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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Chicago, IL

    Default Automatic mileage log

    I recently had to switch over to a Blackberry Tour as I need a phone which will accept a European SIM card (so I can make local calls at local prices) while allowing selective forwarding from my US number, and while looking over the apps discovered a $5.00 program (VQ Mileage Tracker) which uses the phones ability to self-locate to automatically track and log mileage, including time, date and starting and ending address. It can log all mileage, or you can set it up so that you select which segments to log - and so far it seems to work quite well.

    Similar Threads:
    Inspection Referral
    Michael Thomas
    Paragon Property Services Inc., Chicago IL

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default Re: Automatic mileage log

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Thomas View Post
    I recently had to switch over to a Blackberry Tour as I need a phone which will accept a European SIM card (so I can make local calls at local prices) while allowing selective forwarding from my US number, and while looking over the apps discovered a $5.00 program (VQ Mileage Tracker) which uses the phones ability to self-locate to automatically track and log mileage, including time, date and starting and ending address. It can log all mileage, or you can set it up so that you select which segments to log - and so far it seems to work quite well.
    Let me guess.... it's manufactured by Suspiciouswives Inc. ?


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