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  1. #1
    Brian Johnson's Avatar
    Brian Johnson Guest

    Default Septic System Installation

    Hey All

    I will be installing a new tank/septic system in my own house this coming year. I am thinking of doing the job myself as I have friends who own and operate backhoes with experience in landscape construction. What I need from you all is a link to a website or information/pictures on how to go about it. Even your thoughts and opinions will be welcomed. I know this is a project I could handle along with the cooperation and help from friends and coworkers if I could just find info on exactly how it gets made, from the lowest level of Trap rock or sand, to the galleys and fabric, and in what order. I understand the sytem has to be sized properly, I am just concerned with the way to build it right now. Thanx in advance for your help.

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  2. #2
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
    A.D. Miller Guest

    Default Re: Septic System Installation

    Quote Originally Posted by Brian Johnson View Post
    Hey All

    I will be installing a new tank/septic system in my own house this coming year. I am thinking of doing the job myself as I have friends who own and operate backhoes with experience in landscape construction. What I need from you all is a link to a website or information/pictures on how to go about it. Even your thoughts and opinions will be welcomed. I know this is a project I could handle along with the cooperation and help from friends and coworkers if I could just find info on exactly how it gets made, from the lowest level of Trap rock or sand, to the galleys and fabric, and in what order. I understand the sytem has to be sized properly, I am just concerned with the way to build it right now. Thanx in advance for your help.
    DPH: Environmental Engineering - Subsurface Sewage

  3. #3
    Brian Johnson's Avatar
    Brian Johnson Guest

    Default Re: Septic System Installation


    Thanx A.D.

    I don't know how I missed that web site

    Much appreciated


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