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Bob Elliott
12-21-2009, 09:44 PM
LOL Bob.. I have to make a tough decision.
Do I spend $289.00 to join nicki and sit at home with no inspections, like 100 plus of his members are doing to get free stuff.
Or, do I go do my second $300.00 inspection, and pick up 2-10 new customers @ $300.00 per in the next few months :)

Always a party pooper in every crowd.

Do you see how looking at defects affects you.

Get yourself a good iphone or Android and you can do both guy.:D

Bob Barnett
02-21-2010, 03:15 PM
Scott, we at InterNACHI were all thrilled this morning to learn that you've publicly admitted that the reason ASHI has no entrance requirements is so that ASHI can enrich itself by doubling the number of unqualified newbies ASHI dumps on unsuspecting consumers. Thank you. Your quote should be required reading for every consumer and realtor in North America.

Scott Patterson admits in November 2009 on Inspectionnews.net:
How much does nick pay you to be an ad for his sole proprietorship Organization? Every thing I have read from you so far is ads for this so called organization.
Do you have a life outside of Nicks back side?

Dan Harris
02-21-2010, 04:45 PM
How much does nick pay you to be an ad for his sole proprietorship Organization? Every thing I have read from you so far is ads for this so called organization.
Do you have a life outside of Nicks back side?

Like a used car salesman, ads are all they are. Besides suing ASHI members for exposing them for what they are, getting a new sucker everyday to buy their crap is the only way they can survive. :)

We all can help her stay away from here, and make nicki happy[ believing there are thousands here interested in his org] by clicking on his ad on this site several times everyday. :D And also make Brian a few extra bucks.

Raymond Wand
02-21-2010, 05:59 PM

Ken Rowe
02-21-2010, 06:31 PM

Ha, a mediocre defense attorney will tear this lawsuite apart.

Dan Harris
02-21-2010, 06:44 PM
Ha, a mediocre defense attorney will tear this lawsuite apart.

True.. All the attorney has to do is take the on-line quiz in the Judges name and present it to the Judge :D
Sad thing is, the inspector has to pay an attorney to defend himself.

Nickos moto, his venders, and members that pay him, shut everyone up, or sue anybody that is sincere about our profession by exposing scams in our profession.
Abusing the legal system is the only tool ole nicko, and his members have to prevent his org from being exposed for what his org is.

Jerry Peck
02-21-2010, 06:49 PM
Ha, a mediocre defense attorney will tear this lawsuite apart.

Would not even take a mediocre defense attorney, a first year law student would get half way through reading that and realize there is enough in there to have that thrown out for lack of merit and then counter sue for a variety of reasons.


Scott Patterson
02-21-2010, 06:58 PM
Ha, a mediocre defense attorney will tear this lawsuite apart.

Another lawsuit? You have to be kidding! At what point does the Judaical system catch on to this pathological lawsuit hungry person.

A simple call, letter or email and I bet Mr. Bopp would have removed any plagiarized material. My bet is he had a website designer make it up and that person found it on the Internet in some shape or form.

Raymond Wand
02-21-2010, 07:45 PM
Mr. Cohen must be desperate for clients. I have had to write Mr. Cohen several times in order to bring to his attention the actions or lack thereof of his client.

I don't think Nick likes it when I email not only Mr. Cohen but every lawyer listed on the Nachi contact list.

Dan Harris
02-21-2010, 07:54 PM
Mr. Cohen must be desperate for clients. I have had to write Mr. Cohen several times in order to bring to his attention the actions or lack thereof of his client.

I don't think Nick likes it when I email not only Mr. Cohen but every lawyer listed on the Nachi contact list.

Keep sending them, if Mr Cohen and all the other lawyers are typical lawyers, they bill nicko for every email you send them. :D :D

Raymond Wand
02-21-2010, 07:56 PM
I guess I have run up quite a bill then! :D

Ken Rowe
02-21-2010, 08:29 PM
True.. All the attorney has to do is take the on-line quiz in the Judges name and present it to the Judge :D
Sad thing is, the inspector has to pay an attorney to defend himself.
That's exactly what I was thinking. :)

Would not even take a mediocre defense attorney, a first year law student would get half way through reading that and realize there is enough in there to have that thrown out for lack of merit and then counter sue for a variety of reasons.


I'm sure a counter suit will be in the works. I'd also like to see ASHI get involved. If only to help with attorney fees.

Dan Harris
02-21-2010, 08:46 PM
I'd also like to see ASHI get involved. If only to help with attorney fees.

Agreed. Then tackle this constant lying, decieving BS, about other inspectors that don't buy into instant mail order Home Inspector "Certifications"

Quote... " There is a known diploma mill (ASHI) operating in FL that has no entrance requirements at all (you can join online in 30 seconds with nothing but a credit card) and even worse, it awards it's highest "certified" membership status based solely on passing of one beginners exam (NHIE) used by many states to license newbies fresh out of school.

I am trying to get the state to agree to reject all license applications submitted by any inspector caught financially supporting (through dues) this consumer-killing diploma mill." End Quote

Bob Elliott
02-21-2010, 10:58 PM
Like a used car salesman, ads are all they are. Besides suing ASHI members for exposing them for what they are, getting a new sucker everyday to buy their crap is the only way they can survive. :)

We all can help her stay away from here, and make nicki happy[ believing there are thousands here interested in his org] by clicking on his ad on this site several times everyday. :D And also make Brian a few extra bucks.

Too have that much hate you must be afraid.
How small.

I feel bad for a man that has no work and so much time on his hands to come up with nothing but hurtful things to do to others.

Is that part of your marketing?

Bob Elliott
02-21-2010, 11:01 PM
That's exactly what I was thinking. :)

I'm sure a counter suit will be in the works. I'd also like to see ASHI get involved. If only to help with attorney fees.

Hey you could always just find Home inspections if you were not so fixated.
I bet the public would love to share these non nonsensical ramblings from Diploma Mill Inspectors.

This thread is great marketing for you guys.
Keep going.:)

Raymond Wand
02-22-2010, 05:01 AM
I understand Nachi will soon be offering Certification in BS! Spin baby, spin! :D

Terry Heller
02-22-2010, 06:58 AM
I hate to poop on this ASHI vs Inachi party, but after many years in this business, I can say with certainty that the general public doesn't give a rats behind which if any inspector organization you belong to. They only want a competent honest inspector who is looking out for thier interests. The only ones who care what organization you belong to are other home inspectors.
Personally I belong to ASHI. I belong because the local chapter is a place where I can share information and experience with other inspectors who I respect. But I know ASHI and Inachi inspectors who are barely capable of tieing their own shoes. So lets face it. The membership requirements for both are a joke. If it wasn't for the local chapter, I wouldn't bother to belong to any HI org.

Stuart Brooks
02-22-2010, 07:19 AM
I hate to poop on this ASHI vs Inachi party, but after many years in this business, I can say with certainty that the general public doesn't give a rats behind which if any inspector organization you belong to. They only want a competent honest inspector who is looking out for thier interests. The only ones who care what organization you belong to are other home inspectors.
Personally I belong to ASHI. I belong because the local chapter is a place where I can share information and experience with other inspectors who I respect. But I know ASHI and Inachi inspectors who are barely capable of tieing their own shoes. So lets face it. The membership requirements for both are a joke. If it wasn't for the local chapter, I wouldn't bother to belong to any HI org.

The local ASHI group membership has fallen to 2. Your reasoning is exactly why the 2 of us are considering forming a local home inspector association that does not require membership in any national organization. Can we have training, mentoring, and fellowship? Yes. Will education sessions at meetings be accepted by ASHI, NAHI, or iNACHI for CE credit? Maybe not but we can still learn. My goal is to help local inspectors meet Virginia State Certification requirements and promote membership in the Virginia Association of Real Estate Inspectors (VAREI), which is a political watchdog group (of home inspectors) that actively monitors all issues in the General Assembly that can affect home inspectors.

Leim Pindar
02-22-2010, 03:26 PM
Hey you could always just find Home inspections if you were not so fixated.
I bet the public would love to share these non nonsensical ramblings from Diploma Mill Inspectors.

This thread is great marketing for you guys.
Keep going.:)

Is this a popular website?


Bob Elliott
02-22-2010, 07:25 PM
Is this a popular website?

Only every time you post.

John Bubber
02-25-2010, 04:33 PM
Just some reading material
Man accused of bilking 90-year-old woman | Inland News | PE.com | Southern California News | News for Inland Southern California (http://www.pe.com/localnews/inland/stories/PE_News_Local_W_webhemet24.12fddf6.html)

Home Inspector Forums, News, Resources, Education and Events (http://www.inspectorsjournal.com/)

Dan Harris
02-25-2010, 04:49 PM
Just some reading material
Man accused of bilking 90-year-old woman | Inland News | PE.com | Southern California News | News for Inland Southern California (http://www.pe.com/localnews/inland/stories/PE_News_Local_W_webhemet24.12fddf6.html)

Home Inspector Forums, News, Resources, Education and Events (http://www.inspectorsjournal.com/)

Now you did it John. :D
In all fairness he could of been a member of any org.
The only way to keep crooks out of this profession is State Licensing with back ground checks, or suspending an Inspectors Lic if he commits a crime, after they are Lic.
The way it now stands in Calif. and other un- Lic. states. After he's found guilty, [ assuming he is guilty] this guy can legally inspect homes and find the next victim.

Rick Cantrell
02-25-2010, 05:14 PM
I see that iNACHI has deleated his name.

John Bubber
02-25-2010, 05:26 PM
Now you did it John. :D
In all fairness he could of been a member of any org.
The only way to keep crooks out of this profession is State Licensing with back ground checks, or suspending an Inspectors Lic if he commits a crime, after they are Lic.
The way it now stands in Calif. and other un- Lic. states. After he's found guilty, [ assuming he is guilty] this guy can legally inspect homes and find the next victim.

Yes sir mister Harris :) ......pretty much like what Everdry and others have done to many thousands of homeowners
In Your Corner: Unfair Sales Practice? | Indiana's NewsCenter: News, Sports, Weather, Fort Wayne WPTA-TV, WISE-TV, CW, and My Network | News (http://www.indiananewscenter.com/news/83022467.html)

State Wants To Shut Down Waterproofing Businesses - About Us News Story - WRTV Indianapolis (http://www.theindychannel.com/station/2787262/detail.html)

Here`s a smidgen (photos) of what inside system companies don`t repair,don`t waterproof,leave OPEN, and do not competently & honestly identify and misrepresent homeowners actual problems
Picasa Web Albums - LeakyBasement (http://picasaweb.google.com/101049034584960315932)

Ken Rowe
02-25-2010, 11:27 PM
Now you did it John. :D
In all fairness he could of been a member of any org.

Nope, he's Internachi. A-Z Home Inspection Services (http://www.a-zhomeinspectionservices.com/index.html)

Ken Rowe
02-26-2010, 12:37 PM
Agreed. Then tackle this constant lying, decieving BS, about other inspectors that don't buy into instant mail order Home Inspector "Certifications"

Quote... " There is a known diploma mill (ASHI) operating in FL that has no entrance requirements at all (you can join online in 30 seconds with nothing but a credit card) and even worse, it awards it's highest "certified" membership status based solely on passing of one beginners exam (NHIE) used by many states to license newbies fresh out of school.

I am trying to get the state to agree to reject all license applications submitted by any inspector caught financially supporting (through dues) this consumer-killing diploma mill." End Quote

I'll bet ASHI does get involved since the photo in question of the sign on the telephone pole is a marketing piece available to ASHI inspectors directly from ASHI.

Raymond Wand
02-26-2010, 12:55 PM
Certified 'Scumbag'!

Dan Harris
02-26-2010, 04:22 PM
Certified 'Scumbag'!

Now Ray.. Is that nice? :)

For all we know the state of Calif. is wrong , and out to get him.

It could be he didn't know anything about this, and his business partner is the guilty one.

Or maybe, someone set him up, and he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.:D

Stuart Brooks
02-26-2010, 05:12 PM
The big point that Nick and his disciples omit in their ravings about how ASHI admits inspectors with no qualifications is that ASHI does not admit new inspectors and claim they are "CERTIFIED". (ok, some may, if they meet all the qualifications)

We know that the iNACHo certification claims really doesn't mean much to anyone other than that outfit. However, to some of the general public, it can seem like they walk on water. Perhaps some of their associated inspectors are very good. I cannot make a claim that they are all Cretins anymore than their association can legitimately claim they are all the best. I want them to at least pass the NHIE or the NAHI CRI exam before they start waving the "Certified" flag

Why do I use names like iNACHo? Because, using the real name often enough by enough people could boost their web presence ratings simply because of search engine results.

Bob Elliott
02-27-2010, 03:46 PM
The big point that Nick and his disciples omit in their ravings about how ASHI admits inspectors with no qualifications is that ASHI does not admit new inspectors and claim they are "CERTIFIED". (ok, some may, if they meet all the qualifications)

We know that the iNACHo certification claims really doesn't mean much to anyone other than that outfit. However, to some of the general public, it can seem like they walk on water. Perhaps some of their associated inspectors are very good. I cannot make a claim that they are all Cretins anymore than their association can legitimately claim they are all the best. I want them to at least pass the NHIE or the NAHI CRI exam before they start waving the "Certified" flag

Why do I use names like iNACHo? Because, using the real name often enough by enough people could boost their web presence ratings simply because of search engine results.INTERNACHI


On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 11:59 AM, ACCUspect Home Inspection Services, Inc. <info@accuspect.com> wrote:

> Nick,

I never had the pleasure of meeting you, but heard may good things about you
> and InterNACHI. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My
> name is Hy Naiditch, I was the founding Chapter president of XXXX in
> Illinois. I spoke to Chris who is the Chapter President of InterNACHI in Ill and
> told him I would see him soon at a local Chapter meeting as I am jumping
> ship and plan on joining InterNACHI. What you guys offer is so far superior to
> any other organization.
> Thank you for your assistance, and hope to meet you personally in the
> future.
> Sincerely,
> Hy Naiditch
> ACCUspect Home Inspection Services, Inc.
> Chicago Home Inspections | home inspector illinois (http://www.accuspect.com)

More and more guys make the right decision every day.


Dan Harris
02-27-2010, 05:06 PM
On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 11:59 AM, ACCUspect Home Inspection Services, Inc. <info@accuspect.com> wrote:

> Nick,

I never had the pleasure of meeting you, but heard may good things about you
> and xxxxx. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My
> name is Hy Naiditch, I was the founding Chapter president of XXXX in
> Illinois. I spoke to Chris who is the Chapter President of xxxx in Ill and
> told him I would see him soon at a local Chapter meeting as I am jumping
> ship and plan on joining xxxxx. What you guys offer is so far superior to
> any other organization.
> Thank you for your assistance, and hope to meet you personally in the
> future.
> Sincerely,
> Hy Naiditch
> ACCUspect Home Inspection Services, Inc.
> Chicago Home Inspections | home inspector illinois (http://www.accuspect.com)

More and more guys make the right decision every day.


Bob, why don't you ask nick to post the emails that he gets from his members that are quiting his club, and joining ASHI.
The members that are sick and tired of supporting/paying him to sue ASHI and NAHI Inspectors, lie to realtors, the public, and State Legislators about ASHI Certified Inspectors qualificiations, and calling ASHI Certified Inspectors, on an open to the public site, dumb, blind, stupid scumbags that should be killed.

Raymond Wand
02-27-2010, 05:15 PM
I agree this inspector made the right choice!

Member in good standing of NAHI - National Association of Home Inspectors :)

Couldn't find any Nachi logo on the site provided Bob? Did I miss it? :confused:

Bob Elliott
02-28-2010, 03:46 PM
I agree this inspector made the right choice!

Member in good standing of NAHI - National Association of Home Inspectors :)

Couldn't find any Nachi logo on the site provided Bob? Did I miss it? :confused:

Guess you know which one he is leaving.:)

Raymond Wand
02-28-2010, 05:30 PM
Still don't see the logo. May be he had second thoughts. Let us know please when he finally gets the much coveted logo up. ;)

Bob Elliott
02-28-2010, 05:55 PM
Still don't see the logo. May be he had second thoughts. Let us know please when he finally gets the much coveted logo up. ;)

Trust me , as I will be sure to notice before the next local chapter meeting.

brent lerwill
03-08-2010, 08:50 AM
I have belonged to both inachi and AII and am quite familiar with all that is offered. First and foremost, NACHI is a marketing firm and a big internet presence. It seems the main goal is marketing anything and everything to home inspectors and providing things to market themselves to the public and RE agents. Through nachi almost anyone can become "certified" as an "expert" of almost anything by taking on-line courses and "open book" tests. Some people are dazzled by all those certificates, letters and titles. Anyone can also become a minister or get a PhD degree on-line. Is marketing a bad thing? No; to some degree it is necessary.
I would rather put most of my time and effort into being a knowledgeable, competent inspector rather than a marketing expert. My experience is that when you do that you develop the reputation and credibility that is worth more than all the titles and certificates you can "buy".
I do agree that nachi has a lot of educational material available.

Stuart Brooks
03-08-2010, 09:21 AM
I have belonged to both inachi and AII and am quite familiar with all that is offered. First and foremost, NACHI is a marketing firm and a big internet presence. It seems the main goal is marketing anything and everything to home inspectors and providing things to market themselves to the public and RE agents. Through nachi almost anyone can become "certified" as an "expert" of almost anything by taking on-line courses and "open book" tests. Some people are dazzled by all those certificates, letters and titles. Anyone can also become a minister or get a PhD degree on-line. Is marketing a bad thing? No; to some degree it is necessary.
I would rather put most of my time and effort into being a knowledgeable, competent inspector rather than a marketing expert. My experience is that when you do that you develop the reputation and credibility that is worth more than all the titles and certificates you can "buy".
I do agree that nachi has a lot of educational material available.

Here! Here! - Well said Brent. I think a lot of new inspectors flock to Nachi because of the no effort "Certification", promotional materials ,and web presence. It takes at least 3 years to build a viable business and most of the new guys don't have the capital to last in today's economy. They think the Nachi certification may give them an edge in a very competitive field.

Raymond Wand
03-08-2010, 09:52 AM
An attorney will quickly be able to shoot down these so-called certifications in the courtroom.

Dan Harris
04-06-2013, 02:56 PM
Another lawsuit? You have to be kidding! At what point does the Judaical system catch on to this pathological lawsuit hungry person.

A simple call, letter or email and I bet Mr. Bopp would have removed any plagiarized material. My bet is he had a website designer make it up and that person found it on the Internet in some shape or form.

And yet another one.

It's looks like Nicky, and his members, figure the only way to compete with a local state chapter from another org, is sue them, that way they will not be able to spend their members dues on members benefits and cont education.

Had to sue an ASHI chapter for claiming ASHI is the largest inspection association. - InterNACHI Inspection Forum (http://www.nachi.org/forum/f14/had-sue-american-society-home-inspectors-chapter-claiming-american-society-home-inspectors-largest-inspection-association-80581/)

Quote from Gromiko" More lawsuits coming. We're going to play "Let's see who wants to spend the most on defense attorneys" game. 'end quote"

When will the members of both associations realize their dues support suing the org they belong too?

Bob Elliott
04-06-2013, 04:08 PM
Pretty simple really.
They should not lie and claim to be the biggest when we all know that claim belongs to NACHI.

They removed it awfully fast once caught but sure had nerve to put it on the first page in NACHI's back yard.

That being said could care less anymore than I care which quarter back gets paid more.
Not my fight.

Dan Harris
04-06-2013, 04:27 PM
Pretty simple really.
They should not lie and claim to be the biggest when we all know that claim belongs to NACHI.

They removed it awfully fast once caught but sure had nerve to put it on the first page in NACHI's back yard.

That being said could care less anymore than I care which quarter back gets paid more.
Not my fight.

Hi Bob. I haven't seen you here for a while, figured I would wake you up.:)
The only way anyone knows for sure how big nacho is by what nicko tells and brags to his members.

Per another topic here his recent tax report/ showing the orgs income from members dues, sure does not add up to more members than ASHI .
I'm guessing the local org had that on their site for years, and nicki just recently found out the local ASHI org is succesful, and bingo that had to be the reason why.

Do you believe everthing he/ the great divider of home inspectors tells you?

Bob Elliott
04-06-2013, 05:10 PM
Hi Bob. I haven't seen you here for a while, figured I would wake you up.:)
The only way anyone knows for sure how big nacho is by what nicko tells and brags to his members.

Per another topic here his recent tax report/ showing the orgs income from members dues, sure does not add up to more members than ASHI .
I'm guessing the local org had that on their site for years, and nicki just recently found out the local ASHI org is succesful, and bingo that had to be the reason why.

Do you believe everthing he/ the great divider of home inspectors tells you?

The thread notified me...:)

He is saying he did it for the workers that made it the biggest.
I doubt he would start the suit if he did not have facts ,nor would they have been so quick to remove it.

Does not really matter to guys like us as long as they are both there to give us a choice and keep them both from being lazy.

The biggest issue I see is when the guys in several states such as MO need to or are forced to join ASHI as well because of the Agents being brainwashed by branding into thinking associations even matter.

Dan Harris
04-06-2013, 05:45 PM
The thread notified me...:)

The biggest issue I see is when the guys in several states such as MO need to or are forced to join ASHI as well because of the Agents being brainwashed by branding into thinking associations even matter.

Agents brain washed? Agents that I know choose me because of my commitment to the profession, their customers , and my experience.

Could it be ASHI members stick around/last longer in this professions than other inspectors?
Could it be an agent went to nickos find an inspector and found the inspector they picked is no longer in business, or when they needed him/her again they were out of business.?

Forced to join due to branding and brain washing? I call that BS . More often than not, thats just an excuss
due to the inspectors lack of knowlege or experience, or ability to take the time it takes to make it in the profession. .
I know a lot of non org local inspectors and multi inspector firms that get a lot more work than I get .
The only branding they have is them/ their product.

Locally I agree ASHI is respected in the real estate commuinty due to the proffesionism, and knowlege shown by current and prior ASHI members/inspectors for the past 25 plus years, as far as I'm concerned that has nothing to do with brainwashing.

Bob Elliott
04-06-2013, 06:09 PM
Then you are just as brainwashed Dan.
Nobody cares except other inspectors and Agents in a couple states.

I am experienced and damn good at what I do with no need for ASHI.

Have met and seen bad from both as it makes zero difference who you sign your check over to.

Perhaps if you join NACHI all of a sudden you will become a bad inspector or if I join ASHI will suddenly gain some historical metamorphic knowledge...lol

Joseph Hagarty
04-07-2013, 04:08 AM
Agents brain washed? Agents that I know choose me because of my commitment to the profession, their customers , and my experience.


You market yourself, your experience, education and ability.

While Affiliation within a HI Org may assist you in your business, it should not be the focal point of your Business Advertising.

In an Industry where you are only as good as your last Inspection, Branding yourself to be just like everyone else is counter productive.

Ken Rowe
04-07-2013, 07:32 AM
Who's larger, ASHI or iNachi, depends on how it's looked at. The burden of proof is going to be on iNachi.

Overall members, most likely iNachi. Approximately 50% of iNachi memberships are given for free.
Paid members, most likely ASHI.
Largest network of chapters, definitely ASHI. iNachi claims to have no local chapters on their tax returns.

INachi will also have to show a financial loss due to the actions of the local ASHI chapter and it's website. Good luck.

Bob Elliott
04-09-2013, 12:05 PM
Who's larger, ASHI or iNachi, depends on how it's looked at. The burden of proof is going to be on iNachi.

Overall members, most likely iNachi. Approximately 50% of iNachi memberships are given for free.
Paid members, most likely ASHI.
Largest network of chapters, definitely ASHI. iNachi claims to have no local chapters on their tax returns.

INachi will also have to show a financial loss due to the actions of the local ASHI chapter and it's website. Good luck.

Looks like ASHI blinked.

ASHI finally agrees to work to eliminate any public claim that they are the largest. - InterNACHI Inspection Forum (http://www.nachi.org/forum/f14/american-society-home-inspectors-finally-agrees-work-eliminate-any-public-claim-they-largest-80681/)

Dan Harris
04-09-2013, 06:26 PM
Looks like ASHI blinked.

ASHI finally agrees to work to eliminate any public claim that they are the largest. - InterNACHI Inspection Forum (http://www.nachi.org/forum/f14/american-society-home-inspectors-finally-agrees-work-eliminate-any-public-claim-they-largest-80681/)

Good for them..Who cares, who's the largest.
If that's true, It looks like ASHI elected to continue spending our dues on bettering the profession, marketing the need for home inspections to the public, opposed to spending them on lawyers to fight somebody with an ego.

One claim ASHI leadership and it's members can proudly claim, ASHI is the oldest, ASHI has the highest ethical standards , has the highest and verified requirments for Certified Inspectors , and ASHI continues to be the most respected home association by the public, media, goverment , and the entire real estate commuinty and real estate proffesionals.

Bob Elliott
04-09-2013, 06:32 PM
Good for them..Who cares, who's the largest.
If that's true, It looks like ASHI elected to continue spending our dues on bettering the profession, marketing the need for home inspections to the public, opposed to spending them on lawyers to fight somebody with an ego.

One claim ASHI leadership and it's members can proudly claim, ASHI is the oldest, ASHI has the highest ethical standards , has the highest and verified requirments for Certified Inspectors , and ASHI continues to be the most respected home association by the public, media, goverment , and the entire real estate commuinty and real estate proffesionals.

Highest ethical standards....lol
You mean branding themselves to Agents rather than the actual clients....gimme a break.

I call that pimping.

Ken Rowe
04-09-2013, 10:25 PM
Highest ethical standards....lol
You mean branding themselves to Agents rather than the actual clients....gimme a break.

I call that pimping.

Actually ASHI brands themselves to the National Association of Realtors, Federal, State and local governments and the general public. While inachi brands itself to it's own members, people purchasing "certified mold inspector" credentials and inspectors who are members of other associations.

Do realize that 10% of the 1.8 million in dues collected by inachi goes directly to the owner's pocket? Who's the pimp?28507

Michael P. O'Handley
04-10-2013, 03:28 PM
ASHI has the highest ethical standards , has the highest and verified requirments for Certified Inspectors proffesionals.Seriously? For more than three decades ASHI has accepted anyone who wanted to pay the fee regardless of their training or competency. How is that the highest ethical standard or the highest verified requirement?

One can join ASHI without taking the National Home Inspector exam. Long before anyone, except Texas had state licensing, ASHI accepted anybody that called themselves home inspectors. They didn't say, "Prove to me you know how to inspect a home and we'll accept you," they just accepted anyone who wanted to pay. For decades ASHI has required inspectors to do more than 250 inspections and take the national exam before they'll call inspectors "members," but if they'd really wanted to protect the public from unqualified inspectors they would have required that an inspector take an exam and prove his/her competency before that inspector was accepted into their organization.

It's the same with the other clubs. Oh sure, they might have some minimum number of inspection requirements before they'll accept new members but those requirements are nothing more than a very tiny speed bump. I can't recall after more than 17 years in this gig ever hearing from an inspector, "I wasn't accepted into such-and-such inspection association because I hadn't first taken the national exam and proven I could do what I claimed I could do - inspect homes."

You know how long it takes to perform 250 inspections when one is new - especially in the economy we've had for the past few years? Would you want to allow a guy who decided to be a dentist yesterday and hung out a shingle this morning fix your teeth or the teeth of 249 other people, without requiring him or her to have minimal training, before finally testing him or her and determining whether that person actually knows how to fix peoples teeth?

How about an engineer? Would you want to allow an engineer to design 250 bridges, without any education, before you "certified" him or her?

The American clubs are laugable. They constantly bicker and poster but none of them has drawn a real line in the sand and said, "Want to join? Prove to us you've been trained as an inspector by a credible school first and taken and passed the national exam, and then we'll think about it." They pretty much take any warm body that's willing to pay the membership fee - regardless of that persons competency.

I only know of one home inspector association that actually requires an inspector prove that he or she is competent and has passed a national test before accepting that inspector - the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors.

New guys and gals, stop worrying about which club to join. When you're new, joining any of them really doesn't amount to a hill of beans. if you want to be credible, don't practice on the homes of innocent consumers until you've first had some training and can pass the national home inspector exam and have spent some time shadowing an experienced inspector and learned something about the profession from him or her.

Mike O'Handley
Kenmore, Washington

Lisa Endza
04-11-2013, 08:01 PM
If your reason for joining an association is to prove competency, you are joining for the wrong reason. I'm not saying it doesn't happen. But most of the applicants I process are already licensed. And the rest, those in unlicensed states and provinces, join InterNACHI for the other benefits and competitive advantages that only InterNACHI provides. Why inspectors join InterNACHI (http://www.nachi.org/benefits)