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  1. #1
    Mike Dicken's Avatar
    Mike Dicken Guest

    Default Handyman for God's People Ministry

    Praise the Lord! Hello. I am retired; now working for the Lord. I served in a senior Engineering role aboard a nuclear submarine, as the Nuclear Operations and Facility Manager at 8 different DOE nuclear weapons support facilities across the USA, and as the Test Director of a 4-nation international nuclear waste disposal project in Russia. I maintain an active Airframe and Powerplant license from the Federal Aviation Administration authorizing me to inspect and repair aircraft, aircraft engines, and accessories. My ministry is directed at serving Christians and Christian families in need of repair or installation services, especially those who cannot afford to hire a contractor. I have over 40 years experience managing and performing complex operations and testing, plus troubleshooting and repairing in the areas of electrical, plumbing, construction, carpentry, and mechanical. An ordained deacon since 1996, my call from God in September 2006 to serve other Christians is grounded in God’s Word and strives to bring glory and honor to the Lord, Jesus Christ. I graduated from Purdue University and married Melanie (Barnhart) in 1969. We have three sons and two grandchildren. I also serve as Chaplain of the Montgomery County, Virginia Gideon Camp and teach Sunday school at Main Street Baptist Church in Christiansburg, VA. I can be reached by cell phone at 540-392-9268 or by e-mail at

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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry


    Welcome Aboard.

    Nice looking grandson.

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  3. #3
    daniel nantell's Avatar
    daniel nantell Guest

    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    You are doing a great job helping the needed , our country needs more people like you. Looks like your a great Papa also. Keep passing out those bibles as Im a gideon also. I just retired like yourself, joined the Gideons and got my Home Inspector license. Have not done much with the license as the real estate market in the midwest is terrible. I was just in your neck of the woods, we rode the train from richmond va. to new york last week , have a blessed new year.

  4. #4
    Aaron Miller's Avatar
    Aaron Miller Guest

    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    Some of us that prefer to remain post theological might take offense to your breaking the forum rules by being a billboard for your backwater religious beliefs.

    Not many of us, but some.

    Welcome anyway, preacher.


  5. #5
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    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    Mike - Welcome to the board.

    I am curious why, as an obvious promoter of your religion, you would seem to limit your good works to Christians and Christian families. Wouldn't it make more sense, from an evangelical standpoint, to seek out non-Christians and help them?

    By the way, I used to live in Floyd County and drive through Christiansburg frequently on my way to Virginia Tech.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    I'm with Aaron on this one and this is not a forum to preach one’s belief in a higher power.

    Jerry McCarthy
    Building Code/ Construction Consultant

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    Some of us that prefer to remain post theological might take offense to your breaking the forum rules
    Aaron and Jerry M., I must have missed that rule. Could you post the one you refer to?

    Have you filed your objection to Brian via email per the rules?

    I would think that Mike might have a case for your offensive description
    backwater religious beliefs.
    You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this Message Board to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.
    I for one do not take offense to someone simply describing his business model and a little personal bio.
    I do take offense at people who sit on the side and take pot shots at anyone who dares to mention their faith during a simple introduction.
    The guy does not seem to be intending to impose his beliefs on anyone here nor belittle anyone else for their belief or lack thereof.
    We are well aware of the position of Aaron and others secular humanistic leaning positions due to various postings here, those are his positions and I have not heard one peep from anyone denigrating him for his position even though it is a position not espouse by a good number of patrons of this board.
    Give it a rest Aaron.

    Jim Luttrall
    Plano, Texas

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Luttrall View Post
    take pot shots at anyone who dares to mention their faith
    Sorry, he did a little more than mention his faith. It was a major part of his post and so becomes fair game for those of us who don't want to hear it.

  9. #9
    Jon Randolph's Avatar
    Jon Randolph Guest

    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    Quote Originally Posted by John Arnold View Post
    Sorry, he did a little more than mention his faith. It was a major part of his post and so becomes fair game for those of us who don't want to hear it.
    Actually, if you copy his entire post and paste it to Microsoft Word, you can easily find out how much of his post mentions anything about religion.

    Here are the exact numbers regarding his post/introduction:

    Total # of sentences - 12
    Total # of sentences mentioning anything about religion - 5

    Total # of words - 222
    Total # of words in all sentences mentioning anything religious - 94
    Total # of words mentioning a specific deity/religion/religious orginization or activity- 16

    Total # of characters - 1422
    Total # of characters in all sentences mentioning anything religious - 554

    How does this make the majority of his post faith based?????

    If you don't want to read it or hear about it, you don't have to read it. Compared to other posts/pictures on here, this shouldn't offend anyone.

    Welcome to the board Mike and Daniel

  10. #10
    Jon Randolph's Avatar
    Jon Randolph Guest

    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry


    I forgot about the totally offensive picture of the cross and flags in his driveway. I guess that those could be found offensive to non-americans as well as members of other religions or atheists. We must be careful to remain politically correct.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry McCarthy View Post
    I'm with Aaron on this one and this is not a forum to preach one’s belief in a higher power.
    I agree with Jerry Mc. and Aaron.

    There are religious boards for those who want to be religious.

    There are political boards for those who want to be political.

    There are home inspector boards for those who want to be home inspectorish .. you know, like this one.

    If you want to keep posting religious stuff here, be prepared to be bombard with non-religious counter-posts. I have been holding back and gritting my teeth that these would stop, and they had ... with 'had' being past tense.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    Quote Originally Posted by Jon Randolph View Post
    How does this make the majority of his post faith based?????
    Like this: (underlining is mine)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dicken View Post
    Praise the Lord! Hello. I am retired; now working for the Lord. I served in a senior Engineering role aboard a nuclear submarine, as the Nuclear Operations and Facility Manager at 8 different DOE nuclear weapons support facilities across the USA, and as the Test Director of a 4-nation international nuclear waste disposal project in Russia. I maintain an active Airframe and Powerplant license from the Federal Aviation Administration authorizing me to inspect and repair aircraft, aircraft engines, and accessories. My ministry is directed at serving Christians and Christian families in need of repair or installation services, especially those who cannot afford to hire a contractor. I have over 40 years experience managing and performing complex operations and testing, plus troubleshooting and repairing in the areas of electrical, plumbing, construction, carpentry, and mechanical. An ordained deacon since 1996, my call from God in September 2006 to serve other Christians is grounded in God’s Word and strives to bring glory and honor to the Lord, Jesus Christ. I graduated from Purdue University and married Melanie (Barnhart) in 1969. We have three sons and two grandchildren. I also serve as Chaplain of the Montgomery County, Virginia Gideon Camp and teach Sunday school at Main Street Baptist Church in Christiansburg, VA. I can be reached by cell phone at 540-392-9268 or by e-mail at
    It was enough to make me PUKE!

    Mike and Daniel are welcome to this HOME INSPECTOR'S board, let's keep the religious crap out of it. Okay?

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    What most critics of religion and faith in general fail to realize it that there is no absence of belief, just differences of belief, man does not operate in a vacuum devoid of personal belief. The espousal of "no mention of religion" is in fact promoting the religion of secular humanism, atheism, agnosticism or just plain old antagonism.

    There can be acceptance for all religions or faiths or total intolerance for any. Which means one would have to be totally intolerant of any lack of belief system including the lack of acknowledgment of a higher power, which is where several on this thread seem to cast their lot.

    While the mention of a persons stance as it relates to a home inspectors business model may make JP puke, the intolerant and condescending rhetoric makes me want to puke, an makes me reevaluate my opinions, not that anyone does or should care what I think.

    We all have lives outside of home inspecting (I hope) and the mention of military background may be disgusting to those averse to war, and the mention of a wife and children may be disgusting to the homosexuals, and lets not forget the anti-nuclear groups.
    The point is you can be offended by pretty much anything if you choose.
    But in this current thread, I think the anti-religious zealots are the ones with the issue, not the original poster who was telling us about who he is and what he cares about.

    Lighten up.

    Jim Luttrall
    Plano, Texas

  14. #14
    Michael Larson's Avatar
    Michael Larson Guest

    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    It was enough to make me PUKE!

    Mike and Daniel are welcome to this HOME INSPECTOR'S board, let's keep the religious crap out of it. Okay?
    Lighten up Jerry.

    The guy is just sharing a little bio info to help everyone to get to know him better.

    From you post and others one might suggest the next step is to find a noose or two boards and a hammer and nails. Geesh!

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    That is the way I feel also.

    Jerry M., Aaron, John, and Jerry P.

    OK, this board is not for religious discussion.
    So what, he posted once to introduce himself.
    Even if he had made several post there is no need, or benefit to anyone to vilify him. Someone mentions they are a Christian (or Jew, Muslim, etc..) and they become "Fair game"? Really.

    I respect each of you, I value your opinion, and I think all of you are intelligent, and most likely educated, so it surprises me at how disrespectful you can be, well except for Aaron. Sorry Aaron, but you have shown little respect for anyone.

    Disagree, think his post in out of order, then say so, but leave out the sarcasm and show a little respect, OK.

    I apologize if I have wasted your time, I hope I've not wasted mine.

    ' correct a wise man and you gain a friend... correct a fool and he'll bloody your nose'.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    Jerry M.
    I reread your post. You were not being sarcastic or disrespectful, maybe a little insensitive, but not sarcastic. I apologize.

    Jerry P.
    You said;
    "There are religious boards for those who want to be religious.
    There are political boards for those who want to be political.
    There are home inspector boards for those who want to be home inspectorish .. you know, like this one.
    If you want to keep posting religious stuff here, be prepared to be bombard with non-religious counter-posts...."

    These were posted by you. So what do they have to do with home inspection? Or is it OK as long as there is no mention of God, in other words, as long as it's Godless?

    ' correct a wise man and you gain a friend... correct a fool and he'll bloody your nose'.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post

    There are political boards for those who want to be political

    Lest We Forget. As I've seen many posts with no such backlash.

    It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
    Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    I tried to figure out why Mike posted what he did. Since it was his 4th, I have to assume it wasn't to say "HI, I'm new here".

    Jon pointed out - Word count 222 - religious wording 94 - that's over 40%. Sounds like a religious post to me.

    While I consider myself a pretty religious guy, I try not to jamb my beliefs down peoples throats, or flaunt it. I think it makes people uncomfortable.

    That said, he did put it in the Say Hello section, and if was going to be anywhere, I think that would be the place to put it. If it was done to just tell us something about himself - fine. If it was done to try to drum up business under the cloak of being a "good Christian", then shame on him.

    It might be as simple as he was just pumped up about his service to the Lord, and wanted to share his feelings.

    A while back I asked a question about putting a link to my church's web site on mine. The discussion made me re-think it, and decided not to. At the time, I thought it was just a good thing to do, since i am proud to be a member of my church, etc. However, as some pointed out, I might offend someone in the process.

    Just my 2 cents

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    "I tried to figure out why Mike posted what he did. Since it was his 4th, I have to assume it wasn't to say "HI, I'm new here". "

    Actually it was his first of 4 post. October 16, over 2 months ago.

    ' correct a wise man and you gain a friend... correct a fool and he'll bloody your nose'.

  20. #20
    Michael Larson's Avatar
    Michael Larson Guest

    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    So to recap: what we have here is Aaron reacting with extreme prejudice to a 2-1/2 month old post of Mike Dicken.

    Ant then a few more ant-religious types chime in with their 1/2 cent worth of wisdom(or lack thereof).


  21. #21
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    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Larson View Post
    So to recap: what we have here is Aaron reacting with extreme prejudice to a 2-1/2 month old post of Mike Dicken.

    Ant then a few more ant-religious types chime in with their 1/2 cent worth of wisdom(or lack thereof).

    And some religious types chiming in with their 1/2 cent worth of wisdom (or lack there of).

    Yeah, it works both ways.

    There are been various posts with religious tones, it has been brought up before that we should leave religious posts to the religious boards. Same for politics.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    I find it amusing that some folks appeared to take exception to what I thought was my reasonably innocuous post as I truly believe that discussing personal religious beliefs as being entirely inappropriate on such a venue as this. It's also interesting that a bible thumper honed his skill as an engineering officer on a nuclear attack submarine, but perhaps this was before he found God?

    I’m also glad Jack chimed in with what I think is a well thought out conclusion regarding one’s pushing their personal religious beliefs and hope this thread is quickly aborted. As a long time student of history and knowing that more people have been “off-d” in the name of God (still going on) than any other cause since man crawled out of the ooze, leapt the moat in the Garden of Eden, or just appeared from wherever he/she came from. Ditto Jerry P’s last comment and as Moses said, “enough already!”

    Jerry McCarthy
    Building Code/ Construction Consultant

  23. #23
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    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    How would the defenders of religious expression on this board react, I wonder, if a similar post were made starting with "Praise Allah!" and continuing in that vein?

  24. #24
    Michael Larson's Avatar
    Michael Larson Guest

    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    And some religious types chiming in with their 1/2 cent worth of wisdom (or lack there of).

    Yeah, it works both ways.

    There are been various posts with religious tones, it has been brought up before that we should leave religious posts to the religious boards. Same for politics.
    Thanks for noticing.

    Delete the whole thread for all I care. That doesn't excuse the trashing Mike received when he shared a bit of background on what's important to him. Get over it.

    Do you feel it's your duty to chase away any member that that somehow offends you by posting a reference to God or the activities he is involved in?

    I doubt we will be hearing from Mike D. again after his first experience on this BB.

    You should be ashamed.

  25. #25
    Michael Larson's Avatar
    Michael Larson Guest

    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry McCarthy View Post
    I find it amusing that some folks appeared to take exception to what I thought was my reasonably innocuous post as I truly believe that discussing personal religious beliefs as being entirely inappropriate on such a venue as this. It's also interesting that a bible thumper honed his skill as an engineering officer on a nuclear attack submarine, but perhaps this was before he found God?
    There was no preaching Jerry. I see you are into name calling. So you have a problem with someone who expresses a belief in God at the controls of our nuclear subs? I guess you are advocating for an all atheist military.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry McCarthy View Post
    I’m also glad Jack chimed in with what I think is a well thought out conclusion regarding one’s pushing their personal religious beliefs and hope this thread is quickly aborted. As a long time student of history and knowing that more people have been “off-d” in the name of God (still going on) than any other cause since man crawled out of the ooze, leapt the moat in the Garden of Eden, or just appeared from wherever he/she came from. Ditto Jerry P’s last comment and as Moses said, “enough already!”
    Student of history? READ THIS

  26. #26
    Aaron Miller's Avatar
    Aaron Miller Guest

    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    Quote Originally Posted by John Arnold View Post
    How would the defenders of religious expression on this board react, I wonder, if a similar post were made starting with "Praise Allah!" and continuing in that vein?

    Good point. That would include, of course, all religions and the unsolicited adoration of their own particular brands of imaginary friends.

    It would also extend, I think, to any other characters proposed by all other forms of literature. One of my personal favorites being C.L. Dogson's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. This work, among his others and unlike "religious" writings of the world, is appropriately labeled as "nonsense literature".

    Wonderland, though filled with fictitious characters whose escapades are meant to illustrate moral lessons, does not resort to the violence, sexual perversion, etc. found in many of the world's religious masterpieces.

    It is based upon (or at least named after) an indisputably living character - Alice Liddell. No one, as far as I know actually worships Alice to this day. I do believe, however, that East Coast Jerry may have used the chapter titled "A Mad Tea Party" for his primer on logic with particular regard to his tendency to time and time again resort to the inverse relationship stance. But I digress.

    Alice U Acbar!


  27. #27
    Aaron Miller's Avatar
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    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Larson View Post
    There was no preaching Jerry. I see you are into name calling. So you have a problem with someone who expresses a belief in God at the controls of our nuclear subs? I guess you are advocating for an all atheist military.
    Student of history? READ THIS

    Which god do you mean? Student of world history? Student of anything in particular? Ever read a book that did not have only pictures for coloring with wax sticks?


  28. #28
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    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron Miller View Post

    Good point. That would include, of course, all religions and the unsolicited adoration of their own particular brands of imaginary friends.
    My personal favorite being The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster:
    Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

  29. #29
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    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Larson View Post
    Do you feel it's your duty to chase away any member that that somehow offends you by posting a reference to God or the activities he is involved in?

    I doubt we will be hearing from Mike D. again after his first experience on this BB.

    You should be ashamed.
    I welcomed him.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    Mike and Daniel are welcome to this HOME INSPECTOR'S board, let's keep the religious crap out of it. Okay?
    If he can't accept criticism for his beliefs, he should not hang his beliefs out there like that.

    If he never comes back, that is his choice, but ... if he believes as he says he does, he will be back ... because he will forgive and turn the other cheek.

    Just like we all have on occasion.

    If he never comes back, that would be a very poor sign of his religious beliefs.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  30. #30
    Michael Larson's Avatar
    Michael Larson Guest

    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron Miller View Post

    Which god do you mean? Student of world history? Student of anything in particular? Ever read a book that did not have only pictures for coloring with wax sticks?

    There is only One Aaron.
    You will meet Him some day.
    I hope you're ready.

    So you don't believe that communist regimes are responsible for many millions of murders?

    I gave of coloring books and comic books years ago. How about you?

  31. #31
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    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Larson View Post
    Student of history? READ THIS

    From 'the other' Jerry ... have you ever considered, percentage-wise, how many the "Christian Crusades" killed and/or "conquered" (enslaved into their conquerers' beliefs for fear of being killed if they resisted) versus the population at that time?

    The war in Iraq and Afghanistan are 'wars in the name of god', people are still killing people 'in the name of their god'.

    In fact, many, if not most, wars have been 'in the name of god'.

    Bush does not want Iraq to become a 'religious state', but he tried to make the US into a 'religious state' ... as long as it was 'his religion' it is okie dokie, otherwise it is not.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  32. #32
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    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron Miller View Post

    Which god do you mean?
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Larson View Post
    There is only One Aaron.
    I've always been amazed that one religion, with so few members (as compared to the earth's population), condemns the rest of the world's population to eternal hell and damnation if the rest of the world's population does not believe in THEIR one god.

    Otherwise seemingly rational people are made cult-like in that belief and have an urge to convince others that they too much believe the same way.

    All the while the other religions, which have more believers, are looking at those people saying 'they are going to hell because they do not believe as we do'.

    Religious fanatics (and semi-fanatics) need to look in the mirror and take a reality check now and then. Some need it more often that others.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  33. #33
    Michael Larson's Avatar
    Michael Larson Guest

    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post

    From 'the other' Jerry ... have you ever considered, percentage-wise, how many the "Christian Crusades" killed and/or "conquered" (enslaved into their conquerers' beliefs for fear of being killed if they resisted) versus the population at that time?
    Show me the evidence Jerry. Do you have any?

    What about those millions killed under communist regimes?

    And that's before we get to the fascist regimes.

    Have people been killed in the name of religion? Most certainly.

    And forced adherence to a set of beliefs is simply wrong on it's face. Wouldn't you agree?

  34. #34
    Michael Larson's Avatar
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    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    I've always been amazed that one religion, with so few members (as compared to the earth's population), condemns the rest of the world's population to eternal hell and damnation if the rest of the world's population does not believe in THEIR one god.It's not a numbers game Jerry.
    Christians condemn no one. One's beliefs and actions condemn them.
    I don't expect you to understand. Drop me a line off board and I will explain further.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    Otherwise seemingly rational people are made cult-like in that belief and have an urge to convince others that they too much believe the same way.
    I believe and adhere to a very rationale faith. No checking of the brain or intellect at the door.
    Sorry, it's not my job to convince anyone. Only to be a witness.
    Defend the faith yes.
    Convince those who don't believe, no.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    All the while the other religions, which have more believers, are looking at those people saying 'they are going to hell because they do not believe as we do'.
    Jerry, I do not find that at all surprising. Again, it's not a numbers game.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    Religious fanatics (and semi-fanatics) need to look in the mirror and take a reality check now and then. Some need it more often that others.
    Self reflection and examination is a good thing for everyone.

  35. #35
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    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    Take this nonsense offline.

    No one ever wins in these pissing matches; it doesn't matter whose spark started the fire.

  36. #36
    Michael Larson's Avatar
    Michael Larson Guest

    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    Quote Originally Posted by Dom D'Agostino View Post

    Take this nonsense offline.

    No one ever wins in these pissing matches; it doesn't matter whose spark started the fire.
    No argument here. See my post above.

  37. #37
    Aaron Miller's Avatar
    Aaron Miller Guest

    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Larson View Post
    There is only One Aaron.
    You will meet Him some day.
    I hope you're ready.

    So you don't believe that communist regimes are responsible for many millions of murders?

    I gave of coloring books and comic books years ago. How about you?

    I am intimately familiar with communism. My wife came as a child from Bulgaria at the behest of her father. He was a staunch and high member in the communist party in Sofia. Though quite idealistic about his belief system, he was not prepared to allow his daughter to remain in his country to grow up under the influence of a failed ideology. He sent her with her mother to this country while he remained in his.

    Communism was a religion, pure and simple, in which the state was exalted above all others. Like in any other dictatorship, such as Christianity and Islam where all power is embodied in one omnipotent entity or at least the church which purports to be the earthly embodiment of that entity, all manner of atrocities have been (and continue to be) committed throughout history in order for the ruling class to remain at the helm.

    As far as coloring books, I was quite done with them. Then they announced that "W" will build his library near me. Oh, well . . .

    As far as the meeting you predict between me and the real me, it has happened on occasion. The real work consists of visiting that place more often and with less effort. Religion, in whatever form, has not assisted me thus far.

    The quote from Thoreau below alludes to that very thing.


  38. #38
    Michael Larson's Avatar
    Michael Larson Guest

    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron Miller View Post

    I am intimately familiar with communism. My wife came as a child from Bulgaria at the behest of her father. He was a staunch and high member in the communist party in Sofia. Though quite idealistic about his belief system, he was not prepared to allow his daughter to remain in his country to grow up under the influence of a failed ideology. He sent her with her mother to this country while he remained in his.
    Smart man. I congratulate his choice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron Miller View Post
    Communism was a religion, pure and simple, in which the state was exalted above all others. Like in any other dictatorship, such as Christianity and Islam where all power is embodied in one omnipotent entity or at least the church which purports to be the earthly embodiment of that entity, all manner of atrocities have been (and continue to be) committed throughout history in order for the ruling class to remain at the helm.
    Well put with exceptions. I find it interesting that the "environmental movement" shares many of the traits of communism.
    I would pint out that for the most part religion is man's sad attempt to reach God.
    While Christianity in it's purest form is God's design heal the rift between himself and His creation.
    The "directorship" form of government is not part of "Christian" belief.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron Miller View Post
    As far as the meeting you predict between me and the real me, it has happened on occasion. The real work consists of visiting that place more often and with less effort. Religion, in whatever form, has not assisted me thus far.
    I hope you find true peace.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron Miller View Post
    The quote from Thoreau below alludes to that very thing.
    Aaron[/quote]Seems to me a famous president called out Evil in the world and was vilified for it. Do you remember?

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Larson View Post

    Seems to me a famous president called out Evil in the world and was vilified for it. Do you remember?[/quote]

    I do remember that pot(head) calling those kettles black.


  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron Miller View Post
    Seems to me a famous president called out Evil in the world and was vilified for it. Do you remember?
    I do remember that pot(head) calling those kettles black.

    If you are referring to Reagan, please explain.

    If you are referring to Bush, you can explain that too.

  41. #41
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    I was referring to "W", but after all they are closely related.


    Last edited by Aaron Miller; 05-17-2008 at 12:14 PM.

  42. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron Miller View Post

    I was referring to "W", but after all they are closely related.

    So do liberals(progressives) ever use the word "Evil" ?

  43. #43
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    (If there is one thing this job teaches you, it’s that Handyman for God’s People Ministry’s never quite catches up with the "Handyman for Satan's People Ministry’s" work.)

    Last edited by Michael Thomas; 12-31-2007 at 01:42 PM.
    Michael Thomas
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  44. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Larson View Post
    So do liberals(progressives) ever use the word "Evil" ?

    I can't speak with any authority on liberals and progressives. I don't sleep in either camp. As a Judeo-Christian concept it denotes dissociation with god's will. As I do not believe any religion to be valid, I also do not believe in evil as a religious concept.

    Webster's defines it as "arising from actual or reputed bad character or conduct". I'm in agreement with this secular interpretation.

    And, as someone earlier politely suggested. perhaps (or rather certainly) we should take the rest of this off line in order to leave the easily offendable unscathed.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Larson View Post
    While Christianity in it's purest form is God's design heal the rift between himself and His creation.
    As it is with all major religions.

    "Christians" and "Christianity" have nothing over the other religions - EACH religion has its "god", each more powerful than any other religions "god" ... don't believe, just ask a religious person, they will tell you ... hey, wait a minute, how about *your* "god" - is he/she more powerful and omnipotent than other "gods" are the same, and just the one you believe in?

    One does not need to be a "Christian" to do good and believe in good.

    One only needs to be a "good person", whatever their beliefs are ... or are not.

    You can take it off line if you want to, but don't bother sending me off line e-mails about religion ... you think it is bad here ...

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  46. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    As it is with all major religions.

    You can take it off line if you want to, but don't bother sending me off line e-mails about religion ... you think it is bad here ...

    I was suggesting to Michael to take it off line. As for you, I promise you your Internet provider would cancel your service after my first message!


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    My post was directed at Michael.

    This is one of the few (it seems) things we seem to agree on (at least in the big picture as has been posted).

    I've been tempted to answer the door nude when Jehovah's Witnesses come by then invite them in for a discussion about their beliefs and why they think theirs are better than mine - never done it, but real ... r-e-a-l ... tempted to. (I would not want to be responsible for their deaths. )

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  48. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post

    My post was directed at Michael.

    This is one of the few (it seems) things we seem to agree on (at least in the big picture as has been posted).

    I've been tempted to answer the door nude when Jehovah's Witnesses come by then invite them in for a discussion about their beliefs and why they think theirs are better than mine - never done it, but real ... r-e-a-l ... tempted to. (I would not want to be responsible for their deaths. )
    For the sake of God Jerry no please don't. No human or beast could absorb all that nudity at once.
    May god be with you


  49. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post

    My post was directed at Michael.

    This is one of the few (it seems) things we seem to agree on (at least in the big picture as has been posted).

    I've been tempted to answer the door nude when Jehovah's Witnesses come by then invite them in for a discussion about their beliefs and why they think theirs are better than mine - never done it, but real ... r-e-a-l ... tempted to. (I would not want to be responsible for their deaths. )

    OK, I surely hate to admit this, but you're right. We do have a couple of things we can agree on. It's a good thing too or else I would surely doubt the existence of balance in the universe.

    As to the Witness flashing, I can understand that too. There's probably a law even here on the Texas high prairie that prohibits such frightening exhibitions to supposedly innocent bystanders . . .

    If Michael does decide to send you an email regarding religion I hope to whatever deity he believes in that he survives the ordeal.

    Have a Happy New Year,


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    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post

    I've been tempted to answer the door nude when Jehovah's Witnesses come by then invite them in for a discussion about their beliefs and why they think theirs are better than mine -


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  51. #51
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    Question for Aaron and Jerry,

    How does one define "good" ?

    Who's standard of good is valid?

    Are head hunting tribes doing" good" when they kill their neighbors?

    Is the communist doing "good" when he executes a political enemy of the state?

    Is an Islamofacist suicide bomber doing "good" when he blows up a Jewish gathering?

    BTW- please don't answer the door nude. We don't want anyone arrested for public indecency.

    Do non-Christians find it necessary to use vulgar language in their e-mails? Is that a substitute for reasoned debate?

    I'll check back tomorrow as I have some work to complete.

    Y'all have a happy New Year.

    Aaron, Still waiting for your email.

  52. #52
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    Religion and politics. A sure fire way to get people wound up.

  53. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Larson View Post
    Do non-Christians find it necessary to use vulgar language in their e-mails? Is that a substitute for reasoned debate?
    Do "Christians" need to use vulgar language?

    They do. Or at least they say they are "Christians".

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  54. #54
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    Jerry, you know as well as I do a lot of people hide behind their bibles, jesus fish signs, etc. Im sure the majority of them are good decent people that read the bible and pretty much keep to themselves, and try to live a good life to what they have interpreted the bible to say.

    Like other religions, there is a fringe element that have some fairly wild interpretations and think everyone is wrong.

    Excuse me, I think the JWs are knocking on my door.

    Hopefully Brian will pull this thread soon. This thread really has nothing to do with Home Inspection, but I thought I could show my support for you and put in my 2 cents worth.

  55. #55
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    Atheist's of the World Unite

    Glad I could help.

    Brian should pull this thread.

    Just remember who started the fracas.

    Hint: it wasn't Mike.

    I have to go hide behind mama's big ole bible.

  56. #56
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    We are all aetheists because we arent posting our religious views on IN?

    That is absolutely ridiculous. You should be ashamed.

  57. #57
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    Default Re: Handyman for God's People Ministry

    Quote Originally Posted by imported_John Smith View Post
    We are all aetheists because we arent posting our religious views on IN?

    That is absolutely ridiculous. You should be ashamed.
    Who said that?

    I am not ashamed.


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