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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default New PDF Reader needed for some HUD forms

    After an hour of trying to figure out why I could not open the HUD 92051 form on the HUD site I scrolled to the bottom of the page. Apparently many of HUD's forms now can only be opened with the Nuance PDF Reader Nuance - Home It is a free PDF Reader and for me it works quicker than Adobe.

    Anyway, it has been a few months since I did a 92051 and it surprised me that HUD would make a change like this. Oh well, just part of working with HUD!

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    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  2. #2
    Nolan Kienitz's Avatar
    Nolan Kienitz Guest

    Default Re: New PDF Reader needed for some HUD forms

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Patterson View Post
    After an hour of trying to figure out why I could not open the HUD 92051 form on the HUD site I scrolled to the bottom of the page. Apparently many of HUD's forms now can only be opened with the Nuance PDF Reader Nuance - Home It is a free PDF Reader and for me it works quicker than Adobe.

    Anyway, it has been a few months since I did a 92051 and it surprised me that HUD would make a change like this. Oh well, just part of working with HUD!

    What was the URL of that 92051 document? I just went to the HUD site and opened it just fine with both Adobe Acrobat (older version) as well as Adobe Reader v9 and v10.

    The URL I was at is:

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Orlando, FL

    Default Re: New PDF Reader needed for some HUD forms

    I don't think so, Scott.

    I use a third party PDF reader, and it's fine for HUD and other forms.

    Try again...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: New PDF Reader needed for some HUD forms

    I have no idea why or what was going on. Most likely operator error but I kind of like the new PDF reader better than Adobe.

    I tried it on my laptop and Adobe worked fine. Oh well...

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  5. #5
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: New PDF Reader needed for some HUD forms

    I have had so many instances in the past with adobe that I changed a long time ago to Nuance and then Scansoft PDF Create Pro 7 and have never hade a PDF I could not open. Adobe becomes so bloated on your computer with updates over time and that is why it hangs up like it does. If you have problems and you want to keep adobe check and see if you can dump it and download a version that is the newest version with out all the patches to it from upgrades. It will work a whole lot better but then again the Nuance for almost free and the Scansoft that I like better loaded up for under a hundred is well worth it for the lack of aggravation I used to get from Adobe. No, I did not mention the cost comparison between Scansoft or Adobe because there is no comparison. For what most of us do and then a whole lot more that we never use a PDF program for Scansoft is by far the best value.

  6. #6
    Tom Johnson's Avatar
    Tom Johnson Guest

    Default Re: New PDF Reader needed for some HUD forms

    Open office by Oracle is free. Does everything. PDFill editor is $19.00 and will edit PDF files. Not great but it works. PDFill to fill in PDF forms is free

  7. #7

    Default Re: New PDF Reader needed for some HUD forms

    Had the same problem. I have at least three pdf readers installed and none of them worked. Typical of the Government to force a proprietary software on the public. I'm sure someone got a big payoff for that little trick. Nuance programs are the pits. I review software twice a month and have reviewed several of their products. Major PITA to use and to get rid of.

    True Professionals, Inc. Property Consultant

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Columbus GA

    Default Re: New PDF Reader needed for some HUD forms

    Quote Originally Posted by Dana Bostick View Post
    ... Nuance programs are the pits. ... Major PITA to use and to get rid of.
    I have a Nuisance program. I regret ever getting it.

    ' correct a wise man and you gain a friend... correct a fool and he'll bloody your nose'.


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