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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Charlotte NC Licensed in NC and SC

    Default Does FHA require

    Assuming an FHA loan and FHA knew the house had 3-prong outlets with no ground.

    Would FHA require GFCI protection on 3-prong outlets that have no ground or would the stickers that indicate "no ground" be acceptable?

    The house in question is in SC.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Does FHA require

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce King View Post
    Assuming an FHA loan and FHA knew the house had 3-prong outlets with no ground.

    Would FHA require GFCI protection on 3-prong outlets that have no ground or would the stickers that indicate "no ground" be acceptable?

    The house in question is in SC.
    Don't know about FHA but BOTH would be required anyway.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default Re: Does FHA require

    Some FHA appraiser I've seen don't know up from down, let alone an ungrounded outlet versus and grounded one. The answer is likely hinged upon whether or not the appraiser gets a copy of the report or not.

    In my experience they either don't get the report or don't read it if they do. In my area it would be extremely unlikely for this to be required by an FHA appraiser. Not to say it's not important but apparently not enough people have been 'fried' to point where they can't pay their loan.

  4. #4
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: Does FHA require

    Ran into an FHA appraiser a few weeks back. she was going room to room and inspecting just about everything i was. One thing i pointed out to her was info on Zinsco and STAB-LOC Panel. she did not have any info on these panels... ODD... She has the info now...



  5. #5
    M.Pondo's Avatar
    M.Pondo Guest

    Default Re: Does FHA require

    They will usually require repairs to be completed before close , and they typically follow your report for items in need of repair. Grounds have been required since the early 60"s.If the house was built earlier establishing the ground is an upgrade-but still a ( safety) shock hazard the way they currrently are .
    Hope this helps!


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