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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Ft. Myers, FL

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Capistrano Beach, CA

    Default Re: Publications for ages of appliances

    Age of Water Heater FAQ

    State Industries

    1st position indicates the MONTH of manufacture
    2nd and 3rd position
    indicates the
    YEAR of manufacture
    A =January
    B =February
    C =March
    D =April
    E =May
    F =June
    G =July
    H =August
    I =September
    J =October
    K =November
    L =December 91 =1991
    92 =1992
    93 =1993
    94 =1994
    95 =1995
    96 =1996
    97 =1997
    98 =1998
    99 =1999
    00 =2000
    01 =2001
    02 =2002

    C = March, 00 = 2000
    This serial number indicates this model was built March, 2000.


    A.O. Smith

    The serial number is alpha numeric (has letters & numbers). The first letter determines the plant where the water heater was manufactured. The second letter represents the month**.
    There will be a combination of numbers following the first two letters. This number is the year the heater was manufactured. For example:
    MB951234567-232 was manufactured in February of 1995.
    GK940012345-915 was manufactured in October of 1994.

    A = January E = May J = September
    B = February F = June K = October
    C = March G = July L = November
    D = April H = August M = December


    The first four numbers tell you the age of the water heater. The first two numbers are the month and the next two are the year it was manufactured. In this example this water heater was manufactured in April of 1997.


    Bradford White

    1st Letter is the Year of Manufacture
    A = 1984
    F = 1989 L = 1994 T = 1999
    B = 1985 G = 1990 M = 1995 W = 2000
    C = 1986 H = 1991 N = 1996 X = 2001
    D = 1987 J = 1992 P = 1997 Y =- 2002
    E = 1988 K = 1993 S = 1998 Z = 2003

    2nd Letter is the Month of Manufacture
    A = January E = May J = September
    B = Feburary F = June K = October
    C = March G = July L = November
    D = April H = August M = December


    The first two numbers are the year it was manufactured and the second two number are the week within that year that it was manufactured.
    For example, if the first 4 digits of the serial numberare 9932, then it was manufactured in the 32 week of 1999.

    I got this info from:
    Age of Water Heater FAQ

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    Brian Hannigan /
    Helping Inspectors $ucceed Since 1997TM

    Twitter: @InspectionNews

  3. #3
    Tim Moreira's Avatar
    Tim Moreira Guest

    Default Re: Publications for ages of appliances


    I can tell you that I have had Preston's Guide for the last 8 months and I have yet to find a reliable answer to anyone's questions on this board using it.

    I am very disappointed in Preston's. I'm not saying it is not useful, just that it has not been very useful to me since I've had it. Maybe combined with Carlson's Dunlop (sp) they may make a great team.

    I will be buying Carlson's in the near future as soon as I do a few more inspections to pay for it along with all the other toys I want to buy.

  4. #4
    Jim Gecz's Avatar
    Jim Gecz Guest

    Default Re: Publications for ages of appliances

    I use Carson Dunlops’ Technical Reference Guide $99 with shipping

    Has all the water heater info Brian just posted, plus plenty more on heating and cooling systems.


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