cove Snapfish: Share Photo:Registration
Would be absolute incompetence,negligence to LEAVE the cause(s) of cracks etc against the outside of wall as most often,MORE damage will occur to the wall. Here is set, you will not see the exterior corner cracks and deterioration of block on the inside, you will some hairline cracks on inside Snapfish: Share:Registration_Opt2
U S Army Corps of Engineer, Amherst NY pic`s US Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District
Pic 1) lateral pressure CAUSING typical 45 degree stair-step crack in
block basement wall. (notice inside system,other crap did not help)
Pic 2) lateral pressure causing vertical mid span crack in basement wall
(inside injection etc did not help)
Pic 3) lateral pressure causing top of basement wall to bow inward 9
inches(pilasters failed to brace wall)
Say it again, NO inside system removes,relieves exterior pressures,weight.
Inside system companies LEAVE many of the CAUSES of cracks or,widening of existing cracks
or wall bowing in against the outside of basement walls,incompetent and self-serving as they
only want to come inside and install their water management/diversion system. Most are not insured and/or capable of doing exterior waterproofing,thus the hrad knocks and many
misleading/misrepresentations/lies/false claims about exterior waterproofing
Expansive soils cause more damage to homes/buildings etc than floods,hurricanes,tornadoes
and earthquakes. Scroll down to.... 'Severity of Problem'
Definition and Characteristics
Fairfax County VA, scroll down to.... 'Basement Wall Damage'
Overcoming Problems with Marine Clays*- Fairfax County, Virginia
See 'Cause'....and "Resolution'.....
"Depending on the extent of damage,foundation walls may need to be replaced while OTHERS
can be repaired. To PREVENT further damage, the clay MUST be REMOVED and replaced with
sandy or gravelly soils........and waterproof the exterior of wall(s)."
6th paragraph..... Dwight Yoder Builders
the importance of backfilling with most-all GRAVEL. Unlike many builders,these guys have
zero complaints.
U S Army Corps Eng Amherst NY Soil Study,damage to basement walls
Our limited experience revealed there is occasional ERRONEOUS diagnosis and subsequent implementation of an INAPPROPRIATE remedial measure....for example we observed..........
misapplication of carbon fiber strips.....reputable engineers` design solutions that did NOT
alleviate the settlement and/or lateral pressure problems...
3.2 Lateral Wall Pressure
Four SOURCES likely contributed to lateral pressures on basement walls in Amherst...
1. pressure from soil weight
2. pressure from soil swell
3. hydrostatic pressure <--thats exterior lateral/horizontal pressure,when soil gets saturated
4. pressure from frost
3.4.5 Backfill
Lateral pressure problems are exasperated by using UNSUITABLE backfill material,
usually from on-site excavation.... Modeling results....demonstrate that GRANULAR backfills can REDUCE lateral pressure
Why Foundations Fail
Planning for a raised patio - by John F Mann - Page 3 - Helium
.....Many contractors that install patios (driveways etc) do not understand the EFFECT
of a new raised patio on the adjacent foundation wall.........
even what may be considered small increases in backfill can CAUSE large increases in lateral
pressure against the wall.
Additional WEIGHT (of ANYTHING) placed on top of soil backfill causes additional lateral pressure
against the foundation wall.
One should be VERY careful recommending raising/sloping soil around the house for homeowners
with leaky basements.
Raising-sloping the grade,filling in low spots,adding longer downspout extensions,mudjacking etc
does NOT IDENTIFY any homeowners actual problem NOR do these surface water diversions
fix/repair/waterproof/tuckpoint whatever the homeowners problems turns out to be.
Raising the grade etc does not waterproof an existing crack,a defect,a flaw.
Raising the grade etc does not tuckpoint open mortar joints above grade
Raising the grade etc does not replace a leaky basement window or caulk etc around doors
Raising the grade etc does not snake a possible blockage in the lateral line between house
and street or adjust,replace a faulty sump pump etc etc etc.
Page 2 and 4....they are correct....
'Fixing the Problem'....could be/may be 'as easy as rodding/snaking the lateral line'
'Broken or Clogged Lateral Lines/Sewer Line Backups'....
No inside system repairs/waterproofs exterior cracks or, other openings that can allow water in
such as,
open mortar joints,loose-cracked bricks above grade....
openings in,under,around basement windows....
openings around any door,flashing and so on.
Insects also enter through these above ground openings.
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Snapfish: Share Photo:Registration
Snapfish: Share Photo:Registration
Snapfish: Share Photo:Registration
Shaker Heights OH Bldg Dept.... 'Wet Basements'
City of Shaker Heights - Building
In particular, Q and A 1 and 5...........
1) Sump system allowed....? Yes but NOT the approach we recommend......
5) Not related to surface grading.......? Preferred method,exterior waterproofing...
Inside systems/companies....
State Wants To Shut Down Waterproofing Businesses - About Us News Story - WRTV Indianapolis
Douglas Erickson Pleads Guilty to Felony Perjury Charge, News Releases - NHDOJ
Seymour Couple Settles with Company over Leaky Waterproofing hs
Wall collapses during a basement leak repair job, edwards, house, basement - Local News - WWMT NEWSCHANNEL 3
and so on........
......Best way to prevent the problem is to prevent water from infiltrating the blocks.......
Whenever we see this problem,there is usually a leak somewhere that allows water to enter
the block wall.......once the source of the water infiltration has been located and stopped,
the walls can be cleaned....
ABC News: Is Hidden Mold at Home Making You Sick?
Experts agree on one thing, if you`ve got mold you need to get rid of it. More importantly,
you need to ELIMINATE the cause.....find the moisture,eliminate the moisture,clean up the mold.
ABC News: Is Hidden Mold at Home Making You Sick?
Remember,just cleaning up the mold is not enough. You must find the water source and
eliminate it.
A Physician's Guide | Publications | Radon | Indoor Air | Air | US EPA
How radon enters your house..........
Inside systems create,leave openings-gaps along the wall-floor joint,where radon
can/could easily enter,they sure do. And radon also enters through cracks,pores in
basement walls which they do not repair/waterproof on the exterior,as in block walls.
This homeowner, like many unfortunately already spent over $10,000 for an inside system
w/sump,still leaks,has some mold and efflorescence growing on walls BEHIND paneling....
See where radon can enter basement/house MORE easily since inside system was put in,
gap open along wall-floor joint Snapfish: Share Photo:Registration
Pics 4,5,6,7,8 some mold,efflorescence....hairline cracks are also on the outside,hello?
Water is STILL....entering. Now homeowner has to spend around $1,650 to correctly fix
the actual problems, the cracks on outside which is ALL that was ever needed!
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Here, a senior lady was almost bs`d into a full inside perimeter system,she ONLY gets water
at one corner,at-along the cold joint/cove. Two inside co`s told her lots of crap/lies etc and
wanted $10,000 and $15,000. She had also been told by a few others, all she needed was
a longer downspout extension and to caulk along house/driveway....nonsense and incompetence.
The reasons she continued to leak are in pictures,cracks and a gap on the outside...
problems solved/waterproofed for $975 from someone who has actually/only waterproofed
basements for 30 tired of all the lies,false claims,fraud and incompetence on THIS-
subject. Snapfish: Share:Registration
Have to honestly and correctly, first....identify the homeowners actual problem(s).
Is this homeowners grade built up and sloped away enough for ya? Snapfish: Share Photo:Registration
Its not why basements
Builder as usual only damproofed and backfilled w/same soil excavated.
Snapfish: Share:Registration_Opt2
Similar Threads:Last edited by John Bubber; 01-28-2009 at 06:32 AM.
01-28-2009, 05:06 AM #2
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
John- Welcome to the board!
That may win a prize for longest first post!
"There is no exception to the rule that every rule has an exception." -James Thurber, writer and cartoonist (1894-1961)
01-28-2009, 06:42 AM #3
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
thanks for the welcome and not trying to bore anyone
but on this subject, most things/leaks etc have no quickie answers and
too many homeowners have been cheated out of a TON of money.
have learned its best for homeowners seeking the facts to try `n be as thorough as possible, that is, if a contractor wants to be honest.
01-30-2009, 03:54 AM #4
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
There are too many home/city inspectors and others that mislead homeowners who have leaky basements. Here is one example...
Solution, REGRADE with clay???
Then says if that doesn`t work it may be advisable to install a hydrostatic pressure relief system??? Average cost $2,500-$4,000?
Where you get those numbers? Yer waaay off.
Says, average situation you`ll need 10-20 `barrows of clay,average cost
Dude, you are ASSUMING crap,you are NOT helping homeowners to FIRST identify,locate the problem(s)....then fix the dang thing correctly.
If the problem is, water entering through a crack on the outside of a
hollow block wall then, adding soil/clay or installing any inside system doesn`t waterproof the crack.
If the problem is, water entering through/around/under a basement window or through/around a door or through open mortar joints above the basement wall then, adding soil or installing any inside system doesn`t tuckpoint the open joints,doesn`t replace the basement window or seal the gaps/openings around/under a door or basement window.
If the problem is, water coming up through floor cracks etc due to a blockage/clog in the lateral line or some problem with a sump pump then, adding soil or installing any inside system doesn`t snake/rod the lateral line etc etc.
If the problem is an exterior corner crack or one crack in other area of wall
....that $1,000 would have paid for waterproofing the dumb crack instead of playing silly,incompetent games with soil/surface water diversion.Snaking the lateral line usually costs $150-200 and so on.
Adding soil.....doesn`t diagnose/identify any homeowners problem(s).
Adding soil doesn`t waterproof/repair whatever the REAL problem is.
And ADDING clay can,will increase the weight/pressure against a basement wall,yes it will.
Planning for a raised patio - by John F Mann - Page 3 - Helium
'Many contractors (others) that install patios do not understand the effect of a new raised patio on the adjacent wall' (adding soil,especially clay or pouring new drive on top of existing driveway etc)
'Even what may be considered relatively small increases in backfill can cause large increases in pressure against the wall.......
Additional 'weight' of ANYTHING placed on top of soil backfill causes additional lateral pressure against the foundation wall'
How will adding clay/soil or installing a pressure relief system remove this root off the outside of the wall and waterproof the exterior cracks?
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Snapfish: Share Photo:Registration
How will ANY inside system or adding soil or adding a 2 mile long downspout extension remove expanding-contracting soil or roots off the outside of a basement wall which CAUSED a crack(s) in wall,wall to bow in
as in these pic`s US Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District
On the OTHER hand, thankfully there are some HI`s/others who aren`t as incompetent...Ari here understands MORE than the Inside system Bozo`s who could care less about identifying the problem/eyeballing the wall etc.
-Leaky Foundations Best Fixed from the Outside Winnipeg Free Press Homes
If a HI recommends adding soil/clay and/or installing a pressure relief system and bypasses identifying the problem(s) then their az may indeed get called out w/any ongoing problems or possibly,if any damage occurs to the basement wall after adding clay.Why do soo many insist they have the solutions to leaky basements when they do not have any real experience-knowledge.Why risk reputation/inspection fee?
Beware basement waterproofers Beware Basement Waterproofers @ The Money Pit Home Improvement Radio Show
Take basement to higher level --
-Waterproofing..... be prepared to weed through an array of proposals from waterproofing contractors--ALOT of them BOGUS. Done right, basement waterproofing is an exterior operation...
E*Trade sneak peek at what won`t be making the big game this year
YouTube - E*TRADE Baby Outtakes
Steppenwolf/Snowblind Friend
YouTube - Steppenwolf - Snowblind Friend
Did you vote for Susan?
Last edited by John Bubber; 01-30-2009 at 04:23 AM.
01-30-2009, 07:26 AM #5
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
Welcome John. Where are you located in Michigan? I was born and raised in Gaylord, about 75 miles S of the bridge. Its a big sand hill so back fill was not a problem there.
01-30-2009, 10:39 AM #6
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
Thanks for the welcome Mr Vern.
Just north of Detroit. You were born in snowmobile-land.
01-30-2009, 04:26 PM #7
02-15-2009, 01:34 PM #8
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
HP Photosmart Share
Exterior cracks in block basement wall.This is where water,termites and other insects and rodents can enter.
Do inside systems go outside and hand dig/excavate/waterproof cracks,loose-cracked parging and other openings? Nope,they sure don`t.
1460.18 Exterior Structure
e) Foundation Walls. All foundation walls shall be maintained plumb and FREE from OPEN CRACKS and breaks and shall be kept in such condition so as to prevent the entry of rodents and other pests.
f) All exterior walls shall be free from holes,breaks,and loose or rotting materials;and maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to prevent deterioration.
Pg 8.
C. Exterior structure 4) Foundation walls shall be structurally sound and FREE of open cracks....
a) Each exterior wall shall be free of holes,breaks,loose or rotting boards or timbers and any OTHER CONDITION which might ADMIT RAIN or DAMPNESS to the interior portions of the walls
Rochester Hills and most other cities states same
UNO | Omaha Neighborhood Scan | Code Enforcement
Reasons.....minor problems left uncorrected can become major.........
Water entering the foundation THROUGH cracks,holes,breaks can freeze and expand,causing damage to the foundation......
Umm, what do we have here and, on MANY other homes.
Ask again, does B Dorks/Insta Dork/Basement Shttsystems etc fix/repair/waterproof these kinds of exterior cracks? No,so sorry.
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Do they remove expanding-contracting clay or roots etc that CAUSE many cracks and susequent leaks and sometimes walls to bow in? No.
Snapfish: Share Photo:Registration
Termites cause around $5-6 billion damage each year,where can they enter?
-Foundation Cracks Provide Hidden Entry Points for Termites
Termite Tips Number 8
And 'some' HI`s etc recommend inside drain tile/baseboard systems? Huh?
Last edited by John Bubber; 02-15-2009 at 03:51 PM.
02-15-2009, 06:05 PM #9
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
I think you missed a few points could you go over them again, i am still a Little lost as to problems and repairs
Actually everything you mentioned I am sure any experienced builder (didn't start last year) already knows (or a good portion of it) but just does not put that extra upfront effort to ward of water and soil affects.
Thats just like here in Texas. The most major problems all homes have is the expansive clay soils. Only the upper ends homes have a full pier system put in. I think there may have been 1 in countless homes I have inspected that had a full pier system in actually had signs of movement. To add that insult (I understand the added cost of piers and such) there are just about no builders that have proper slope and full gutter installed on the new homes. Just gutters alone with proper slope cut down the amount of foundation problems to the extent that I barely have much if anything to right up. Will there still be slight "normal" settling going on, sure.
What would full gutters and a few more dollars in drainage really add to a 30 year mortgage??? Practically nothing. Dollars per month. Added before the fact. 5,000 for a full pier system on a 200,000 dollar mortgage especially when selling the home the amount of return for full piers is priceless in a selling factor and holds the price up substantially. Full piers.... Sold. Gutters and inground drainage...... I want that home !!!!!!
02-16-2009, 04:26 AM #10
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
Hear ya man.
Went to PA couple years ago to do a waterproofing job for a MI homeowner whose parents passed away and wanted to waterproof 2 exterior walls but could not find anyone in that area who he trsuted and,all wanted to install an inside system for $$$ thousands..........
Noticed many homes had NO gutters,they had moss etc on siding/bricks etc etc and had discolorment and deterioration.A mistake for sure.
But most basements don`t leak because lack of gutters or short downspout extensions,or poor grading etc,not in my opinion,not what my guys and I have seen repeatedly throughout 30 years.
Other than some interior plumbing fixture leak(s) or some sort of condensation or humidity problem, most basements leak due to
one or combination of the floowing......
1) there are cracks and/or loose-cracked parging and/or rod holes and/or
gaps/openings where service lines enter basement walls.....
2) there are openings above ground/above the wall,some include.....
open mortar joints,loose-cracked bricks,openings/gaps in-around-under
basement windows or doors,openings around flashings etc etc...
3) there is a clog,a blockage between the hosue `n street,in the lateral-
line which needs to be snaked or sometimes part of all of line/pipe
may need to be replaced. Or,there is a problem with an existing
sump pump,may need an adjusted or may need to be replaced
or was installed incorrectly or sometimes,one will need to drill-create
some holes in the sump PIT sidewall to allow water under the floor to
get into the pit instead of the water accumulating and then rising up
through floor cracks or other openings in floor.
And so, raising/sloping the soil or filling in some goofy low spots in yard or mudjacking slabs or adding 5 mile long extensions to downspouts does not,will not fix/repair/waterproof/tuckpoint/caulk/snake etc etc the ACTUAL problems,openings or a basement back up.
In fact, adding soil (don`t mean 5-10 bags of top soil) along the exterior walls will increase the lateral pressure against the basement wall,especially when that soil gets wet/saturated.The added soil or for instance,added weight of concrete/patios etc causes the ground/soil underneath it to expand laterally which is transferred to the basement wall,could cause a crack in wall or an existing crack to widen or possibly cause a wall to bow inward.
This guy understands what can/could happen.....
'Many contractors that install patios do not understand the effect of a new raised patio on the adjacent foundation wall'
'...even what may be considered small increases in backfill can cause large increases in lateral pressure against the wall.
Additional WEIGHT (of Anything) placed on top of soil backfill causes additional lateral pressure against the foundation wall'
Have seen many homeowners who all have tried one or more things (surface or subsurface water diversions) and still leak and most have more mold or efflorescence on parts of basements wall or more insects entering.
Some have seen their wall(s) bow in, some have seen new cracks occur or existing cracks widen.
They`ve tried things like,raising-sloping the grade,very long extensions on downspouts,mudjacked slabs. Quite a few have dug down 1-3' along or near basement wall and installed shallow french drains w/drain tile,some dug down 1-3' and placed lots of shingles or tarps up against/along the basement wall and then raised and sloped the grade,still leaked etc.
Some who are builders,their own homes, tried digging down 1-3' by 2-3 wide and poured concrete against the basement wall and then raised and sloped grade.
All of these things do not, first off, identify where/how the water is first entering,doesn`t define the real problem(s). IF their problem say, is open mortar joints or openings/gaps around doors then doing any of this shtt doesn`t tuckpoint the open joints or caulk etc the openings around their doors,they still leak because they didn`t identify and then fix the actual problems.
IF say, the water they get on bsmt floor is from a basement back up,a blockage in the lateral line then, doing all this other shtt doesn`t snake/rod the lateral line to free the clog/blockage, they still leak.
IF, their problem is a crack on exterior of block wall, all this shtt doesn`t waterproof/repair the existing crack, its the CRACK that is the problem, that is allowing water,insects,radon etc to enter,not the grade.
See it over and over for decades,house is sold, sellers got talked into raising/sloping the grade etc which NEVER identified/diagnosed the actual reason/cause of the leak. Not disclosing an existing crack(s),defect,flaw in the basement wall will get you in trouble.
Seen some sellers intentionally cover one or more basement walls w/paneling etc to HIDE cracks or a wall that is bowing in or mold/efforescence etc.Some realtors/others tell them to do this stupid/fraudulent shtt and of course, some homeowners DIY.
Say again, hear ya loud `n clear about the need to have gutters, no problem w/that,it`ll help keep water that`ll run off the roof from soaking the shtt outta x-amount of bricks/joints,siding etc and causing more problems.And yes,its fine `n dandy to TRY and divert some surface water away from the house w/longer extensions.
But having 10' extensions on downspouts does not keep all subsurface water away from entire depth of 6-8'+ deep basement walls as water will percolate sideways through soil too, underneath a raised/sloped grade,underneath driveways/patios and back towards the basement wall and if there is a crack,other openings in wall, water/moisture can still enter.
If one has a leaky basement, they need to first....identify where/how the water is truly first-entering,not where it winds up on basement floor,find the source and fix it correctly.
Extensions etc do not repair existing cracks/other openings or snake the lateral line or fix a possible condensation etc problem inside.Misrepresenting the reason(s) a basement leaks or a wall is bowing in etc can only get one in some trouble.Inside system cokkroaches are good at that.
Last edited by John Bubber; 02-16-2009 at 04:39 AM.
02-17-2009, 01:24 PM #11
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
'Basement Systems Water Guard Review' got milk?
YouTube - Basement Systems Water Guard review
The efflorescence and other discolorment on wall prolly mold has been
on wall for awhile and can only get worse until the problems,the water
is stopped/waterproofed on the OUTSIDE for krist sake.
Water/moisture is entering the BLOCKS from the outside,either THROUGH
the wall,cracks,loose-cracked parging etc AND-OR above the wall through
other exterior openings such as open mortar joints,openings/gaps around
under,in basement windows,doors etc. Yes,'some' homeowners will have
a 2-3 part problem.
This company like MANY inside system knotheads do NOT identify where
the stupid water is FIRST entering,all they do,all they care about is
trying to divert water that will continue to enter,so umm, this often
equals mold,efflorescence,paint peeling etc on parts of inside walls....
they do not do...exterior waterproofing/exterior excavation thus ALL
the different false claims,misrepresentations on this subject.
'Brian', here is what you have,crack(s) on the outside of the block wall(s)
and possibly, some openings above some parts of your basement wall.
You have some water/moisture/seepage at at least one CORNER......
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Snapfish: Share Photo:Registration
2-part problem here, above and below....must repair BOTH or will still leak
This homeowner also has 2-part problem,crack on outside of chimney wall
and openings above ground,open mortar joints etc in chimney and where
ya see the $20 bill
Snapfish: Share Photo:Registration
Whats that under basement window,on ledge and most likely BEHIND the paneling?
Snapfish: Share Photo:Registration
Many of these cracks in exterior walls are NOT visible on inside wall(s).
Sometimes,some cracks are visible inside,usually step cracks,some vertical cracks and some horizontal cracks.Just because there is NO visible
crack on the inside of a BLOCK or brick basement wall does NOT at all
mean there isn`t one or more exterior cracks or loose-cracked parging on
the outside,this is where water FIRST ENTERS into the hollow blocks and
often causes mold,efflorescence etc.
$4,000 for this huh? Hmmm,maybe they only did along 2 or 3 walls on the inside because most often,companies who install inside systems charge
between $7,000-$17,000++.
Here, they cheated this homeowner out of $14,000
Beware Basement Waterproofers @ The Money Pit Home Improvement Radio Show
Or here, was back in 2001 for $8,500
State Wants To Shut Down Waterproofing Businesses - About Us News Story - WRTV Indianapolis
Let`s read what this guys about waterproofing says shall we?
Take basement to higher level --
'be prepared to weed through an array of proposals from waterproofing
contractors--A LOT of them BOGUS.....Done right,basement waterproofing
is an EXTERIOR operation....'
By the way, those inside systems....can and do allow RADON gas easier
access into the basement/home, sure do.
If its a block wall, they drill holes in bottom blocks and leave them OPEN
and will also leave a GAP, a space OPEN along the WALL-FLOOR JOINT
A Physician's Guide | Publications | Radon | Indoor Air | Air | US EPA
How Radon Enters Your House.... they don`t go outside and seal/waterproof any exterior cracks etc in the wall and CREATE more openings/gaps inside
see 'D' in particular.....FLOOR-WALL joints...hello? Knock knock?
Efflorescence on basement wall, not ALL but many because....
1.2RE:Efflorescence way to prevent this problem is to prevent water from infiltrating the blocks (inside systems CANNOT do this ok?)....whenever WE see this
problem there is usually a LEAK somewhere that allows WATER to ENTER the BLOCK WALL.....
Got milk, got MOLD?
ABC News: Is Hidden Mold at Home Making You Sick?
....'MORE importantly you need to ELIMINATE the cause'
Not 'divert' the cause/water.....eliminate the shtt ok?
ABC News: Is Hidden Mold at Home Making You Sick?
...'Remember,just cleaning up the mold is not enough.You must FIND the
WATER SOURCE and....eliminate it'.
Candice/Go Daddy milk?
YouTube - Banned-Godaddy!- Candice Michelle go daddy
Last edited by John Bubber; 02-17-2009 at 02:13 PM.
02-18-2009, 03:41 AM #12
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
Don`t wanna forget this lady,she`s out around $10,000
Target 11 Investigates Everdry - Video - WPXI Pittsburgh
Pg 2,3....The consumers reported they were experiencing wet and
deteriorating basements and were NOT receiving the services promised
in the warranties.
Pg 7,8....Everdry concedes it violated Indiana law by engaging in
franchise operations in Indiana prior to filing an IND registration....
Justice would not be served by allowing out of state actors who
adversely affect our citizens to reap benefits within our state while
at the same time violate our laws and then attempting to use those
violations as a jurisdictional escape hatch
Here`s an article that ran in New Jerseys Asbury Park Press on
December 3, 2006....archived
In part it said....
-Consumers need to be Careful they don`t get Soaked for Thousands of Dollars......
'Missouri`s Atty general successfully sued a FRAUD rebate company that worked with a New Jersey waterproofing firm.New Jersey`s Consumer Affairs Office said it has received more than 30 complaints against the
top 3 companies doing work in the state'. (Top rip offs)
'The state Division of Consumer Affairs has logged 10 complaints against Atlantis Waterproofing from Feb 2004 through April 2006 and another 5
against its sister company, NationDry from June through Oct 2006.
'Complaints include excessive charges,false promises,misrepresentation,unsatisfactory service and failure to return deposits or payments'
'Mid Atlantic Waterproofing of South Plainfield received 17 complaints
from 2004 through June 2006, those include poor and faulty
workmanship,unsatisfactory repair and maintenance and warranty issues'
'THE' Girlfriend.....THE milk?
YouTube - The Girlfriend
05-06-2009, 03:09 AM #13
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
Got milk?
Poured wall,waterproofed 17' x 6 1/2' deep. Homeowner ONLY gets water
in basement in this area. Snapfish: Share:Registration
Pic 1. NEVER shake a waterproofing contractors hand,you do not know where it has been.
Pic`s 3-6. Umm, somebody presviously dug down about 18"-24" x 6' long
x about 3' wide,right where a vertical crack is and ummm, poured concrete
against wall, was between 6-10" thick.Then raised grade.
Did pouring concrete against wall where crack is and raising the grade
fix/repair/waterproof the crack? Run into chtt like this pretty often.
Will installing any inside system REMOVE concrete,expanding-contracting soil,underground roots OFF the wall? Nope.
Last pic, where is the supposed ruined landscaping many inside system
morons keep telling homeowners about?
-Next Lady bought this house 6 months ago.Seller did NOT disclose
anything and she did have a home inspection who did NOT write up or say anything to her about costs. Snapfish: Share:Registration
2 different leaky-problem areas with basement walls
Pic 2. See that fine az tar some dingbell put along house/driveway?
Hey,you can go ahead and do chtt like this BUTTT, this kind of
crap does NOT fix/repair/waterproof exisitng cracks etc in
basement walls! If some actually think this stuff will keep all
underground-subsurface water AWAY from the wall-crack they
are HIGHLY mistaken.
3-4 Underground root. Ask again, will installing ANY inside water-
diverting drain tile/pressure relief system (any other stupid title)
REMOVE possible roots OFF the outside of wall? Not only does
clay/expansive soil CAUSE cracks/leaks but so too can roots....
so ummm, its OK to LEAVE the CAUSE(s) against a wall and just
install an inside system? Really? Sue the incompetent morons.
5-7 Vertical crack,this IS where WATER first-enters.
8 Pic of same crack inside the basement,was patched and painted
over to hide/conceal from any potential buyer.
9 ,10 bottom of crack,see water stains? And CHECK OUT that
concrete COVE along floor-wall joint. LOLOLOL! Total
incompetence. 10 is the end of the cove which was supposed
to divert incoming water towards a floor drain thats 2-3' away
11 2nd problem area,back wall UNDER deck
12 INSIDE basement where water first enters,was also patched and
painted over.
13-16 started digging,under/around deck,electric lines etc and
CHECK out that underground vent!
18 See that concrete against basement wall? What ya think it is? attention please, lets see whats lurking
19 Pvc pipe...........and CHECK out the boatload of WATER Snapfish: Share Photo:Registration
20 Was another-smaller pvc pipe INSIDE the 4" pvc,busted through
the dumb chtt set up
22,23 a couple of the MANY open mortar joints/tuckpointing needs.
This nimrod inspector missed all of them. Don`t get me wrong
please, there are many good HI`s but i gotta say, imo there is
an increasing number of buthead inspectors here in MI who are
either blind,don`t give a chtt and/or highly INEPT and couldn`t
keep a job at Burger freaking King. Just like the inside system
waterdiverting knotheads.
24 Lady will also need some chimney work,nobody said shtt about
this either.ADD it all up,the needed-exisitng repairs prior to
house being sold,could have/should have been brought up to her
so she (and many others) could have got estimates and then
made a LOWER OFFER on house and/or had seller fix the chtt or
given a chance to walk away and find a different house to buy.
Mudjacking slabs or putting tar etc along driveway/house or raising the grade or 10 mile downspout extensions or patching-painting inside basement walls does NOT repair/waterproof the actual problems/ways water is getting i basement...nor does this crap first 'identify' the real problems/cracks/rod holes/lateral line blockage etc etc.
Many should stop recommending this incompetent junk as supposed-repairs,as ways that 'solve' basement leaks.
Have noticed some HI`s recommending this company to homeowners,don`t know why!
An increasing number of homeowners around Chicago aren`t happy and are finding out
that inside systems were NOT what they needed Chicago, IL: Check Out a Business or Charity In THIS business, if one knows what the hlll their doing and isn`t a fraud they would not be incurring 10-20+++ customer complaints every 36 months. Got milk?
Burger King sing-a-long Burger King Retard - Retarded Burger King Funny Video
Miss ya George! YouTube - George Carlin: WTF Am I Doing in New Jersey? [Part 7/7]
...The Crotcheteria,Cafe V____,open all night!
Last edited by John Bubber; 05-06-2009 at 03:40 AM.
05-19-2009, 02:36 AM #14
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
These inside system companies HIDE/CONCEAL part and sometimes all
of a basement wall that has existing cracks or is bowing inward and/or has
some mold,efflorescence on wall.THEY`LL install an inside water-diverting system and sometimes,as with this house/problems,install WALL ANCHORS
Picasa Web Albums - Tami - Foundation Re...
Here is dumb chtt anchor-ho outside
Picasa Web Albums - Tami - Foundation Re...
This is after they COVER/HIDE da wall
Picasa Web Albums - Tami - Foundation Re...
Nothing like concealing the ACTUAL CONDITION of a basement wall, F R A U D.
Picasa Web Albums - Tami - Foundation Re...
Step-crack is STILL..........OPEN on the OUTSIDE,water is STILL going
to enter the hollow block wall BECAUSE, these inside system knotheads
do NOT waterproof any exterior cracks......hello?
Will look something like this........
Snapfish: Share Photo:Registration
VERY likely,those cracks were CAUSED by exterior SOIL pressure,with possible help from UNDERGROUND ROOTS
Snapfish: Share Photo:Registration
Snapfish: Share Photo:Registration
The INSIDE SYSTEM chumps do NOT remove exterior soil and possible roots etc OFF the exterior wall NOT waterproof EXISTING EXTERIOR CRACKS!
And as i said and know, they HIDE the basement wall from the homeowner and the NEXT HOMEOWNERS! They claim the wall won`t move,cracks won`t widen if the homeowner has the anchors installed and inside system
put in........NONSENSE. Fact is, the homeowners/next homeowner will have NO G DANG idea if the cracks WIDEN or wall bows in a bit more because they have COVERED the stupid wall! You ain`t gonna SEE
water/dampness/mold/efflorescence because they`ve covered the wall.
Your not going to see MORE-of-this now that they covered wall
Picasa Web Albums - Tami - Foundation Re...
What did U S Army Corps of Enginers state about step-cracks,vertical cracks,wall bowing in here
US Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District
'Lateral pressure CAUSED step crack,CAUSED vertical crack and ummmm...
CAUSED wall to bow inward 9 inches'
DUH wall anchors do NOT remove ANY exterior CAUSE!
If anything, these anchors 'MIGHT' give the wall a bit of support WHERE
it`s against that-part-of-the-BLOCKS! What....10-12" inches or so?
Exterior CRACKS........still open!
And what about those underground/in-da-ho anchors?
They don`t think the SOIL won`t expand-contract in the future? HUH???
Underground roots,vibrations etc can mess up the dumb anchors
And HOW MUCH $$$$ do these morons want for this CRAP?
Unnnnnn-beeeeeeeee-lievable,truly a bunch of chtt,incompetence and
often FRAUD.
Got milk?
05-19-2009, 05:41 AM #15
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
Seems to me that you are on a rant, which has gone on for maybe 7-8 posts now, about the way other people do basements.
I agree that they should be done from the outside, how else can one actually address the problems?
05-19-2009, 05:44 AM #16
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
I think the prosperity of these guys has a lot to do with salesmanship. They manage to convince people that it is an 'easy, clean' blah blah' solution. Of course it turns into a big messy job but so what the contract is signed.
I always tell people the same thing, trench around the outside, fix the wall and install a waterproofing membrane and drain tile if needed. Everybody freaks out, doesn't want to do it, thinks its too expensive and hires those bozos.
05-19-2009, 02:46 PM #17
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
How ya doing gentzzz
Here is another pathetic-inept attempt....this is NOT waterproofing,sheesh
05 08 09 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
These inside system knotheads should be repeatedly SUED for incompetence,negligence and fraud.
If any CITY inspector has OKAYED this kind of incompetent-junk
as a solution to a homeowners problem(s),they too should be sued.
Put a membrane against inside basement wall? Huh??? LOL!!!!!
05-21-2009, 02:23 AM #18
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
Clinton Twp,block wall. Brick paver patio outside.
Homeowner ONLY gets water in one area at,along FLOOR WALL joint.
Snapfish: Share:Registration
Pic`s 1-5 Basement is finished, homeowner been playing around with
leak/problem for several years. Ran a hose,a water-test on outside....
ground level down to show him whether or not there is a crack/other opening on the outside of hollow block wall,got water in within 5 minutes.
Pic 6 Homeowner had someone previously dig down about 3', they
slapped a lil tar on wall.Some vertical TILES were put in and filled w/gravel
THIS does not fix/repair the crack(s) nor does the vertical tile and tad of
gravel give water that gets under pavers full and immediate drainage,it
won`t keep water OFF/AWAY from the wall,away from the cracks.
7 Vertical crack in parging,this is all it takes to get alot of water
in basement,along floor-wall joint
9-12 And there is a horizontal crack,it continues in BOTH directions.
So in da future, more exterior waterproofing will most likely be necessary.
But as i said, at-this-point-in-time the homeowner only leaks in this one
area thus the estimate and subsequent work in-this-one area,NOT gonna
talk anyone into more work/footage than presently necessary.
17 Backfilled w/all gravel. Clay,wood,bricks that WAS against the wall
and against the cracks,hauled away.
18 What area looks like INSIDE da basement.There was some mold on
back-side of wood/paneling,HO already cleaned some chtt up.
19 Where water came in,onto basement floor
20 'Sometimes' a vertical/step or horizontal crack IS visble on
inside.If ya go back to pic 19 you won`t see the thin horizontal crack
on the inside.POINT is, just because a crack(s) is not visible INSIDE does
not mean there aren`t any exterior cracks and/or loose-cracked parging.
Cost? $1,075. Versus how much fer inside system that will NOT 'stop'
This homeowner, like many can EASY get blchhhttt`d by INSIDE SYSTEM
companies,uh huh.Especially when the basement is finished. These bozo`s
will VERY often misrepresent several things to homeowners. Such as.....
they`ll tell HO the reason they see water at floor-wall joints is ALWAYS
due to a supposed hydrostatic pressure problem UNDER the floor,high water table etc and only way to fix it is to install their dorky inside system
usually with a sump pump and.....they`ll usually try and talk homeowners
into a FULL perimeter system,even when HO only leaks in ONE area.
Yep, fraud and/or highly incompetent.
-Pic`s from coupe of estimates.....
Snapfish: Share:Registration
SCS,block wall. Several trees and bushes been cut down/taken out....
clay soil.
Pic 3 Ya might notice stump about 3' away from porch,bottom right.
Pic 7,8 This is the front porch basement wall INSIDE.
9 Front wall, horizontal crack
10-12 Drive side, an INSIDE SYSTEM was milk?
The inside system did not,has not STOPPED water from entering.Paint
peeling,some mold......water is still entering on the outside,through
exterior cracks in basement wall AND 'above' ground through open mortar
joints ad other openings in chimney,see water stains on wood in pic 12
-Next, 13-21 lady just bought house in Mac Twp....was told NO leaks etc.
Well.....2 of the 3 cracks DO leak....and some rod holes about-to.
05-21-2009, 03:08 AM #19
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
Looks like DIY job, his house so whatever ya want but, this has not....
will not stop water from entering,will not stop mold/efflorescence and
paint peeling ya see.There are exterior cracks, exterior horizontal crack
is noticeable at :20-30 mark.
YouTube - Basement Waterproofing - Day 2
Water will continue to enter the wall,the blocks because the actual problems have not been correctly identified and fixed or HO thinks
its better to install inside system. If he sells the house,the BUYER
needs to know the basement has NOT been 'waterproofed' and that
there are existing exterior cracks.And that one wall w/horizontal
crack looks like its pushed in a bit,exterior lateral pressure and/or roots
etc causing crack/shifting. If this HO covers this wall the BUYER won`t
KNOW,won`t see some of the EXISTING problems
Drilling holes in blocks does NOT stop,does not keep water from
entering the wall and does NOT remove/relieve exterior soil pressure,roots
etc. ALL this does is allow the water that will continue to enter the blocks
......out.Won`t stop,prevent further mold/efflorescence etc because
And for anyone to STATE/CLAIM to a buyer that the basement has been
waterproofed and/or any-all problems have been repaired is FRAUD.
When water is entering through exterior cracks,loose-cracked parging errr
openings in-around-under basement windows,doors,open mortar joints etc then THOSE are the things that should be fixed/repaired.......when water
is getting on basement floor due to a possible blockage/clog/break in the
lateral line then THIS is the problem, NOT ANY inside system.
Misrepresenting WHY-WHERE water is entering a basement can get ya
in deep crap.These inside system bozos don`t know or want to bring up
the fact that block wall OFTEN have exterior cracks,loose cracked parging
and the ONLY way to stop water from entering is to waterproof these
problems on the outside. Have a nice day,got milk?
05-23-2009, 01:15 AM #20
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
Harper Woods, block wall.
On heavy-longer rains,homeowner gets water at FLOOR-WALL joint
at back corner. She`s been in house for about 20 years,leak has slowly
got worse,concrete patio outside and she tried tarring along concrete
and house. Efflorescence and paint peeling on inside wall in corner area.
Snapfish: Share:Registration
Pic 2. Problem is at the back left side corner.Many inside system companies would LIE to homeowner and tell them there isn`t enough room to excavate/waterproof on the outside.
Pic 3. Saw cut concrete 'apron'......about 18" wide x about 5' long.
4. Once ya move some of the concrete you can see the TOP of the
5. Pain in azz job for not much money,fence and fence post,bush
w/underground roots right where ya gotta dig. Cost....$875
6-11 THE Problems....the reasons why and where water FIRST enters
into the hollow blocks and ummm, NO inside system on the planet will
stop water from entering these exterior cracks which also means, no inside system would stop efflorescence etc on inside wall.
15. Exterior drain tile A OK and even if it wasn`t,it would have nothing to do with the fact there are exterior cracks,gaps and THIS is
why and where water enters,this IS the problem.
16. Just about done,backfilled w/all gravel.
17-20 Pic`s of INSIDE wall/corner,of the efflorescence and paint peeling.
If someone were to recommend as a solution something like..............
mudjacking slab(s) and/or extending downspout extension 3 miles away etc then they have NOT correctly identified the actual problems nor have
they recommended the only actual-real solution.Putting an extension on
or mudjacking slabs etc will not FIX the EXISTING cracks.
-State Treasurer`s Brother New Digs Causing Structural Damage to
Neighborhood Buildings
Neighbors Upset Over Giannoulias Brother's House; State Treasurer's Brother's New Digs Causes Damage -
There are quite a few who simply do not get it,don`t understand what
Vila article gets it on these points
Why Foundations Fail
LAST PARAGRAPH..............
'Careful On The Construction Site'
......."some of the PRESSURE is TRANSFERRED to the WALL" can ADD enough surcharge pressure and damage wall
........a NEW BUILDING being built near an EXISTING building can also
INCREASE the underground pressure and DAMAGE the existing foundation
Knock knock,anybody home???
Let`s check this U S Army Corps of Engineers link, got milk?
Page 78 Foundation Movement......'Causative Factors'
3.1 Overview
"Freeman et al suggests FOUNDATION MOVEMENT may result from a wide
range of factors, which can include:
1. compression of a soft layer in the ground as a result of the applied
foundation or perimeter loads
2. shrinkage and swelling of clays......
3. soil softening
4. compression of filled ground
5. frost heave
6. variations in groundwater level
7. erosion
8. nearby construction or excavation
9. chemical attack...
10. collapse of mine workings...
11. vibration
The Hollies/Long Cool Woman
YouTube - Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress by The Hollies
05-23-2009, 02:08 AM #21
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
Here`s another moron who`s been cheating people
YouTube - Stitching a Crack
The knothead makes quite a few claims, one is............
"Epoxy injection,with stitching, is the only method that stops the seepage
but also ELIMINATES the STRUCTURAL problems related to moving wall cracks"
This is complete blcchttt,incompetence.
Concrete Charlie - Foundation Crack Repair
Let`s see, says here at least 34 homeowners have made complaints
just within the last 36 months
BBB Review of Ostarr Concrete Repair Center in Countryside, IL
Hey mister concrete Charlie, explain in full exactly how your blccchtt
injection REMOVES expanding-contracting soil/lateral pressure OFF a
basement wall,which causes many cracks in basement walls,causes cracks to WIDEN,causes walls to bow inward.....and what about underground ROOTS against the outside of a basement wall that can do he same thing,what does yer lil injection crap do about those.......huh?
Snapfish: Share Photo:Registration
Lifetime Transferable Guarantee eh? .....Last paragraph
Concrete Charlie - Foundation Crack Repair
Just MORE blccchtttt from another inside moron.
Concrete Charlie - Foundation Crack Repair
-Interior Drainage
Bozo claims.....the ONLY way to address a water problem is to install interior draintile and a sump
Hey Choo Choo Charlie, you have ALOT to learn but, yer not intersted.
All these nitwits are intersted in is how to blcchttt people outta their money.
Good & Plenty/Choo Choo Charlie
YouTube - 1950s *Good & Plenty* Candy Commercial
The Byrds/I`ll Feel A Whole Lot Better
YouTube - Byrds - I'll Feel A Whole Lot Better
Last edited by John Bubber; 05-23-2009 at 02:39 AM.
05-25-2009, 03:23 AM #22
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
Bridgetown Man Says Company Won`t Fix Leaky Basement
Bridgetown Man Has Problems With Leaking Basement - :: Cincinnati news story :: LOCAL 12 WKRC-TV in Cincinnati
Ummmm, had-has EXTERIOR CRACKS. What did nitwit company do?
Installed an inside system that did NOT WATERPROOF the exterior cracks!
Went from $7,000 to $14,000 because of a 'supposed' need (blchttt) for
more underpinning. Hey, this inside system company and many others
lie and/or misrepresent the actual conditions of why there are cracks and
subsequent leaks.Underpinning won`t do anything when the cracks-leaks
are caused by lateral soil pressure and/or roots or concrete slabs or
possibly a porch footing,nothing.
Snapfish: Share Photo:Registration
Gotta go outside to repair/waterproof cracks and remove expanding
contracting soil/roots that was against this wall. There was also a thick
concrete SLAB up against the corner/wall here. No cracked,dropped footing,no settling.
Just because there are crack(s) in a basement wall in no way means
there is automatically a problem with the footing,need for underpinning.
These inside idiots do this chtt ALL the time,tell homeowners they need
underpinning or wall anchors etc to BUMP UP the COST.
This is how many of these fraudulent inside knotheads PAY for those
full Yellow Page ads or TV/radio ads!! They CHEAT people! Yes,they do.
And sometimes they cheat people with the help/aid of some nitwits in
the MEDIA,thats right.Some who HOST radio home improvement shows,
chtt like that.
Quite a few automatically ASSUME when they see something like this (bricks-step crack)
there is a cracked-dropped footing,settling and a supposed need for piers,underpinning etc.
Snapfish: Share Photo:Registration
Snapfish: Share:Registration
Pics 4,7 Some Bozo previously attempted to waterproof crack,didn`t use hydraulic cement and backfilled w/same clay soil
The bricks cracked because the WALL cracked,not because there is a supposed problem
with settling/footing.Lady almost got RIPPED off by a couple companies who told her she
needed piers and an inside system,nonsense!
Follow the step crack down to corner of window,where the wall is cracked.
Pics 11,12,20,21 There was NO cracked-dropped footing,no settling problem thus
no need for any piers etc.
Inside basement, you see some mold and efflorescence and paint peeling. Thats because water
was entering into the blocks through exterior cracks. NO inside system would STOP water
from continuing to enter exterior cracks.
Pic 17 Just a lil hello to the fraudlulent-incompetent inside system twinks
Step cracks,vertical cracks,horizontal cracks doesn`t mean there is this
blcchtt-likelihood of footing problems or need for underpinning,cracks
are often caused by LATERAL pressure(s),as seen in these pic`s
US Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District
Same goes for cracks in BRICKS................
2nd para.....'most cracks require cosmetic treatment only'
(NOT basement wall cracks).
...'Unfortunately LACK of KNOWLEDGE can lead to the adoption of
UNNECESSARILY expensive treatments which may be SUGGESTED
by FIRMS BIASED in favour of using their own patented and profitable
Beware Basement Waterproofers @ The Money Pit Home Improvement Radio Show
$14,000+....still leaks.....yet again,actual problems were not correctly
or honestly IDENTIFIED.
Take basement to higher level --
....."Be prepared to weed through an array of proposals from waterproofing contractors--A LOT of them BOGUS........."
Need someone to cut yer grass??? Got milk?
YouTube - this blonde girl is nice...very nice...
Last edited by John Bubber; 05-25-2009 at 04:16 AM.
05-25-2009, 03:14 PM #23
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
my small little story about basement waterproofing:
we bought a townhouse from a sleazy GC in Baltimore, MD a few years back..these houses had been "gutted" inside with all the systems that needed repair fixed...our townhouse was a end unit..
one stormy nigh of the first winter that we spent on the house I woke up due to the storm noise and got my feet under 1- 1/2" of water..that was a rude feeling to say the least.. we had moved our bedroom to the basement for several reasons...
Turns out the whatever drainage system they had in place (if any, townhouses were 100 years old) did not work so well as noted by existing residents..We went for the insurance and we got about $3500 after discounting the moneys for the repairs that I made(I think that the GC eventually got sued) .
A few waterproofing "specialists" came and gave estimates...some of those idiots wanted to use drylock..others didn't have a clue of what they were supposed to be doing...1 guy actually understood about waterproofing but wanted to make big money...he wanted to do the trench out-doors, where it would make more sense..
We got a check from the insurance and I rented the biggest electrical jack hammer I could get from Home Depot and did a trench on the inside perimeter of the bedroom in the basement with about 6" wide by 8" deep sloping to the sum pump which was also needing repair, surprise! Used concrete mortar to build the trench walls and painted a coat of portland cement slurry for good value waterproofing coating .
This time I installed the carpeting on top of treated lumber fastened with Tapcon screws to the concrete floor and non-treated 5/8 plywood as base for the carpet...
before I get flamed with foundations issues, wrong approach, etc, etc.. I must tell you that this was the only way to do this job efficiently given the circunstances.. Our house was an end unit and also the lowest on the row... I had obseved during the flooding of my basement that the water was coming in along the firewall that separated my house with my neighboor's..
I am not sure what the neighboor did..
05-25-2009, 05:10 PM #24
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
As described, the circumstances which YOU have created may now lead to your basement walls being pushed inward at the bottom.
I wonder what you insurance company will say when you file a claim when that happens ... I'll take a guess "Claim denied."
Now your "only way to do this job efficiently" has turned into a major nightmare for you and you have to foot the entire cost for it, and the neighbors townhouse which is now cracking as a result of YOUR work.
Sometimes the "1 guy actually understood about waterproofing but wanted to make big money..." actually was giving you a reasonable price to the the correct work.
Not flaming at you, just pointing out that you may have really screwed up this time.
05-25-2009, 06:29 PM #25
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
As described, the circumstances which YOU have created may now lead to your basement walls being pushed inward at the bottom.
I wonder what you insurance company will say when you file a claim when that happens ... I'll take a guess "Claim denied."
Now your "only way to do this job efficiently" has turned into a major nightmare for you and you have to foot the entire cost for it, and the neighbors townhouse which is now cracking as a result of YOUR work.
Sometimes the "1 guy actually understood about waterproofing but wanted to make big money..." actually was giving you a reasonable price to the the correct work.
Not flaming at you, just pointing out that you may have really screwed up this time.
Tanks Jerry, but neither might be talking about negative hydrostatic pressure..the one that sometimes pushes swimming pools out of the ground.. Believe it or not I have some experience about that particular issue..
I should have been more clear:The guy that understood what was happening could not perform the work was not feasable.... he could only dig around my did not make sense..I noted on my previous post that the water was coming from under the neighbor's
townhouse. That particular neighbor did not have any problems and was not very social so I did not even bother...
I notified everyone on my neighborhood..some with similar problems sued the GC. I decided not to since this was a temp home and I did not have time to chase crooks... they went bankrupt anyway...
Sometimes that is nothing that the books can do abour it... comes down to doing the best given the situation..I deal with those issues every day and would not exchange my actual working experience with any degree...sure, I do less money but have more fun too ..Now I thinking about going back to boring college...
Today 06:14 PM
05-25-2009, 06:39 PM #26
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
What I am referring to is where you cut the basement slab back 6" around its perimeter, and the basement slab is what provides a diaphragm to resist the inward movement of the basement foundation walls due to the weight and soil loading against the walls and the hydrostatic pressure of the water in the soil pressing against the basement foundation walls, all of which are trying to push the basement foundation walls inward, with the greatest pressure being at the center of the bottom of the foundation wall - which, by your description of cutting that 6" out around the perimeter, how has no lateral support to resist that pressure.
So, as you said "but neither happened", I can only add "Yet."
05-26-2009, 04:26 AM #27
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
yes, I understand...the slab has some value for what it is worth....on that situation I decided that was Not important given the massive concrete wall's too complicated to describe but the bedroom in question was lower than any other room in the basement and was about 1/3 of the house lenght... This was a long but kind of narrow townhouse, typical of the developments like this.
7 years went by wife was in the neighborhood a couple months back and the house still looks the same...everyone is happy...if in 20 more years something happens, that would defeat my expectations of 25 years...most contractors will give you 1 year on this area... besides my treated wood beams with tapcon screws will provide some diaphragm resistance (excluding diagonal).
Last edited by Joao Vieira; 05-26-2009 at 04:29 AM. Reason: and for diagonal I have the these days SE use drywall
05-26-2009, 06:38 AM #28
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
Therein lies the miscommunication:
I thought you were stating that you bought it "a few years back", then moved the master bedroom down stairs, then had the flood, then did the work (fairly recently within that "few years back").
It turns out that was "7 years" ago.
Here is the problem, though, your wife saw it from the outside only, which is the last place you will see the affects of that wall moving.
Thus, I still have my same concerns about what you did.
I do have another question, though ... you said the townhouses were 100 years old, then you said you did your work with an expectation of 25 years ... I would have thought you would have wanted to do the work to help make the structure last another 100 years ... not just another 25 years ... whatever.
05-27-2009, 02:33 AM #29
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
Gram`s Leaking Basement
YouTube - Gram's Leaking Basement
Young lady, what needs to be done FIRST is to eyeball the basement wall
in THOSE areas and see if there is a crack(s) and-or open leaky rod holes
and-or if there is water running from the TOP of basement wall down onto
floor etc.
The fact ya see water along FLOOR-WALL joint doesn`t mean much, that just happens to be where you see the water in basement, hasn`t identified HOW-WHERE the water is first-entering.So take part of that paneling down and eyeball da wall in those areas.
Part of problem could also possibly be a blockage-clog in the lateral line
or,if there is an existing sump it may need an adjustment or may need
a new sump or sometimes one needs to drill some holes in sump pit-wall
just under thickness of basement floor to allow water to get into the PIT faster,rather than it accumulating under the floor and then possibly rising up through a floor crack etc.
Usually it`ll be crack(s),rod holes/other openings IN the wall.... and-or
openings ABOVE the wall....except when heavy rains/flooding occurs and then a lateral line problem-clog or city`s problem possibility rises.
PG 1. Fixing da problem......'MAY be.....(COULD be) easy as roddding
your lateral line'
PG 4. Broken or Clogged Lateral Lines/Sewer Line Back Ups........
She sees water along floor-wall did THESE homeowners...
Snapfish: Share Photo:Registration
Snapfish: Share Photo:Registration
Snapfish: Share Photo:Registration
Snapfish: Share Photo:Registration
All had estimates from INSIDE SYSTEM morons who told them their problem was a hydrostatic pressure problem under the floor/high water table area and other lies.They didn`t need to spend $7,000-$17,000+
for ANY inside system.
Here is a homeowner who got blcchtt`d into an inside system w/sump that did NOT stop water from entering,did not stop-prevent FURTHER mold and efflorescence. The actual problems were incompetently or intentionally misdiagnosed,misrepresented
Snapfish: Share:Registration
First 6 pics,not the last
1. Edge of basement floor was j-hammered and inside system put in
2. Duh sump pump
...water is still entering the hollow blocks on the outside,there are cracks,
loose-cracked parging on the outside,mold-efflorescence will only get worse because inside nitwits ONLY install inside systems and inside systems don`t fix/repair exterior cracks,loose-cracked parging etc.
In recent years most inside system co`s have learned a LIL and started
covering part or all of the inside basement wall(s) w/crap like 'bright wall' and other junk because they found out inside systems don`t stop water
from entering through the wall,above the wall and want to COVER their tracks better and hide-conceal any further mold,efflorescence,wall movement and cracks that can widen,they don`t want anyone to see these realities.
And thats called MISREPRESENTING the actual problems-conditions of why water enters the basement etc in order to SELL the only thing they do,if they don`t lie/blccchtt homeowners into inside systems they don`t make money,they`ll go outta biz.....that would be soooo sad wouldn`t it
That LAST pic, just want to point out a couple ROD HOLES.
This is sometimes a homeowners ONLY problem but, if you have paneling
or drywall up you won`t/can`t see`ll ONLY see water at
floor-wall joint just like in video and you can EASILY get LIED to by
inside system salesdorks who`ll try `n tell ya you need an inside system.
Another point...
...telling/recommending to any homeowner to raise and slope the grade and-or add 2 mile long downspout extensions and other SURFACE water
diverting techniques does NOT,has not 'identified' ANY homeowners
ACTUAL problem(s)....nor will doing any of these truly fix whatever the real problem is.
Raising the grade,100 mile long extensions etc, does not waterproof an
exisiting crack,does not repair an open leaky rod hole,does not tuckpoint
open mortar joints,does not caulk-replace openings in-around a basement window or door,does not snake-rod a possible blockage in the lateral line,does not
adjust-replace a faulty sump pump etc etc etc. Got MILK?
Basement flooding.......
YouTube - Basement flooding
...'rain decides to come straight into the basement'
Says he patched wall on inside.If it`s a crack ya need to waterproof it
and not patch it on inside.
Next area,there is a crack here,leaks.
Next, water coming through basement window.
Rain decided to go into your basement because ummmmmmm, you have cracks/openings that allows the rain to ENTER! Waterproof the cracks and replace the window! lolol
Lovin` Spoonful/Do You Believe in Magic
YouTube - Lovin' Spoonful - Do You Believe In Magic
Gary Puckett & the Union Gap/Lady Willpower
YouTube - Lady Willpower Gary Puckett 1968
Dave Clark Five/Over and Over
YouTube - dave clark five over and over
The Amboy Dukes/Journey to the Center of the Mind
YouTube - Amboy Dukes, The Journey to the Center of the Mind
Last edited by John Bubber; 05-27-2009 at 03:42 AM.
05-28-2009, 03:05 AM #30
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
DIY Basement waterproofing
YouTube - Seven feet under!
Mr Izz,
Love your determination and hard work...just a couple things in case
another homeowner is lurking and may want to DIY
'IF' ONLY had 1 vertical crack (caption says 'seal crack',not cracks)
you could have dug out and waterproofed that area/crack and not dig out what looks to be most of this wall.
And try and get a friend to help,if the bank caves in and your alone
and pinned down there, your in deep chtt.
A friend could also have MOVED the clay/soil AWAY from the ditch,
off-the-bank. This added SOIL-WEIGHT 'could cause' the bank to
cave in. They could have wheeled it out to street and had it picked up,
hauled away.
Could have had gravel/peastone delivered,dropped off in the street by
your approach to use for backfill. If you backfilled with this same clay
then as it settles over coming months its going to apply pressure against
the wall,especially when it gets wet and 'could cause' that crack to
open-widen/re-leak or cause another crack elsewhere in that wall.
Inside system twinks NEVER work anywhere near as hard as Mr Izz,
they could use a guy like this,many in milk?
The Who/Baba O`Riley
YouTube - Baba O'Riley- House, M.d fanvid
06-02-2009, 06:08 AM #31
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
This is a little of what a few of us been trying to explain to those who do not understand THIS subject and incompetently recommend 'supposed' fixes/solutions to homeowners who have leaky basement,some mold and-or efflorescence or paint peeling on wall.There are many good-honest home inspectors...many does not mean a buyer/seller is going to get a good one
YouTube - Home Maintenance Checklists-Water In Basement
Says, home maintenance checklist/water in basement
And NO, not saying the guy is some evil moron or the worst inspector, is probably a good overall HI BUT,
imo he should not be recommending SQUAT to homeowners on a subject he knows little about. This is one way a home inspector can be sued/lose their inspection fee.Ya think yer helping/solving seller-buyers leaky basement but your not,not by recommending stuff like this
He says the downspout is discharging water at front corner and if you don`t divert water away you`ll get water penetration in basement.
Sure seems to my old az he is stating he has correctly identified the
problem HIS recommendation/solution would be to DIVERT water further away and this will solve the leak.
This has NOT correctly IDENTIFIED how-where the water is truly getting in. There is either a crack(s) on the outside and-or loose-cracked exterior parging and-or opening(s) above ground, this is HOW....
WHERE-WHY water is allowed to enter and causes mold,efflorescence,paint peeling etc on interior parts of wall.
Adding a longer downspout could divert some-surface water a little further away from the most likely problem.....exterior crack/loose-cracked parging and when part or all of the problem is mortar joints above ground or openings/gaps under-around basement windows etc then adding a longer downspout or mudjacking slabs etc doesn`t tuckpoint the open joints or replace a basement window and so on.The problem(s) is still there,is still open. If the water is entering through an exterior crack in block wall then it needs to be waterproofed, a longer downspout or raising the grade 8 miles high (The Byrds) hasn`t repaired the existing defect,the crack.
Why can`t some seemingly fairly smart peeps TRY and understand this.
Snapfish: Share Photo:Registration
This homeowner recently painted bsmt walls, paint peeling and some mold and efflorescence before and after painting w/Drylok crap,downspout is extended AWAY from not THE problem,is not why water is allowed to enter. HO got water inside at floor-wall joint in mostly 2 different areas,at the corner and under the basement window..... BECAUSE there was a crack on the outside of the block wall under window and because there was gaps on the outside where the GAS LINE enters the wall,see pics.
Another pic of inside wall, efflorescence etc
Snapfish: Share Photo:Registration
Snapfish: Share Photo:Registration
Snapfish: Share Photo:Registration
Here`s why-where water is allowed to enter,if there weren`t exterior cracks and gap around gas line....NO exteior openings/no chtty THIN parging etc and no possible problem-clog w/lateral line,no sump problem etc then no water is going to enter. Its not about the grade,its about finding-locating how-where the dumb water is getting in.What if someones problem is a condensation problem behind drywall,recommending a longer downspiut etc has not identified that problem NOR will it solve it.
Ya gotta...........correctly IDENTIFY THE problem(sssss).
Yeah,ya want downspout-gutters free and clear of garbage etc so water doesn`t soak bricks/joints/siding/windows etc when it comes off da roof but that has nothing to do with possible exterior cracks and so on.
Can`t keep all subsurface water away from depth of basement wall (cracks), especially on long,heavy rains,spring thaws. Water can wick,percolate,travel SIDEWAYS through soil, under driveways/patios,it sure as chtt can and does. Some incorrectly assume that if the driveway,grade is sloped-pitched away from house then ALL the water will be kept away from house,away from basement wall.....sorry,doesn`t work that way,not on heavier,longer rains,thaws.
If that was true, these and countless other homeowners wouldn`t have kept getting water in,their driveway is pitched away....and here they also put tar along drive-house.
Snapfish: Share:Registration
This homeowner had slabs mudjacked....that didn`t stop/keep all water away from exterior cracks/loose cracked parging.
Snapfish: Share:Registration
Brick paver patio...inside pic....then set w/actual problems on outside
Snapfish: Share Photo:Registration
Snapfish: Share:Registration
If someone is not selling their house and wants to PLAY surface water diverting games instead of finding the real reason(s) why water is entering....fine, have fun.
06-02-2009, 08:23 AM #32
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
Not sure if you are trying to share information with us or what, but your posts (thankfully they are all in one thread) look like a rant.
I don't know about the others, but I have stopped even bothering to read any of them, starting way back up there near the top.
06-02-2009, 09:06 AM #33
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
Jerry McCarthy
Building Code/ Construction Consultant
06-02-2009, 10:12 AM #34
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
Pretty clear from here.
Home inspectors should not be recommending raising-sloping the grade,66 mile long downspouts extensions etc as a fix/solution for a leaky basement.
The last video sure looks like one of many HI`s who think exactly this.
Trying to divert surface water does not 'identify' how/where/why the water is allowed to enter, whether its due to exterior crack(s),openings above grade or a possible blockage in lateral line/problem w/sump pump
I for one am tired of watching buyers get misled,misinformed on
this subject. Many have bought a house and were told all they needed to do was raise-slope the grade etc and i say again, THAT kinda stuff does not identify what the problem actually is and doesn`t fix/repair whatever the problem is. So many buyers find out in a month(s) they need
to waterproof a crack and-or have some tuckpointing done or snake lateral line etc when this should have,could have been pointed out to them BEFORE they put a bid on the house.
Not a rant, just the facts.
If one looks at those snapfish pics/links one should be able to see
how-where water was getting in those basements which had nothing to do with the grade,downspouts.
06-02-2009, 11:05 AM #35
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
06-02-2009, 12:46 PM #36
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
Not a rant EC Jerry, but rather a lecture in which the facts are skewed. (I dropped the r in skewed)
Jerry McCarthy
Building Code/ Construction Consultant
06-02-2009, 01:03 PM #37
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
WC Jerry,
I dunno, a lecture is where one sternly tells another something, or the lecturer teaches something, but the above rant is ... well ... just so much duplication without interaction from others to have him explain further, that he just carries on and on.
To me, that is a rant ... but then, I've never been to colege ta git a edumacashun ... so I don't know what a "lecture" is like.
I have, however, be lectured about things I have done, or not done, so I do know what it is like to be lectured - and the above is not a lot different ... I did not pay attention then either, so maybe you are right, it just might be a "lecture".
My instinct tells me it is a "rant", though.
06-03-2009, 02:07 AM #38
06-03-2009, 02:39 AM #39
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
All due to respect Jerry but if you stopped reading and haven`t eyeballed
those pictures and read other-articles like U S Army Corps Engs/Yoder etc
then i guess you not going to be able to understand what i`m 'ranting' about. And if you stopped reading at-near the top and have no interest
on this then why ya still here?
06-03-2009, 07:39 AM #40
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
06-03-2009, 11:26 AM #41
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
Do you know Jack Schitt?
YouTube - Do You Know Jack Schitt
06-06-2009, 02:42 AM #42
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
Leaky basement
Block wall, water comes in at floor-wall joint at/near corner only.
Here`s what it looks like inside..........
Snapfish: Share Photo:Registration
Anyone recommending raising and sloping the grade,69 1/2 mile long downspout extensions as a SOLUTION us full of schitt,incompetent.
Doing this crap does NOT 'identify' how/where the water is allowed to
come in,sheesh.
Those who recommend PAINTING the basement walls as some sort of solution are also full of schitt.
Snapfish: Share:Registration
Pic`s 2,3
Most of those inside system companies will blcchtt homeowners and tell them LOTS of crap including, there isn`t enough room to waterproof the outside. They`ll tell homeowners just about anything to sway them away from exterior work because they don`t hand dig to footing and only install inside drain tile/baseboard systems,hello?
They also tell many homeowners the reason water is on floor,at,along floor-wall joint is always because there is a SUPPOSED hydrostatic pressure problem under DUH floor and only an inside system will solve this.
Pic`s 4-9
This is where most of the water first enters into the hollow block wall,
it stays inside the blocks,goes down through the lower blocks and comes out on basement floor,most often at-neat the floor-wall joint,also called the cold joint,some call it the cove.
Now ummm, since this IS 'THE problem' and inside morons ONLY install inside systems then duh, they are not stoppping-preventing water from where its actually entering,got that? They either haven`t correctly diagnosed THE problem and/or don`t care to.
If you had a leaky ROOF would you allow the water to continue to enter and then divert it OR would you go outside and get yer az up on the roof and FIND/identify where-how the water is first entering and then repair it/replace roof?
If you don`t stop the water from entering the roof what`s gonna happen to the wood? Will insects etc be able to enter? What about mold etc.
Would you SELL a house that has a leaky roof,an existing defect-flaw?
Pic`s 10,11,12
others openings along,above,just under the grade.
Pic 14
Why are some of the mortar joints/bricks GREEN?
YouTube - Cool Hand Luke - Car Wash
Tic Tac Sir?
YouTube - Dumb And Dumber
Last edited by John Bubber; 06-06-2009 at 02:47 AM.
06-07-2009, 03:09 PM #43
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
Jerry's - you have more patience than I do. I saw the length of the posts, and saw they looked like they were all the same, and lost interest before I really read any of it.
Let's see....brand new to the board - posts the longest recorded post since InspectionNews inception, JP says it's a rant (I take his word), then gets uppity. Yep, I just added a new "ignore".
You guys can stay here - I'm done before I started.
06-08-2009, 01:02 AM #44
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
Yeah well, some GET IT and some do not.
Any HI`s making recommendations such as raising-sloping the grade,100 mile long downspout extensions to sellers/buyers as a solution for wet basement needs to be held accountable/liable.Trying to divert surface
water does not identify/diagnose the true problem(s) nor will this crap
repair whatever the problem actually is.
Says, 'brand new to board'. So? What does that have to do with the FACTS/PIC`s within?
30 years of experience on THIS subject versus....what you/others have?
How many leaky basements/cracks widening/bowed walls have YOU fixed and guaranteed?
Say it again whether ya like it or not,quite a few HI`s have been/still are waaaaay off
on their recommendations/supposed solutions for leaky basements.
Here is one HI and his supposed SOLUTION to leaky/wet basements.....this is what i mean ok?
He recommends as solution......REGRADE with CLAY.
And says if that doesn`t work it may be advisable to install a hydrostatic pressure relief system!!
Says/assumes average cost is $2,500-$4,000!
Most inside systems cost $7,000-$15,000+.......not $2,500-4,000.
Is waaaaay off. Where is this HI getting his numbers,from some idiot inside system company?
He says, average situation you`ll need 10-20 wheelbarrows of CLAY,average cost $400-$1,000.
This junk/raising grade-clay is NOT helping ANY homeowner who has leaky basement,its a waste
of time and MONEY ($400-1,000)
Say it AGAIN, adding soil/clay has NOT correctly identified whatever the problem(s) are!
It never has. Nor does this incompetent crap fix/repair whatever the problem(s) are.
If the problem/where water is allowed to enter is an exterior crack in block wall then
the correct-competent recommendation and actual solution would be to waterproof the crack
on the outside,not add soil,not extend downspout extension,not install a pressure relief system!!
That $400-1,000 for adding clay should have/could have gone to waterproofing a crack,repairing
the actual problem.
If the problem are open mortar joints or gaps around/under a basement window then the
solution would be tuckpointing/sealing the openings/gaps under the window! Not raise the grade, not downspout,not to install a pressure relief system.
If the problem is a blockage/clog in the lateral line then the solution would be to have plumber
snake the dumb lateral line (could be a break/crack in line as well) or, could be sump needs adjustment or replacement and so on. Raising the grade or installing a pressure relief system is not the solution for this it? Probably not.
Too long huh? Pfft.
Here`s another potential PROBLEM with this and other HI`s recommendation of adding soil,clay...
Planning for a raised patio - by John F Mann - Page 3 - Helium
..."Many contractors do NOT understand the effect of a new raised patio on the ADJACENT WALL"
(this INCLUDES adding CLAY or if one were to pour a new driveway OVER an existing drive etc)
"WEIGHT of the SOIL is one of the primary factors that determines how much lateral pressure is caused by the SOIL against the foundation wall..."
"Even what may be considered relatively small increases in backfill can cause large increases in pressure AGAINST the wall....ADDITIONAL WEIGHT of ANYTHING (adding clay etc) placed on top
of soil backfill causes additional lateral pressure against the foundation wall"
None of this is important eh? Too much to read for some HI`s huh?
-Leaky Foundations Best Fixed From Outside
On the OTHER HAND there are some HI`s who do understand some of these things,like this guy
Leaky foundations best fixed from outside - Winnipeg Free Press Homes
Ari here understands the importance of trying to FIRST determine/identify the actual problem/
eyeballing the walls etc.
installation may AFFECT the STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY of the basement floor slab and does NOTHING to STOP FURTHER DETERIORATION of the outside of the foundation walls"
something else to chew on - Page 29 - InterNACHI Message Board
Some HI`s on this board 'get it'.
Not important eh? Too long and boring huh?
Well, thats YOUR opinion. If an HI is PAID to FIND defects etc then seems to me this is all
very important. Maybe you should be reading/learning more to help those homeowners who
Whats more important than inspecting the foundation/walls? Door knobs,handrails?
Could care less about the BBB`s rating on this company who PAYS them (A+ pffftttt!)
At least one HI on this board recommends this company to homeowners,wonderful!
BBB Review of Perma-Seal Basement Systems, Inc. in Downers Grove, IL
At least 55 homeowner complaints just within the last 36 months,an inside system company.
On the other hand, some of us been out here for 30-35 years,like Capizzo Construction
who`ve had a TOTAL of zero or one 30-35 years.
If a HI recommends adding soil/clay or installing a pressure relief system and bypasses identifying the actual problem(s) then their az may be called out with any ongoing problems such as,
if any DAMAGE occurs to the basement wall after adding CLAY or installing some foolish pressure relief system. Why do so many insist THEY have the solutions to leaky basements when they do not have any real experience/knowledge.
Last edited by John Bubber; 06-08-2009 at 02:37 AM.
06-08-2009, 02:27 PM #45
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
I "Get It" the rant is back on. Too bad.
09-28-2009, 02:22 AM #46
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
May need to click links twice to view pic`s
Snapfish: Share:Registration
They recently bought house and were told by seller and HI there were no basement leaks/seepage concerns....that previous water in the basement
was supposedly solved by pouring a new driveway,applying tar along house-driveway and painting inside wall with Drylok.
Pics 3-6. 4" of concrete UNDER the new driveway.Was along entire 35' long wall and at least 18" wide.
Some incompetently think/assume that a new driveway w/correct 'pitch'
SOLVES basement leaks-seepage.....and they are wrong.
Pics 7-12. What else did someone incompetently install? A drain and tile
under the concrete! Total incompetence,inept.
Pics 13-23. These are why-how-where WATER gets into-the-hollow-blocks.....these are the actual problems which needed to be repaired-waterproofed.
--Vertical cracks,corner cracks,horizontal cracks,cracked parging and other openings just under and above the grade.
Snapfish: Share:Registration
Same house.
Pics 16-20. What the INSIDE basement wall looks like.
You do NOT see the vertical,horizontal and other cracks/openings on the
inside.As this honest expert has repeatedly noted,that does NOT ever mean there aren`t EXTERIOR cracks,existing defects which are WHY water is getting in.
To recommend a new driveway and-or mudjacking slabs and-or raising the grade and-or 2 mile long downspout extensions and-or installing an interior system and-or tarring along driveway and-or applying DRYLOK to ANY HOMEOWNER as any kind of true solution when YOU have NOT even attempted to IDENTIFY how-where the water is getting in, is poor judgement are not an expert on THIS subject so......leave-it-alone please,quit recommending any of this crap solutions because they are not and again, you haven`t correctly-EXPERTLY identified the problem(s)!
Preaching,ranting? Yeah maybe because some of YOU are costing homeowners quite a bit of MONEY recommending this kind of CRAP as solutions when they have NEVER been.Beyond what some of you want to title my posts,you should welcome it,they are the facts.Some HI`s say they want to further 'educate' themselves....right? Well here ya go,like it or not.
I don`t know jack schitt about electrical,am not close to being a
carpenter etc THUS......i do not recommend anything on schitt i know little if anything about. So how is it that so many THINK they know enough-alot on THIS subject when they plainly do NOT and keep recommending CRAP as supposedly solutions.This goes for G Haege types too.
How MUCH did the new driveway cost? Add the Drylok,tarring along house-driveway and other much money and time was lost?
Job cost $3,250 including dumb city permit much did that driveway cost?
Did the NEW driveway PLUS the other 4" of concrete underneath repair-waterproof the REAL PROBLEMS which were exterior cracks?
Did tarring along new driveway and painting the inside basement wall with Drylok repair/waterproof the REAL problems,exterior cracks? Nope.
Did ANY of this crap stop efflorescence,paint peeling on inside wall? Nope.
Gotta STOP the water from entering in order to accomplish that!
J Kristams people............wake up!
Why are sooo many afraid to LEARN-ADMIT the truths that i post?
Whether 'some' like it or not, I am the expert on this subject,NOT you.
Go ahead.......say it. J Bubber IS the expert on basement waterproofing/foundation work and an HONEST one too.
Cant` wait for some to post back and CRY.
Home inspectors are NOT basement-foundation waterproofing experts,neither are structural engineers,city inspectors and so on!
ONE more, let`s raise and slope the 'GRADE' nonsense here
Snapfish: Share:Registration
Snapfish: Share:Registration
Go ahead and eyeball the it HIGH enough and SLOPED away enough for some? Pics 9 on are obviously a diff house.
The GRADE is how high? Is it sloped away? Did raising-sloping the grade
IDENTIFY how-where the water was getting in basement,yes or no!
From Nachi........
Basement waterproofing system - InterNACHI Message Board
Some HI`s understand more than others,Mr Macy is one of em and Mr Hetzel, an architect also gets it.
How about that inside system being recommended and installed as a solution when the actual problems are on the outside and where was the building inspectors brain? Sue him/her along with the inside system company
Last edited by John Bubber; 09-28-2009 at 02:55 AM.
09-28-2009, 06:02 AM #47
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
Forgot about this thread, timely post though John. I recently did a similar HI. Newer driveway along one side of a stucco house, all downspouts going into newer 4" inground PVC, the other 3 sides had new brick pavers and landscaping. What caught my attention was the fact that the grade had been raised about 12-18" around the whole house. Basement walls and floors were newly painted. I couldn't find any signs of recent water in the basement though. Told the client the basement probably used to take in water and that I wouldn't be at all surprised if it takes in water at some point in the future. Disclosure stated no leaks, Seller stated it leaked a little a loooong time ago but that it was fixed with the outside work.
For some bizarre reason they also raised the grade around the detached frame garage 12". Old shiplap wood siding. As we all know, that stuff is always rotted out at grade. They installed greenboard on the interior walls of the garage. Standing at the service door, I could look at the grade and look at the waterline along the greenboard, surprise they matched.
09-28-2009, 08:11 AM #48
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
Thankfully,some HI`s do understand some/quite a bit of what has been posted here and at least you explained the grade etc to that homeowner,MANY do not and others actually think and recommend it as a 'SOLUTION' for many leaky basements!
If and when any HI,SE etc recommends this to buyers/whomever as a
solution for a leaky basement then they need to be held accountable,they should`ve never ventured there.I`m not blaming it ALL on a HI,the buyer/seller need to begin understanding this as well.In fact,many contractors don`t GET IT either!
Many concrete contractors,landscaping co`s,plumbers,builders,hosts of home improvement radio shows etc think by raising-sloping the grade or a new driveway w/proper pitch MAGICALLY has identified how-where water was allowed to get in basement and will somehow keep ALL subsurface water away from basement wall.
Ya try `n take the time,show `em pictures etc of how-where-why water winds up on a basement floor and they don`t care to THINK and try to understand or just don`t want to admit what they thought was right for many years is wrong.
Was doing a waterproofing job in a city where you must pull a permit,ok fine. City inspector shows up to ONLY look(inspect? pfftt) the exterior drain tiles. He says, "How`s the drain tiles down there fella`s?" What my guys and i really wanted to tell the guy is,'Gee,why don`t you get yer az down in the trench and find out,inspect them yourself!' lolol Don`t take our word on the shape they are in!!! Lazy sobs. These guys are there for MAYBE one minute,zip `n gone.
Now,if they/the city really cared about the homeowners then they would be looking and asking about OTHER things that are IMPORTANT such as,
how-where-why is the water getting in Mr & Mrs Jones basement........
just in this one corner? Along entire wall? etc. They would be asking us/looking for the exterior cracks or other openings which would be right on the outside of where the homeowner first gets water inside.
They would be asking us with what are we using to repair the crack(s),what are we applying to the basement wall,what are we backfilling with and at same time seeing all the clay/soil out in the street to be hauled away,etc.But they don`t....have never asked one time.These questions/awareness WOULD help 'protect' more homeowners from the scamming inside knotheads and some inept exterior contractors who often LIE to homeowners on estimates and tell them they need all 4 walls done when in reality,there is only 1 leaky area,such as one corner or along one wall,and that one corner or one wall is ALL that needs to be waterproof.
"How`s the drain tiles down there fella`s?" lolololol
Eh, why is the homeowner PAYING for an inspection if this is what they get for pete sake! This is NOT any type of real inspection thus is NOT going to protect any homeowner from idiot contractors who don`t know what they should and-or are trying to SKIMP and put more money in their own pockets,have seen this repeatedly for decades.
How is it city inspectors 'OK' any inside system when the inspector has nary a clue as to why-where-how the water is getting in! What,they blindly believe what the inside system company tells them? LOLOLOLOL!!!
S C A M!
Perforated Pipe for Residential and Commerical Drainage Applications
--Selecting Perforated Pipe
Back to those exterior drain tiles, why is it that city inspectors have repeatedly OK`d the inspection of the USE-OF black plastic perforated drain tile laid along the footing at DEPTHS greater than 1.2 meters???
Manufacturer states,"We do NOT recommend the use of flexible plastic pipe at depths greater than 1.2 meters.....BACKFILL material would cause flex.plastic pipe to collapse"
On one job in city where they want that permit money and inspect those drain tiles,when Mr city inspector finally showed up we asked him why the city OKAY`s/passes inspection of the use of THIS flex plastic perforated draint tile on new and existing homes when the manufacturer says they don`t recommend it depths greater than 1.2 meters.Most footings for basement walls are 5 1/2' to 7' deep,thats where the tiles are,along the footing.We stepped on some plastic perf tile in front of inspector as ya see in first pic here....
Snapfish: Share:Registration
City guy looked pretty embarrassed and quickly walked away,only saying he didn`t know.Geez man,ya`s ONLY care about the drain tiles and can`t even get THAT right!
Builders use it cuz its CHEAP and quicker to install,does not means its equal or better than clay tiles or pvc,nonsense.
Hmmm,another rant OR just the facts.
Last edited by John Bubber; 09-28-2009 at 08:18 AM.
09-28-2009, 02:32 PM #49
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
As a home inspector and structural engineer I understand your apparent frustration with someone trying to treat the symptom and not the problem. Every profession including home inspectors, engineers and contractors have a few good ones, a few bad ones and whole lot in between. I don't lose much sleep over it and I try to market what I do best and let Realtors and homeowners spread the negative things some of my competition has done.
09-29-2009, 08:01 PM #50
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
jeeezus H. christmas!!! give it a rest already!
I'm a dyslexic agnostic-Don't believe there is a dog...
09-30-2009, 04:28 PM #51
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
I recall years ago i got into some illegal stimulants. I completely dismantled a 20' wooden boat in one day.
09-30-2009, 04:34 PM #52
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
Where can I get some of that S___ ? I'm having a bad day and really need to take a decently lenghty trip...................................
Jerry McCarthy
Building Code/ Construction Consultant
10-01-2009, 08:43 AM #53
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
10-02-2009, 06:41 PM #54
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
Alright now this is bullsh**
Get the f*** off this forum
nobody wants you
Brian should evict you
AND you are wrong to top it off!!!
Half of what you have said (cant believe I read it!!!!!!!!!!) IS INCORRRECT!!!!!
So please leave or you will have no credibility in here at all!!!!
No one will or should pay any attention to you
10-03-2009, 01:58 AM #55
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
[quote=Brian Johnson;103648]Alright now this is bullsh**
Get the f*** off this forum
nobody wants you
Brian should evict you
AND you are wrong to top it off!!!
Half of what you have said (cant believe I read it!!!!!!!!!!) IS INCORRRECT!!!!!
1/2 of what i said is incorrect eh? lol Only in those minds that have NO
experience doing this job.
Yet another HI who thinks THEY are an expert on this subject and couldn`t possibly be.
1st set....
Snapfish: Share:Registration
Snapfish: Share:Registration
Last few pic`s of what basement wall looks like INSIDE.
Exterior waterproofing done correctly is the ONLY thing that truly fixed/repaired the problems here,not ANYTHING else.
Snapfish: Share:Registration
Another BUYER who got ripped off.....see,if YOU really cared you`d want to learn(further educate? Like some HI`s say lol) in order to HELP your CLIENTS better,more thoroughly.But HI`s like you already think they know most-all of this subject and they are wrong,oh yes indeedy!
First 9 pics are what the basement wall looks like INSIDE,after an inside system was recommended and installed. The inside system did NOT stop-eliminate water that continued to enter through those exterior cracks and other openings AND the dumb az inside system does not relieve/lessen exterior weight/lateral soil pressure which causes cracks,causes existing cracks to WIDEN,causes walls to bow that? Homeowner was also told to RAISE the GRADE and so they did.....what good did that do.
US Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District
First 3 pictures,see the INSIDE junk attempted. As always,doing this crap
on the inside never relieves/lessens exterior weight,soil pressure that is outside against a wall.Tree roots can also screw up basement walls,widen cracks etc.
Another buyer lied to
Snapfish: Share:Registration
Snapfish: Share:Registration
HOW HIGH is the GRADE? Answer......TOO high! And as ALWAYS,hasn`t
identified/hasn`t determined how-where the water is getting in.NOR does it fix whatever the real problem turns out to be,cracks etc.
This is a former building inspectors house,tried mudjacking slabs.....
painted inside wall with Drylok,tarred along house etc,NONE of it fixed the exterior cracks etc in the block wall which is where water entered into the blocks and then comes out inside along the floor-wall.
Snapfish: Share:Registration
10-03-2009, 02:58 PM #56
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
I've read through Mr. Bubber's posts, and some of the vituperous omments about them, and I find it strange that a man who takes time and effort to, not just post his own opinion, but to back up what he says with links to legitimate third parties, and with photographs and descriptions from his own work, is attacked and ridiculed by people who have more than likely never waterproofed a foundation in their lives.
There are a lot of scammers and fly-by-nighters in the basement "waterproofing" business, but Mr. Bubber is not one of them. I do not know him, and will probably never meet him (although a sit-down with a couple of foamy ones would probably be a trip), I don't work for or with him, and am not connected to him in any way.
I simply recognize the ring of truth when I hear it, and Mr. Bubber's posts are a veritable carillon.
10-05-2009, 05:15 AM #57
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
If there's any evicting going on, my vote is for Brian Johnson and anyone elese making those types of comments (spelled out or not) on this forum!
10-28-2009, 08:10 AM #58
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
01-20-2010, 04:54 AM #59
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
If a homeowner calls and says they have a leaky basement then i guess you could either try and help them FIND/IDENTIFY how-where the water is getting in or tell them thats not what you do eh.But to tell ANY homeowner things like 'most basement leaks/seepage can be solved by raising,sloping the grade or longer downspout extensions etc' can only get YOU in trouble,likely lose the inspection fee. That would be incompetent,negligent for anyone to recommend/state most leaks can be solved by that crap without finding/determining/identifying the actual problem(s). How 'some' who aren`t experts on THIS subject prescribe supposed-solutions without determining the cause is careless,neglectful.Just like most of these inside system knothead Co`s.
FINDING the problem(s),cause(s) LEADS you to the soltuion.
Snapfish: Share:Registration
HO calls,has problem....ONE leaky area. Gets water at floor-wall joint,poured walls,finished basement.B Dry already been there,need anymore be said? House built 12 years ago.
On phone,ask lady several questions as always and inform her i might have to cut part(s) of drywall in order to HELP her determine/idenify her likely problem(s),she says not a problem,just please help find problem.NO charge either as always for any estimate,my g dang time,dkking around w/drywall etc.
Clinton Township MI
Pic`s 1-4. Outside,her leak is between the 2 basement windows eh.
And let me ask, is the GRADE sloped away,does it slope towards the back?
Does it slope away from side wall?
Say this now,if anyone recommended/told her something like,'your likely problem is that short extension on downspout,just add longer extension' then that quite possibly get ya in trouble or certainly make ya LOOK BAD.
Pic`s 5-10. Inside basement eh,water comes in on floor between that toilet and behind `fridge/corner.
Yeah right O, already ruled OUT any possible leak/dripping from `fridge,toilet,sinks etc.A possible lateral line blockage already ruled out as well.
Both basement windows have leaked,may still leak,water stains up high on drywall under windows...but those aren`t ALL her problems,not the MAIN leak/problem.
Pic 11.
Since i cannot see what i need to see inside and outside to help determine the cause/problem then its time to cut some drywall.Yeah,mentioned to her and could have ran a hose,a water-test on the outside at grade level to see whether or not water enters BUT that still doesn`t truly define the actual-problem,doesn`t tell us if the problem is a crack,a rod hole(s) or both.That does matter because IF its just 1-2+ rod holes then no excavating/exterior work is needed,rod holes can easily be fixed/packed from inside IF done correctly.Many will not be honestw/homeowners about this and will tell them to install an inside system or an exterior Co will often tell them to dig anyways....thats blctttt.
Hang the fc in there,too long? Too bad! read something else then like inside systems false claims,misrepresentations etc.
Pic`s 12-14. See anything? Crack....MOLD?
15,16. Mold growing on anything else?
If someone went over here (happens ALL the time!) and tells homeowner their problem/solution is raising the grade,extend downspout etc then YOU would be on the hook baby.Why can`t 'some' just BYPASS these incompetent supposed myths and say something like,Maam i dunno what your problem/cause is and i`m not willing to cut drywall etc'...just shut the PIE Hole baby. Let an honest-expert help them,sheesh kristmas!
Any inside system Co who tells homeowners like this they need an inside system etc would also be incompetent,misrepresenting the homeowner problem/cause and actual-solution etc,sure! Why should ANY homeowner be talked into/blchhht`d to install an inside system along 1 or more walls when they ONLY have 1 crack/1 problem area!!! Fraud,scam baby,oh YES it is!
Every leaky basement i`ve gone into/checked out for homeowners/businesses for 30 years has had one or more of the following (not going to list every-possibility),
-loose-cracked-deteriorated exterior parging or no parging at all
-rod hole(s)
-openings/gaps outside just below or above ground incl`g open mortar joints,openings around basement windows/any window/new or old,doors,chimney,freakin MILK CHUTE etc etc etc
-blockage in lateral line,possible replacement need of part of all of lateral line
-blockage in tile(s) that empty into sump pit,a need to create openings in pit-wall,sump pump problem,need for new pump or adjustement etc
-humidity or condesation problem
-some sort of dripping,leaking plumbing fixture,water line etc etc
these aren`t all
One POINT is, telling any homeowner that raising the grade etc will fix/solve most-all leaky basements is a lie,a myth,call it whatever ya like.
Raising the grade etc hasn`t,doesn`t DETERMINE,IDENTIFY anyone`s problem,cause!!!
NOR does raising the grade etc fix/repair a crack,rod hole,open mortar joints,openings around doors,basement windows....doesn`t snake a possible blockage in lateral line,doesn`t replace a shtty sump pump or adjust it etc etc etc etc etc!
And when 'some' have,still do recommend raising the grade,pouring concrete or pouring concrete over existing concrete then YOUR recommendation/incompetence could CAUSE a problem(s)
Planning for a raised patio - by John F Mann - Page 3 - Helium
Among other truths, 'Additional WEIGHT (of anything) placed on top of soil backfill causes additonal lateral pressure against the foundation wall'
ONE more,THIS is for 'somes' own good,but YOU have to be willing to LOOK,learn
Snapfish: Share:Registration
Homeowners recently bought this house,was told NO basement leaks,water,whatever...was told there WAS some leakage along floor-wall joint but THAT was supposedly fixed by pouring a new DRIVEWAY! lol First decent rain,they got water in,along that same wall eh.
By the way,a home inspector and then a concrete Co recommend the new driveway as a SOLUTION to the leaky basement/wall!!! LOL,incompetentce and can get ya sued and rightfully so!
Seller also had applied caulk/etc alonh house-driveway,pffttt....and painted wall w/Drylok,pfttt!
Go ahead and look at pictures,MAYBE learn something......
-was concrete UNDERNEATH new driveway eh,lol
-and a DRAIN and piping,lolol!!!! UNREAL and absolute incompetence.
-Exterior cracks,vertical,horizontal cracks,loose-cracked parging and other-openings just below and above grade/driveway. THESE ALWAYS have been the problems,THIS IS why the basement leaked,its where water first entering into the hollow blocks!!!! It is whay CAUSED some mold,efflorescence,paint peeling on inside wall,dang right.
Last 5 pictures here is what inside wall looked like,often as here there are no VISIBLE cracks,loose-cracked parging etc BUT that does not EVER mean there aren`t exterior cracks in block wall!!!!
Snapfish: Share:Registration
So,WHO is to blame for incompetent recommendations etc? Yeah yeah,seller fcd up,BEYOND that?
How much MONEY was spent on incompetent recommendation for new driveway WITHOUT correctly identifying the real problems? This money should have gone to FIXING the problems!
WASTED thousands of dollars here,and many other homes too
Job cost $3,500 incl`g the dumbchtt city permit fee,the same city who OK`d the new driveway eh.If the city was told,knew about the leaky basement then in my g dang ugly az opinion THEY are also incompetent and weren`t helpful informing the homeowner about the likely problems that allowed water to enter.
The Holy Land,Holy shtt!
Last edited by John Bubber; 01-20-2010 at 05:54 AM.
02-13-2010, 02:31 PM #60
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
Basement waterproofing
In Your Corner: Unfair Sales Practice? | Indiana's NewsCenter: News, Sports, Weather, Fort Wayne WPTA-TV, WISE-TV, CW, and My Network | Business
2 families here, take a guess how many OTHERS have been lied to about their leaky basement,on correctly & honestly IDENTIFYING the actual problem(s) and ONLY dang solution for it.
$11,000....scare tactics, then sent a $4,000 bill anyways.
2nd family, one of those SUPPOSED Lifetime Warranties,after buying house they call Everdorks due to concerns about water and CRUMBLING WALLS,duh!
By the way, in case some don`t know, those inside systems/pressure relief systems/call it whatever ya want are basically all of the same,oh yes they are. These bozo`s do not identify/find/diagnose THE actual problem(s) and instead PUSH/sell/blchttt the ONLY dang thing they do.NONE of them repair/waterproof exterior cracks,loose-cracked parging etc,nah.Just leave those existing defects open,let water continue to enter.
EXACTLY as in these photos
Snapfish: Share:Registration
Just like what happened in 2nd story,inside-garbage installed THEN down the road a tad,those problems Everdorks and other inside system co`s did NOT fix get worse,cracks widen,wall bows in,mold etc etc.
That couple had to SHELL OUT $13,000.
Snapfish photos,SAME shtt. Young couple bought house,inside system installed,they were told everything was A OK. That MONEY should have been spent on EXTERIOR waterproofing INSTEAD of that inside garbage.
Its NOT just that one Everdork location,NONSENSE. Say again, those installing ANY interior system based on false claims,misrepresentations etc and do not correctly identify and then fix the ACTUAL problem(s) are HIGHLY incompetent,negligent and are frauds....J Kristmas!
State Wants To Shut Down Waterproofing Businesses - About Us News Story - WRTV Indianapolis
Previously posted Everdork story in Hamlin NY,nitwits hit oil line...couple out BIG $$$$$,STILL waiting
Clip Syndicate Video: Truveo Full Feed LISTEN to homeowner,
Bridgetown.....leaky basement/cracks,first started out $7,000 then
UP to $14,000.....idiot frauds installed inside system and sump, it was NOT all....continued problems etc.
How many compalints on this inside system imbecile?
Douglas Erickson Pleads Guilty to Felony Perjury Charge, News Releases - NHDOJ
How many complaints does Perma seal 'basement systems' have?
75 in last 36 least.
'Damage from sump pump installation by Basement Systems'
Picasa Web Albums - Lindsay - Water Damage
'Still have seepage even with Basement Systems Water Guard'
basement nw corner on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
'would not recommend.....' of course not,as always they do not want to/care to identify where the water/moisture is actually entering,no they do not,just sell sell sell,false claims etc
Flickr: laser.brian's Photostream
Wall collapses during a basement leak repair job, edwards, house, basement - Local News - WWMT NEWSCHANNEL 3
How much here? What happened? INCOMPETENT and NOT needed!
Other possible/potential problems can-do occur w/this crap,just as Ari
in Winnipeg tries to warn/inform peeps about....2nd LAST para
Leaky foundations best fixed from outside - Winnipeg Free Press Homes
among other good points,'internal weeping tile installation is NOT a good solution.....costly and....may affect the STRUCTURAL integrity of.....'
U S Army Corps....some pics of INSIDE CRAP....did NOT bother or understand or both....of lateral soil pressure,possible underground roots etc,just sell the ONE dumb chtt thing they do,over and over.
US Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District
Pics 1,2,3.
See the inside system installed in pic 1,did not remove/relieve ANY lateral pressure and did NOT repair/waterproof the exterior step cracks,incompetent spent WASTED.
2. Patch/injection crap,same dang thing
3. Pilasters failed to brace wall
Lady is out $10,000///nitwits yet again FAILED or didn`t care to correctly & honestly identify her problems...where are they now?
Target 11 Investigates Everdry - Video - WPXI Pittsburgh
And i repeatedly see/read SOME HI`s (websites) and others STILL recommend these incompetent inside system co`s, WHY???? lol Getting MONEY for recommending them????? If so,YOU are enabling them,your part of the problem azz ho! How would ya like something like that done to your Mom,Grandma,sister etc etc.freakin fools man.
Say again, WHEN the problem (water in basement), is due to a lateral line blockage/repair then THAT`S what needs to be done,when water is entering through exterior cracks/parging etc then THAT`S what needs to be done,recommended....NOTHING else,not raise the dumb grade,not mudjack slabs etc.When the problem is water entering through-around-under basement window or door,open mortar joints etc then THAT`S what needs to be repaired/recommended,you have to IDENTIFY the actual problem(s) FIRST! You just don`t recommended screwing w/grade or recommend some fraudulent inside system co,nonsense.When someone gets water accumulating under their floor due to city pipe that bursts then THAT`S the problem...if its a dripping/leaking water line etc then thats the problem and so on............
Complaints & Grievances/George Carlin
YouTube - George Carlin - Complaints And Grievances Part 1
Know something that people don`t talk about in public anymore?
Know why they got a ck on a weathervane?
Last edited by John Bubber; 02-13-2010 at 02:50 PM.
02-20-2010, 05:03 AM #61
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
Another inside system installed,several sump pumps and they covered/hid the inside basement walls.
Happens all the time,inside systems installed without ever bothering to check,explore all possible means of how water can get under a basement floor and then possibly rise up through any opening in floor.Just tell the homeowner anything and sell the system and when they have further problems we`ll tell them our wonderful lifetime guarantee doesn`t cover that.
Same here but this homeowners problems are on the outside
Basement waterproofing system - InterNACHI Message Board
This HI, unlike quite a few others, gets it. "Homeowner was ripped off....
building inspector inept"....etc
Quite a few home inspectors always recommend those who ONLY install inside systems and some of them get MONEY for these recommendations,enabling the fraudsters.
Have to check all possible means,ways water can be entering through the basement wall or above the wall or OTHER possible problems as in this story
Heavy rains overwhelm pipes, flood basements with sewage - JSOnline
Watch out homeowners,some will tell YOU anything,many are incompetent,many false claims
In Your Corner: Unfair Sales Practice? | Indiana's NewsCenter: News, Sports, Weather, Fort Wayne WPTA-TV, WISE-TV, CW, and My Network | Local & Regional
Home inspectors have recommended these fools.Some on this board have recommend Perma Seal in out!
02-22-2010, 05:43 AM #62
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
Over `n over,same thing?
Ok,let`s tweak the subject a tad,might make a couple happier...not!
-Home Inspection for Moisture,on right says 'be sure to have a THOROUGH moisture check'. Ok, let`s see what YOU think is a thorough moisture check.
YouTube - Home Inspection for Moisture
1:10 in basement, she says 'this looks like a VERY dry basement'.....
HI agrees.
Did you check the WALLS,lateral line etc etc???
Walls look like they`ve been PAINTED eh.
Both quickly said basement looks like its very dry.pffft.
You mean and should state,as of this moment,today we don`t see water on floor etc. Someone painted walls,may be some mold,efflorescence on parts of walls you don`t see...TODAY!
May be a crack++ that was patched on inside and then painted over.
She asks the HI if he`d do a moisture reading....1:50 HI eyeballs one lil part of basement wall and now says, there may be a problem.
Went from very dry to may be a problem pretty quick,how about that 'be SURE to have THOROUGH moisture check'? pfffttt
2:00 HI says he`s going outside to check GRADING and 'make sure we don`t have water coming in'. LOL!!!
Listen,checking the grading does not,will not 'make sure there is no water coming in'!
To make sure no water is coming in through any possible exterior crack or cracked parging,no parging etc in basement wall you`d have to run a water-test w/a hose at ground against basement wall.
Then to see if any water could be first entering through any possible opening ABOVE grade you`d have to spray water,soak basement windows,around doors,open mortar joints etc etc.
You can check the GRADE all YOU like,that does not diagnose,identify whether or not there is a crack(s),cracked parging etc! Does not determine whether water is entering through any possible opening,gap above ground level either.
Doesn`t identify a possible blockage in lateral line or anything else!
Real THOROUGH people,pftt!
Last edited by John Bubber; 02-22-2010 at 05:48 AM.
02-22-2010, 07:41 PM #63
Since I have Mr. Wizard on my ignore list, I can't see what's being posted, but it looks like he's just posting for himself. Kind of a private message board for the self absorbed.
02-23-2010, 01:17 AM #64
Re: WTF?????
Hey Jack,
What are some HI`s problems with having more facts,pictures etc being posted? Who am i hurting? Have you bothered to take a LITTLE time and check out the photos i`ve posted or read U S Army Corps,Fairfax County,Yoder etc articles on THIS subject?
Foundations are pretty important eh Jack?
Just happens to be my area of expertise,like it or not.
Do you spend more time inspecting the foundation or hand rails,door knobs etc?
Have seen your active rain blog,seems ok for you to yap and post pictures.
Not posting for myself as i`ve said. Post photos and articles on ONE subject to maybe help inform some homeowners etc who may be searching for facts versus the abundant myths,false claims.Yeah right,i`m such a disruptive,evil sob.
A few photos from a homeowner who found out that just because there are NO visible crack(s) on the inside of his block basement wall does not at all mean there weren`t exterior cracks and THAT is where WATER gets into the hollow blocks and winds up on his basement floor,most often comes out at floor-wall joint.That`s part of what i show in those snapfish photos some here don`t think are important.Many HI`s,SE`s etc do not understand this.
Crack in the Foundation Wall | Homeowner's Blog
Scroll down a little,he says.......
after trimming back some shrubs, i found this crack in the corner of our foundation wall.It was a bit of a surprise because INSIDE the basement there is NO evidence of a crack. (got that Jack?)
The 3rd picture shows the inside corner,NO visible crack.
Hey Jack, a crack IS an existing defect that many,many HI`s have never identified,have not warned homeowners about. Hmmm, thought home inspectors are supposed to NOTE existing defects in their reports?
Raising the lousy grade or adding 1 mile long extensions on downspout does not repair/waterproof any of these defects which COST many homeowners $$$ that YOU could have warned them about.
One more time Jack, some HI`s and others have learned from articles and pictures i`ve posted and others apparently think they have nothing to learn here, problem,just move on.
Some HI`s don`t assume they know everything on this-subject.The good one`s always know there is something they haven`t seen or didn`t know.My guys and i still find a couple things we haven`t previously seen in 30 years.
Jack, did YOU know MANY block,brick basement walls have exterior cracks and-or cracked parging on the OUTSIDE of the wall that YOU will not see when inspecting the inside walls??
Jack, you state under your 'areas of expertise' your an expert witness. Do you consider yourself an expert on basement waterproofing,foundation problems??
Last edited by John Bubber; 02-23-2010 at 01:28 AM.
02-24-2010, 05:58 AM #65
Re: Basement Waterproofing/Foundation Repair
Poured wall,back-left corner is problem area.
Some leaky rod holes and see diagonal crack.
See sump pump discharge pipe? There is a vertical seam in wall right behind that pipe.At bottom of seam, at floor-wall joint is where most of the water enters onto basement floor.
Then see outside pic`s,see vertical crack where you see the seam inside?
Also you can barely if at all see the diagonal crack on the outside and only up high,it does not penetrate through the wall from the footing to about 2/3 up,it is NOT where-why water is entering and so injecting the diagonal crack inside won`t SOLVE the homeowners problems,they would still need to spend $ for exterior waterproofing in this area.