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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Colorado Springs, CO

    Default New LED Flashlight

    This 500 LED flashlight will be great for inspecting attics and crawlspaces. With it you could probably inspect the roof of a two-story house from the ground at night. Not sure if it is gonna fit in my tool pouch though.

    YouTube - 500 LED Extreme flashlight

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    "Baseball is like church. Many attend but few understand." Leo Durocher
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  2. #2

    Default Re: New LED Flashlight

    This is is a joke, right? Why would you carry (lug) a light this size when you can get the same performance from a xenon one the size of a large cigar?

    I use a "Wolf-Eyes" Xenon M-90 with rechargeable batteries for all my inspection work.
    It's worked great for two years now and still on the same set of batteries.

    Mag lights are a joke! Big, heavy and crappy pattern and throw. Good for knocking out the occasional angry dog or Realtor though.

    True Professionals, Inc. Property Consultant

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Chicago IL

    Default Re: New LED Flashlight

    That's one hell of a light. A novelty but cool.
    If you want a great light for crawls or attics try the Streamlight Vulcan LED or Litebox Models. I have the Fire Vulcan LED. Amazing penetrating beam and overall light, very, very lightweight unit with shoulder strap.
    "The Code is not a ceiling to reach but a floor to work up from"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Santa Rosa, CA

    Default Re: New LED Flashlight

    That was pretty funny.

    Department of Redundancy Department
    Supreme Emperor of Hyperbole

  5. #5
    jackt0402's Avatar
    jackt0402 Guest

    Default Re: New LED Flashlight

    Maybe it's not appropriate in this thread, but I bought two-on-a-card 180 lumen single LED 3-AAA-cell flashlights at Costco for $20 recently. Then, last week, I saw them on sale for $15. They really are bright when compared to those boasting even 80 lumens. But when I put it in the toolbelt with the switch down, the pressure turned it on--client told me my light was on pointing straight up. (:-) Sorry, I can't show them to you because they are not on the website.

    Last edited by jackt0402; 04-18-2010 at 10:29 PM.

  6. #6
    Ruby Nigel's Avatar
    Ruby Nigel Guest

    Default Re: New LED Flashlight

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Breedlove View Post
    This 500 LED flashlight will be great for inspecting attics and crawlspaces. With portable flashlights you could probably inspect the roof of a two-story house from the ground at night. Not sure if it is gonna fit in my tool pouch though.

    YouTube - 500 LED Extreme flashlight

    Awesome flash light!! But this would have been bright flashlight if it hadn’t used bargain bin LEDs with a very low lumen/watt output. I’d be willing to bet you can buy a $60 6LED 18watt that is brighter.

    Last edited by Ruby Nigel; 05-05-2010 at 01:41 AM. Reason: misspelling

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Washington State

    Default Re: New LED Flashlight

    I didn't believe it until I bought one myself out of curiosity. Found this site when researching flashlights. I've been using Maglites for years along with an 18v Ryobi rechargable. In fact, client brought a Streamlite into a crawlspace with him and this little Led Lenser blew it away - best $45.00 I have spent in a long time. Good for 8-10 hours of run time. Heres the link:

    COAST Focusing LED Lenser.. w/pics - CandlePowerForums


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