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Thread: Tip 4: Viewing Unread Posts
04-03-2007, 10:25 AM #1
Tip 4: Viewing Unread Posts
Tip 4:
Checking New Posts - My Morning Ritual
On the old board there was a listing of the "Last 50 Posts" which made it easy to check and see what was newly posted. We have the same thing (only better) on the new InspectionNews.
*** BASICS ***
This is what I do:
When I come back InspectionNews the first thing I do is click on "New Post" on the top menu bar. Rather than list the "Last 50 Posts" as the old board did now it personalizes it and list all the new posts since YOU last visited.
On that list your will see the subjects in bold and withnext to them indicating that you have not read the new posts in that thread.
Similar to the view and Icon short cuts from the home page you have the same convenient links here.
High Efficiency Flue Termination
If you click on the text subject title it will take you to that page where you can scroll through all the post to find where you left off.
If you hover your mouse over the "Plus" icon you will see that it says "Go to first new post". Click the "Plus and go directly to the first unread post. How cool is that! ?
Once you read that post do not use your back button. Instead either scroll to the top of the page (short cut: just hit your "home" key on your key board) and click on "New Posts" again. This will ensure that you are viewing the latest new posts plus mark the post you just read as read (different icon and the subject will not be bold).
When you are done reading all of the new posts you want to read simply click on "Quick Links" on the menu bar and select "Mark Forums Read".
Now you have a fresh slate.
*** Advanced *** It's worth reading
From that same "New Posts" page you will see to the right of the Subject a paper clipIF there is a photo in the post. If you haver over that clip it will tell you how many pictures are in there. If you click on it you can view just the attachments without opening the thread. If you like what you see you can click "Show Thread & Close Window ".
The next column to the right on the "New Posts" page shows the day, time and who made the last post and a.
If you hover over the name it will tell you how many replies that person has made to that post. If you click you will get the person's profile.
If you hover over the "Plus" it says "Go to Last Post". Click it and... there you go.
The next column is "Replies" It will tell you the number of replies. Click it and it will open a window telling you all the people who have replied to that post and how many replies they have made.
The next column is "Views". It tells you the number of times that thread has been viewed.
The next column lists the forum that the thread is posted in.
In addition you can use the Inspection Radio toolbar and be notified on (most) new post no matter what web site you are on.
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Brian Hannigan /
Helping Inspectors $ucceed Since 1997TM
Twitter: @InspectionNews
04-05-2007, 10:58 PM #2
Re: Tip 4: Viewing Unread Posts
When I'm done reading what I want from the "New Post's" I go to the Home Page (Click on the InspectionNews logo at the top of the page, "Message Board" on the right menu or "InspectionNews" in text on the bottom right of any page). On the home page click on "Mark Forums Read" on the bottom of the listed categories right under the last one "H E L P !"
Now you have a fresh slate.
I now have a better way
When you are done reading all of the new posts you want to read simply click on "Quick Links" on the menu bar and select "Mark Forums Read".
That saves a step or two.
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Brian Hannigan /
Helping Inspectors $ucceed Since 1997TM
Twitter: @InspectionNews
05-12-2007, 06:34 AM #3
Re: Tip 4: Viewing Unread Posts
Is there a quick link (or other easy way) way to view all new posts in the last 24 or 48 hours?
05-12-2007, 04:09 PM #4
Re: Tip 4: Viewing Unread Posts
Because I'm so anal, I have to clear off the New Post board each time I log on. I wish there was a way to mark off a post as read without actually going through the process of opening it and coming back to the New Posts section.
Jim Robinson
New Mexico, USA
05-12-2007, 04:57 PM #5
Re: Tip 4: Viewing Unread Posts
Yes, Click on "Quick Links" and select "Today's Posts"
Or click on "New Posts" to see all new post since your last visit. When you are done reading the new posts make sure you click "Quick Links" and select "Mark Forums Read" to clear the slate.
On the home page you can double click the orange check mark icon that indicates new posts in that forum and then it will show that all threads have been read in that forum.
You can also click "Quick Links" and select "Mark Forums Read" to clear the slate and mark all forums read.
I hope that help and hope everyone is having a great weekend.
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Brian Hannigan /
Helping Inspectors $ucceed Since 1997TM
Twitter: @InspectionNews
05-12-2007, 05:16 PM #6
Re: Tip 4: Viewing Unread Posts
Yes, Click on "Quick Links" and select "Today's Posts"
Well, no.
For example, I log on at 9:00PM Thursday, for the first time since Wednesday. Something happens, and I don't get to read all the "new posts". I log on at 6:00 AM Friday, and select "Today's posts". Is shows me "today's posts", NOT all "posts in the last 24 hours". The "unread" posts from Thursday (that is, ALL the posts from Thursday) are not shown, and AFAIK there is currently no easy way to retrieve them.
It's this ability (see all posts new in the last 12/24/48 hours) that I would find useful.
05-14-2007, 12:30 PM #7
Re: Tip 4: Viewing Unread Posts
Hi Michael,
In that situation (that you didn't read all the "New Posts") do not go to "Quick Links" and do not click "Mark Forums Read".
That way, when you return you can click on "New Posts" and you will still have all the post listed that you haven't read. "New Posts" should really read "Un-read Posts".
View The List Of InspectionNews Member Benefits!
Brian Hannigan /
Helping Inspectors $ucceed Since 1997TM
Twitter: @InspectionNews
05-15-2007, 07:07 AM #8
Re: Tip 4: Viewing Unread Posts
I see that "all posts in last 24hrs" has been added (I don't *think* this was there before, anyway).
Could you add quick links for 48 hours and "last week" as well?
05-15-2007, 07:14 AM #9
Re: Tip 4: Viewing Unread Posts
OK, I see
The "new in 24 hours option isavailableonly if there are no new posts returned form a "newposts" search...
05-25-2007, 05:47 PM #10
Re: Tip 4: Viewing Unread Posts
thanks for the advice, now i can see all the new post in a very short time and easy way.