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  1. #1
    Kevin Barre's Avatar
    Kevin Barre Guest

    Default Quick question for all Dallas area guys

    Hi guys--

    What percentage of your business would you say is suspended floors as opposed to concrete slabs?

    I realize this seems like a random question, but there is a good reason for my curiosity. I don't need the details, just a guesstimate as to percentages. Any replies would be greatly appreciated.


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  2. #2
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: Quick question for all Dallas area guys

    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin Barre View Post
    Hi guys--

    What percentage of your business would you say is suspended floors as opposed to concrete slabs?

    I realize this seems like a random question, but there is a good reason for my curiosity. I don't need the details, just a guesstimate as to percentages. Any replies would be greatly appreciated.

    I work all over DFW.

    One in 40 maybe and that is a big maybe. Vast majority of homes done are from the mid sixties and up and most in the under 12 year old range.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Plano, Texas

    Default Re: Quick question for all Dallas area guys

    95% slabs with only the older homes (35+ years) being crawl space. Less than 1% basements.

    Jim Luttrall
    Plano, Texas

  4. #4
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
    A.D. Miller Guest

    Default Re: Quick question for all Dallas area guys

    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin Barre View Post
    Hi guys--

    What percentage of your business would you say is suspended floors as opposed to concrete slabs?

    I realize this seems like a random question, but there is a good reason for my curiosity. I don't need the details, just a guesstimate as to percentages. Any replies would be greatly appreciated.

    KB: When you say "suspended floors" do you mean foundations with accessible crawl spaces? There are many other forms of foundations built here that are not techincally slabs-on-ground and could meet your definition of suspended.

    Beyond the (post-tensioned or conventional) slabs-on-ground in the North Texas area there are:

    (1) structurally-supported slabs (slab-on-ground with underlying piers)
    (2) screeded slabs (slab-on-ground with raised or furred-up floor)
    (3) adjustable slabs (can be raised or lowered)
    (4) elevated slabs (slab on piers with accessible crawl space)
    (5) pier and beam (with accessible - or not - crawl space)
    (6) basement configuration - rare due to expansive soils

    Though pre-stressed post-tensioned slabs-on-ground are the norm for post 1970 construction, many of the others have been and continue to be built in the area since then.

    My percentages vary but may be 80% slabs-on-ground and 30% whatever else is available.

  5. #5
    Kevin Barre's Avatar
    Kevin Barre Guest

    Default Re: Quick question for all Dallas area guys

    Sorry, I guess I should have been more clear. I tried too hard to keep the question simple and left out a key aspect -- wood construction. What I meant was what percentage of homes are built with a wood floor structure with any sort of access below (I don't care if it's a crawlspace or basement), and what percent are built using a concrete slab of any type.

    Thanks for the replies.

  6. #6
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
    A.D. Miller Guest

    Default Re: Quick question for all Dallas area guys

    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin Barre View Post
    Sorry, I guess I should have been more clear. I tried too hard to keep the question simple and left out a key aspect -- wood construction. What I meant was what percentage of homes are built with a wood floor structure with any sort of access below (I don't care if it's a crawlspace or basement), and what percent are built using a concrete slab of any type.

    Thanks for the replies.
    KB: Maybe 20% in my entire service area.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Plano, Texas

    Default Re: Quick question for all Dallas area guys

    Depends on what area of town you work in around here. I have a buddy that does 80% pier and beam. He lives and works mostly on the "M' streets, Hollywood and Lakewood. We call him the King of Crawl. If we are doing old Dallas houses before 1960 it is a large percentage...maybe 75%. North of town,in Plano, Allen, McKinney and Frisco they are few and far between. I do mostly North Dallas and Collin & Denton counties so I would say I do 30 crawls a year and maybe 10 Screeded slabs in the old Fox & Jacobs area of North Dallas.


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